Cataclsym Classic Ecounter Bar Missing #2245

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  • sneakyturtle2511 created this issue Jun 24, 2024

    While using Bartender4 the ecounter bar seems to be missing not only in the options but when it is needed to pop up. Example of this is Magmaw boss in Blackwing Descent when getting on the boss to use the hook it does not show up. Disabling Bartender4 allows the ecounter bar to work. Other addons such as Dominos don't seem to have this issue. There are also several quest that use the ecounter bar that do not work with Bartender4. Another example of this would be the quest in deepholm called "The Twilight Flight" you hop on a dragon with a new set of buttons as you chase down an npc. Once again the bar is not there using Bartender4 but works with default ui or Dominos. Hopefully this can get addresses as I would much rather use Bartender4 over Dominos. 

  • sneakyturtle2511 added a tag New Jun 24, 2024

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