Shadowlands: SetBackdrop fails #65

  • Samnthar created this issue Jul 26, 2020

    Bazooka.lua line 1250:
    attempt to call method 'SetBackdrop' (a nil value)

    ShadowedUnitFrames may provide a solution

  • jf647 posted a comment Sep 21, 2020

    This can be fixed by changing line 824 of Bazooka.lua from this:


            self.frame = CreateFrame("Frame", "BazookaBar_" .. id, UIParent)
    to this:
            self.frame = CreateFrame("Frame", "BazookaBar_" .. id, UIParent, "BackdropTemplate")
    I haven't fully exercised things, but that change makes my bars come up and the options dialog works properly.  I can enable/disable plugins - so far so good.
  • Elvenbane posted a comment Sep 23, 2020

    Line 724 not 824

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