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When playing in subtlety or outlaw bars 2 and 3 are the exact same bar, when you add/remove an ability from the bar on one spec it also moves it for the other spec.
My assassination spec bars 2 and 3 have their own abilities placed on them.
Not sure if this is actually a sub/outlaw issue or if it's simply the order I activated the specs, this problem is consistently repeatable. I basically cannot use those bars on one spec because it screws up my abilities for the other spec.
I don't have this problem with bars 2 and 3 on other classes. I can freely switch between the 3 specs and the abilities I have placed on those bars switch when I switch specs.
Ok I found out what the problem is, this ONLY happens if you DON'T have your talents saved as a LOADOUT. Once you create a loadout the bars will switch properly!
Not sure if this is a bug or working as intended, regardless it's easy to reproduce in-game but just deleting your talent loadouts and switching specs. I'll leave the ticket open in case this is a bug.
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