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UploadedAug 11, 2009
Size681.53 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 3.2.0
r221 | angelike | 2009-08-11 07:40:55 +0000 (Tue, 11 Aug 2009) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/.pkgmeta
M /trunk/beql.lua
M /trunk/embeds.xml
M /trunk/options3.0.lua
M /trunk/questlog.lua
M /trunk/tooltip.lua
M /trunk/tracker.lua
- fix progress to chat
- add lib for addonn comm.
- fix tracker dragging issue
r220 | angelike | 2009-08-10 03:43:45 +0000 (Mon, 10 Aug 2009) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk
M /trunk/.pkgmeta
M /trunk/FuBar_beqlFu/FuBar_beqlFu.toc
M /trunk/FuBar_beqlFu/beqlfu.lua
M /trunk/FuBar_beqlFu/embeds.xml
M /trunk/beql.lua
M /trunk/beql.toc
M /trunk/options3.0.lua
M /trunk/questlog.lua
M /trunk/tracker.lua
- fix saving data bitween sessions
- fubar plugin is back
- some other small changes
r219 | angelike | 2009-08-07 22:42:17 +0000 (Fri, 07 Aug 2009) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk
M /trunk/FuBar_beqlFu/FuBar_beqlFu.toc
M /trunk/beql.lua
M /trunk/embeds.xml
M /trunk/locales
M /trunk/locales/localization-cn.lua
M /trunk/locales/localization-de.lua
M /trunk/locales/localization-es.lua
M /trunk/locales/localization-fr.lua
M /trunk/locales/localization-hu.lua
M /trunk/locales/localization-ko.lua
M /trunk/locales/localization-mx.lua
M /trunk/locales/localization-ru.lua
M /trunk/locales/localization-tw.lua
M /trunk/questlog.lua
- lang update
- fix loading bug
r218 | angelike | 2009-08-07 02:11:17 +0000 (Fri, 07 Aug 2009) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/.pkgmeta
A /trunk/FuBar_beqlFu
A /trunk/FuBar_beqlFu/FuBar_beqlFu.toc
A /trunk/FuBar_beqlFu/Libs
A /trunk/FuBar_beqlFu/beqlfu.lua
A /trunk/FuBar_beqlFu/embeds.xml
A /trunk/Titanbeql
A /trunk/Titanbeql/beqltitan.lua
A /trunk/Titanbeql/beqltitan.xml
M /trunk/achievement.lua
M /trunk/beql.lua
M /trunk/beql.toc
M /trunk/embeds.xml
M /trunk/extra/goodies.lua
M /trunk/extra/questhistory.lua
M /trunk/locales/localization-cn.lua
M /trunk/locales/localization-de.lua
M /trunk/locales/localization-es.lua
M /trunk/locales/localization-fr.lua
M /trunk/locales/localization-ko.lua
M /trunk/locales/localization-mx.lua
M /trunk/locales/localization-ru.lua
M /trunk/locales/localization-tw.lua
M /trunk/locales/localization.lua
M /trunk/options.lua
M /trunk/options3.0.lua
M /trunk/questlog.lua
M /trunk/tooltip.lua
M /trunk/tracker.lua
!this is not final!
convert from ace2 to ace3
update to 3.2
r217 | angelike | 2009-08-02 14:18:44 +0000 (Sun, 02 Aug 2009) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/beql.lua
M /trunk/tooltip.lua
beql: - hopefully solve Auctioneer and Item tool tip
r216 | angelike | 2009-08-02 00:03:31 +0000 (Sun, 02 Aug 2009) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/beql.lua
M /trunk/tooltip.lua
M /trunk/tracker.lua
beql: - Fix tooltip and the TipTac issue ;)
r215 | angelike | 2009-07-29 13:25:17 +0000 (Wed, 29 Jul 2009) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/beql.lua
M /trunk/options.lua
M /trunk/options3.0.lua
M /trunk/tooltip.lua
M /trunk/tracker.lua
- fix tooltip (experimental)
- fix tracker lock/unlock problem
r214 | angelike | 2009-07-26 17:47:36 +0000 (Sun, 26 Jul 2009) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/beql.lua
M /trunk/beql.toc
beql: - tag as 1.0.8
r213 | angelike | 2009-07-18 12:41:12 +0000 (Sat, 18 Jul 2009) | 5 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/beql.lua
M /trunk/beql.toc
M /trunk/options.lua
M /trunk/options3.0.lua
M /trunk/questlog.lua
M /trunk/tooltip.lua
M /trunk/tracker.lua
beql: tagged as 1.0.8 beta
- fix dead spot problem
- fix error on load (line 141 and line 357)
r212 | angelike | 2009-07-15 02:30:28 +0000 (Wed, 15 Jul 2009) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/beql.lua
M /trunk/options3.0.lua
M /trunk/questlog.lua
M /trunk/tooltip.lua
M /trunk/tracker.lua
beql: for changes, please see http://forums.wowace.com/showthread.php?p=282943#post282943
r211 | angelike | 2009-07-10 05:55:13 +0000 (Fri, 10 Jul 2009) | 21 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/beql.lua
M /trunk/options.lua
M /trunk/options3.0.lua
M /trunk/questlog.lua
M /trunk/tooltip.lua
M /trunk/tracker.lua
- Zonesorting works
- zoneheadlines are back
- automatic width/height for tracker now working
- sound complete issue now completly fixed
- Tracker is now enable/disable on the fly (no ReloadUI)
Not Working for the moment:
- Achievement Tracker (disabled)
- Tooltips (disabled)
- Custom Zone colors
- Custom Quest colors
- Quest progress colores
- and many more ...
Known bugs:
- no Lua errors known
Please do not change Code in tracker.lua I'm not finished yet!