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After the pre-patch I noticed my buff frame moving up to the top of the screen. I narrowed it down to when SexyMap was also loaded.
I don't Anchor any Bazooka bars to the screen, so from what I understand Bazooka won't do anything to adjust the frames. However LibJostle seems to be moving things by itself.
My solution was to disable LibJostle from checking the MinimapCluster, which makes the buff frame stay in its original position.
I contacted the Owner of SexyMap which you can see here. The owners opinion was that SexyMap isn't doing anything to cause the buff frame to move.
In SexyMap it hides the MinimapBorderTop:Hide().
In LibJostle from Line 437 it has a block of code to set the offset.
if frame == MinimapCluster and not MinimapBorderTop:IsShown() then offset = offset + MinimapBorderTop:GetHeight() * 3/5 cont...
This is what causes the buff frames to be out of position.
This is also happening with the Chinchilla minimap addon.
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