Bazooka is a Data Broker Display similar in functionality and looks to FuBar.
Feature highlights
- Top/Bottom alignment or free moving of bars.
- Left-click drag moves, alt-right-click drag resizes the bar (unless the frames are locked).
- Drag-and-drop plugin placement with highlighted drop positions.
- Configurable background / font / icon size.
- The usual options for data broker displays (show text/icon/label, optionally show title in place of label if it's missing).
- Support of iconCoords and icon[RGB] (TomTom arrow, for example).
- Left / Center-Left / Center / Center-Right / Right placement position for plugins within bars, allowing easy layout of plugins. Plugins placed in the Center area are centered as a bunch.
- Optional auto-fade while in combat / out of combat.
- Optionally disable mouse / tooltips.
- Optional simple tooltips (just show title if Alt is held while moving the mouse pointer over the plugin).
- Optional highlight on mouseover for the active plugin.
- Load-on-demand configuration options, small memory footprint for "standard" operation.
- Bulk mode configuration that allows configuring multiple bars/plugins easily.
- Restrict plugin text width
- Disable minimap icons
- Tooltip scale override
- Support for OnMouseWheel, OnReceiveDrag and OnDoubleClick script handlers for plugins
- Optionally override plugin defined text colors
Getting started
- Create new bars from the main options window
- Drag plugins to desired location
- Drag plugins off bars to disable them
- Dragging bars while holding Alt will change their attached/detached state. Otherwise top/bottom bars will snap back to top or bottom depending on where you drop them.
Using the bulk configuration (standard method)
- Uncheck Auto-apply.
- Check the bars/plugins you want the settings to apply to.
- Check Apply next to the settings you want to change, and set them to the value you need.
- Click Apply at the bottom of the options. The changes you selected will be applied to all selected bars/plugins at this point.
Using the bulk configuration (auto-apply method)
- Check Auto-apply.
- Check the bars/plugins you want the settings to apply to.
- Change the settings (or click the Apply text next to them if their current value is the one you want). The changes will be applied immediately to all selected bars/plugins.
Slash commands
- Open configuration.
/bazooka locked
- Toggle locked/unlocked state.
/bazooka hidebars
- Make the bars hidden. If no bar numbers are specified, then it works on the marked bars (see bar options).
/bazooka showbars
- Make the bars visible. If no bar numbers are specified, then it works on the marked bars (see bar options).
/bazooka togglebars
- Toggle hidden/visible state of bars. If no bar numbers are specified, then it works on the marked bars (see bar options).
Obtaining plugins
You can find Data Broker plugins at these places:
- Data Broker plugins on Curse
- Data Broker plugins on WowAce
- Data Broker plugins on WoWInterface
- Tekkub's list
I have a minor issue with Bazooka, my top bar is set with fade in combat and fade out of combat so when I'm out of combat and I right click on the bar it opens the options and I would like to have an option to disable this behaviour completely, in fact I think you should remove it completely. :)
I can't disable the mouse out of combat because then whenever I'll hover the bar it won't show up, so as a quick fix I just disabled it completely by comment it out in the code, like so:
I don't know whether you make additional calls to it and I didn't have time to dig into this so I just commented the body of the function.
I'll think about adding an option for this. Could you open a ticket? If it gets some votes, it'll be more likely to get implemented :) (tbh, your use-case is probably not that common...)
Okay, I'll do it.
Yeah, it might be not that common but it does make a lot of sense to add this option, in fact like I said in my opinion it should be removed, if people want to open the option of Bazooka, they can enable the plugin for it or go directly to it through the command or GameMenu >> Interface, there's no reason at all to right click on the bar and have it open the options, this behaviour is a blocker for me.
So for now I'll just workaround it and do this on ADDON_LOADED. :)
Again, posting it for anyone else who wants the same behaviour as me.
Anyway, thank you.
I am having a problem with the bar. I think it is broken because all of the addon icons no longer work. They cannot be clicked or hovered over. Furthermore, the addons that display data on the bar no longer do that. Nothing I have done has seemed to fix this bug. Please help!
Please try installing some bug-grabbing addon (like BugGrabber/BugSack and check if you have any errors with your addons. This issue is most likely caused by some other addon, so you can also try disabling all other addons and see if Bazooka is still broken, then enable your addons one-by-one until you find the one breaking stuff.
Was just on the beta and there is an issue with the Bazooka bar and class order halls.
In the order halls area, a bar is added at the top and it completely covers the Bazooka bar.
But maybe it gets fixed too, when hopefully find out what the problem is in LibJostle :)
Regarding LibJostle, take a look at LibJostle in this:
I think he fixed the "Move stuff when teleporting" problem.
Still doesn't fix the order halls problem though.
Just tested on beta again.
The new version works great, incl. the option to turn order halls bar off :)
I found out how to recreate the bug with the minimap, buffs and target portrait not moving below the Bazooka bar.
When you start up or do a reloadui, everything is fine.
But when you take a teleport, like hearthstones, the UI gets messed up and the items are not moved down.
I hope someone got the skills to fix it :)
I seen that problem since the latest update. I have put a ticket on the project site. No reply yet thou.
I'll have to take a look at LibJostle once I get back from vacation. This is the addon responsible for moving the various Blizzard frames, and it hasn't been updated in a while now, guess this patch broke it a bit...
thanks for update :D
Not sure if it's Bazooka's problem, but the minimap and buffs are no longer moved down below the Bazooka bar in 7.0.
The bar now partly covers the buffs.
it seems to work for me after about 10 seconds after loading.
Doesn't work for me anymore, The minimap/buffs stay up behind the Bazooka bar.
EDIT: I actually got a few chars, where it IS working, so I'm guessing that it must be some sort of addon conflict that prevents the moving on certain chars.
Works for me on my own unit frame, but not a targeted unit.
Is there any problem with aura frame? It seems that Bazooka does not push the auras lower while having no problem with for example user frames. So all my buffs are half under top bar. "Adjust frames" toggled.
The frame adjustment is handled by LibJostle, which has not been updated for a while now, it's possible that the aura frames are not handled correctly. Try using an aura frame replacement that lets you move the auras.
Im trying to customize the width of the bar but its greyed out for some reason. Anyone have any suggestions? When I had Mayron UI when i created a new bar I could resize the width and height to my liking but since im creating my own ui from scratch cant figure out why i cant get the same way
The first bar you create is anchored to the top by default, and anchored bars have a fixed witdth (full screen width). Detach the bar (change anchor position to None, or alt-drag the bar), then you can change the width.
You can also change the size of an ancored bar with the "tweak position" settings, but that's not really meant for large adjustments.
Since yesterday I've been getting a memory error message with Bazooka and 2 other addons, Bagnon and Bindpad. If I try to load any one of those I get a message that I don't have enough memory and to disable some addons. All my other addons seem to work fine.