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Only started happening in 10.2, procs such as Shadowy Insight & Deathspeaker are not glowing when proc is up.
I already tried turning off my bartender and used the blizz default bars and they are glowing when the spells mentioned above proc.
I'm having the same issue, but only if the spell is macro'd. If using the base spell, I'm getting the glow, but when macro'd (using "#showtooltip <Spell Name>") it doesn't glow.
I'm having the same issue, only with macros. It's affecting both procs and toggleable abilities like Burning Rush.
Spellbook abilities glow when appropriate but macros do not.
Confirmed the macros glow appropriately with default bars.
BT4 v4.14.12
Okay can confirm its only those with macros. My holy nova glows at 20 stacks of rhapsody since its only the base spell I binded. Good to know, just wondering if there is a fix here that can be made from our end.
same problem here looking for a fix, I dont like default ui, my enh has alot of macros and it unplayable atm cuz too many procs I cant see.
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