All Namespaces
- "None" as modifier means its always active, and no modifier is required. Remember to enable Mouse-Over Casting for the individual bars, on the "State Configuration" tab, if you want it to be active for a specific bar.
- |cffff0000WARNING|cffffffff: Pressing the button will reset your complete profile! If you're not sure about this, create a new profile and use that to experiment.
- |cffffff00Click|r to toggle bar lock
- |cffffff00Right-click|r to open the options menu
- Action Bars
- ActionBar Paging
- Advanced
- After disabling the Extra Action Bar, you should reload your UI to fully reset it to vanilla.
- Alignment of the text
- Alpha
- Alternatively, you can also find us on the |cffffff78WoWUIDev Discord|r
- Always Hide
- Anchor
- Anchor point
- Anchor point for this text element
- Anchor X Offset
- Anchor Y Offset
- Apply Preset
- Auto-Assist Casting
- Bag Bar
- Bar %s
- Bar Options
- Bar Paging
- Bar Snapping
- Bar Style & Layout
- Bars for Action Bar related UI elements
- Bars unlocked. Move them now and click Lock when you are done.
- Bartender4
- Bartender4 was written by Nevcairiel of EU-Zirkel des Cenarius. He will accept cookies as compensation for his hard work!
- Blizzard Art
- Blizzard Art Bar
- Blizzard interface
- Bonus Action Bar
- Bonus Bar
- Both
- Bottom
- Bottom Left
- Bottom Right
- Button %s
- Button Grid
- Button Lock
- Button Look
- Button Offset
- Button Tooltip
- Buttons
- Buttons are unlocked. While unlocked, actions will always execute on key release, instead of key press.
- By default this bar is used as the second page of the primary action bar.
- Cannot access options during combat.
- Center
- Center Horizontally
- Center Vertically
- Centers the bar horizontally on screen.
- Centers the bar vertically on screen.
- Change the current anchor point of the bar.
- Choose between the classic WoW layout and two variations
- Choose the ending to the left
- Choose the ending to the right
- Class Bar %d
- Classic
- Classic interface
- Click-Through
- Colors
- Configure actionbar paging when the %s key is down.
- Configure all of Bartender to preset defaults
- Configure Bar %s
- Configure Class Bar %d
- Configure how the Out of Range Indicator should display on the buttons.
- Configure the alpha of the bar.
- Configure the Bonus Action Bar
- Configure the Button Tooltip.
- Configure the Fade Out Alpha
- Configure the Fade Out Delay
- Configure the padding of the buttons.
- Configure the Reputation Bar
- Configure the scale of the bar.
- Configure the Totem Bar
- Configure the XP Bar
- Contains the "Green Eye" when signing up for groups or raids
- Copy Conditionals
- Count
- Create a copy of the auto-generated conditionals in the custom configuration as a base template.
- Custom Conditionals
- Default Bar State
- Direction of the button flyouts on this bar (eg. summon demon/pet)
- Disable any reaction to mouse events on this bar, making the bar click-through.
- Disabled
- Disabled in Combat
- Don't Page
- Down
- Empty button background
- Enable Auto-Assist for this bar. Auto-Assist will automatically try to cast on your target's target if your target is no valid target for the selected spell.
- Enable Bar Switching based on the actionbar controls provided by the game. See Blizzard Key Bindings for assignments - Usually Shift-Mouse Wheel and Shift+1 - Shift+6.
- Enable Mouse-Over Casting for this bar. Mouse-Over Casting will automatically cast onto the unit under your mouse without targeting it, if possible.
- Enable State-based Button Swaping
- Enable the Bag Bar
- Enable the Blizzard Art Bar
- Enable the Extra Action Bar
- Enable the FadeOut mode
- Enable the Micro Menu
- Enable the Pet Bar
- Enable the Queue Status Bar
- Enable the Reputation Bar
- Enable the Stance Bar
- Enable the Status Tracking Bar
- Enable the Totem Bar
- Enable the use of a custom condition, disabling all of the above.
- Enable the use of the Blizzard Vehicle UI, hiding any Bartender4 bars in the meantime.
- Enable the Vehicle Bar
- Enable the XP Bar
- Enable/Disable the bar.
- Enabled
- Extra Action Bar
- Fade Out
- Fade Out Alpha
- Fade Out Delay
- Flyout Direction
- Focus-Cast by modifier
- Focus-Cast Modifier
- Font
- Font Size
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Full Button Mode
- Full reset
- General Settings
- Griffin
- Hide Artwork
- Hide Border
- Hide Equipped Border
- Hide Flyout Background
- Hide Hotkey
- Hide in Combat
- Hide in Stance/Form
- Hide Macro Text
- Hide on Vehicle
- Hide out of Combat
- Hide the background of the spell flyout frame.
- Hide the border around the action button.
- Hide the Extra Action Button artwork.
- Hide the Hotkey on the buttons of this bar.
- Hide the inner border indicating the equipped status on the buttons of this bar.
- Hide the Macro Text on the buttons of this bar.
- Hide this bar in a specific Stance or Form.
- Hide this bar when a override bar is active.
- Hide this bar when the game wants to show a vehicle UI.
- Hide this bar when you are possessing a NPC.
- Hide this bar when you are riding on a vehicle.
- Hide this bar when you have a pet.
- Hide this bar when you have no pet.
- Hide when Possessing
- Hide with Override Bar
- Hide with pet
- Hide with Vehicle UI
- Hide without pet
- Horizontal Growth
- Horizontal growth direction for this bar.
- Hotkey
- Hotkey Mode
- How do I change the Bartender4 Keybindings?
- How many buttons to offset the action to the left. This can be used, for example, to use the same actions on two individual shorter bars (front and back).
- Its simple! Just check the Keyring option in the BagBars configuration menu, and it'll appear next to your bags.
- I've found a bug! Where do I report it?
- Key Bindings
- Keyring
- Layout
- Left
- Left ending
- Lion
- Lock
- Lock all bars.
- Lock the button contents from being dragged off. When locked, actions can still be dragged by holding Shift.
- Macro Text
- Manage the abilities of your trusted companion
- Manages the Backpack and all the extra bags
- Manages the Extra Action Button used in many quests and encounters, as well as Zone specific abilities
- Manages the Micro Menu buttons
- Manages the Stance/Form buttons
- Micro Menu
- Minimap Icon
- Modern
- Modern Art, Classic
- Modern Art, Classic interface
- Modern Blizzard interface
- Modifier Based Switching
- Mouse-Over Casting
- Mouse-Over casting can be limited to be only active when a modifier key is being held down. You can configure the modifier in the global "Bar" Options.
- Mouse-Over Casting Modifier
- My BagBar does not have the Keyring on it, how do i get it back?
- No Display
- No Stance/Form
- None
- Note: Enabling Custom Conditionals will disable all of the above settings!
- NOTE: It is strongly recommended to use Edit Mode to move the Extra Action Bar to avoid any complications in Raid Encounters, and leave the Bartender4 Extra Action Bar disabled.
- NOTE: When the buttons are unlocked, actions will always trigger on key release, instead of key press.
- Number of buttons.
- Number of rows.
- Offset in X direction (horizontal) from the given anchor point.
- Offset in Y direction (vertical) from the given anchor point.
- Once open, simply hover the button you want to bind, and press the key you want to be bound to that button. The keyBound tooltip and on-screen status will inform you about already existing bindings to that button, and the success of your binding attempt.
- One action bar only
- One Bag
- One Bag, Show Reagents
- Only show one Bag Button in the BagBar.
- Out of Mana Indicator
- Out of Range Indicator
- Outline
- Padding
- Page %2d
- Page %2d (%s)
- Pet Bar
- Positioning
- Possess Bar
- Presets
- Queue Status
- Queue Status Bar
- Reputation Bar
- Reset Position
- Reset the position of this bar completly if it ended up off-screen and you cannot reach it anymore.
- Right
- Right ending
- Right-click Self-Cast
- Rows
- Scale
- Select a modifier for Mouse-Over Casting
- Select the color of this element
- Select the Focus-Cast Modifier
- Select the font for this text element
- Select the Self-Cast Modifier
- Select the type of outline
- Self-Cast by modifier
- Self-Cast Modifier
- Set the font size of this element
- Set X offset from the anchor point
- Set Y offset from the anchor point
- Show a Icon to open the config at the Minimap
- Show the keyring button.
- Show the Reagent Bag in One Bag mode
- Smart Target selection
- Specify the Color of the Out of Mana Indicator
- Specify the Color of the Out of Range Indicator
- Stance Bar
- Stance Configuration
- State Configuration
- Status Tracking Bar
- Status Tracking Bar (XP/Rep/...)
- Switch this bar to the Possess Bar when possessing a npc (eg. Mind Control)
- Switch to key-binding mode
- Text Alignment
- Text Color
- Text Style
- The background of button places where no buttons are placed
- The bar default is to be visible all the time, you can configure conditions here to control when the bar should be hidden.
- The Blizzard Art Bar manages the background artwork to re-create a good looking bottom action bar cluster
- The default behaviour of this bar when no state-based paging option affects it.
- The Positioning options here will allow you to position the bar to your liking and with an absolute precision.
- The Status Tracking Bar combines XP/Reputation/Honor into one bar, stacking up to two tracked elements
- The Vehicle Bar contains the "Leave Vehicle" button
- These options allow you to configure the font style and size used for all textual elements of the buttons on this bar.
- These options can automatically select a different target for your spell, based on macro conditions. Note however that they will overrule any target changes from normal macros.
- Thick outline
- Thin outline
- This bar will be hidden once you enter combat.
- This bar will be hidden whenever you are not in combat.
- Three bars stacked
- Three bars stacked (Classic)
- Toggle actions on key press instead of release
- Toggle Button Zoom For more style options you need to install Masque
- Toggle the button grid.
- Toggle the use of the modifier-based focus-cast functionality.
- Toggle the use of the modifier-based self-cast functionality.
- Toggle the use of the right-click self-cast functionality.
- Toggles actions immediately when you press the key, and not only on release. Note that the buttons need to be locked for actions to run on key press.
- Top
- Top Left
- Top Right
- Totem Bar
- Two action bars
- Two bars wide
- Two bars wide (Classic)
- UI Bars
- Up
- Use Blizzard Vehicle UI
- Use Custom Condition
- Use three stacked action bars
- Usually used for druid shapeshift forms, but can be re-used for additional bars on other classes
- Vehicle Bar
- Vertical Button Alignment
- Vertical button alignment for this bar.
- Vertical Growth
- Vertical growth direction for this bar.
- Visibility
- When reporting a bug, make sure you include the |cffffff78steps on how to reproduce the bug|r, supply any |cffffff78error messages|r with stack traces if possible, give the |cffffff78revision number|r of Bartender4 the problem occured in and state whether you are using an |cffffff78English client or otherwise|r.
- Who wrote this cool addon?
- Width
- Width of the Status Bars
- X Offset
- XP Bar
- Y Offset
- You can either click the KeyBound button in the options, or use the |cffffff78/kb|r chat command to open the keyBound control. Alternatively, you can also use the Blizzard Keybinding Interface.
- You can report bugs or give suggestions on the project page at |cffffff78|r or on GitHub at |cffffff78|r
- You can set the bar to be always hidden, if you only wish to access it using key-bindings.
- You can use any macro conditionals in the custom string, using "show" and "hide" as values. Example: [combat]hide;show
- You can use any macro conditionals in the custom string, using the number of the bar as target value. Example: [form:1]9;0
- You can use the preset defaults as a starting point for setting up your interface. Just choose your preferences here and click the button below to reset your profile to the preset default. Note that not all defaults show all bars.
- You have to exit the vehicle in order to be able to change the Vehicle UI settings.
- Zoom
Phrase Key:
Base Namespace
Revision history: