

All Namespaces

  • Auto focus on Quick Join Text box
  • Auto Leave battle ground when game ends in
  • Avg Rank
  • Battle Mini Map unit color
  • BattleInfo
  • BattleInfo Loaded
  • Button may not work properly during combat
  • Cannot find battleground %s
  • CTRL+Hide=Leave
  • Feedback
  • Flash Icon taskbar when battle ground is ready to join
  • Quick select
  • Replace Enter Battle Button with count down
  • Replace Hide Button with CTRL+Hide=Leave
  • Reset score bar position
  • Reset win rate statistics data
  • Show Alterac Valley score bar created by BattleInfo
  • Show Battleground time elapsed
  • Show Spirit heal AE Timer
  • Show statistics panel
  • Show team number next to faction crest
  • Spirit heal AE in: %s Secs
  • Spirit heal AE: not dead
  • Spirit healing ...
  • Waiting for Bunker/Tower to be destroyed, stopping auto-leave
  • Win rate
  • World State Score panel class color

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