Fancy up the default AddOn List! Inspired by ACP by sylvanaar and it predecessors.
BetterAddonList has the following enhancements:
- Search!
- Move the panel.
- Create sets that allow you to quickly enable or disable groups of addons. Including multiple sets in one allows you to create base sets of addons for enabling across multiple characters.
- Shift-click the check box to "protect" an addon, preventing it from getting disabled.
- Enabled addons with missing or disabled dependencies are shown in red.
- Load AddOn button is always shown for unloaded load on demand addons.
- See how much memory enabled addons are using.
Slash Commands
- show the addon list, /bal
and /acp
can also be used
/addons load [set]
- enable only the addons in a set, other addons are disabled
/addons enable [set]
- enable addons in a set
/addons disable [set]
- disable addons in a set
/addons save [set]
- save all enabled addons to a set
/addons delete [set]
- delete a set
/addons disableall
- disable all addons
/addons reset
- Reset addons to what was enabled at login
Protected addons will never be disabled.
Memory usage, each box is ~2mb
1x BetterAddonList\BetterAddonList-1.0.16.lua:646: AddOn index must be in the range of 1 to 206
[string "=[C]"]: in function `GetAddOnInfo'
[string "@BetterAddonList\BetterAddonList-1.0.16.lua"]:646: in function `AddonTooltip_Update'
[string "@SharedXML\AddonList.lua"]:465: in function `AddonListScrollFrame_OnVerticalScroll'
[string "*:OnVerticalScroll"]:1: in function <[string "*:OnVerticalScroll"]:1>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `SetVerticalScroll'
[string "@SharedXML\SecureUIPanelTemplates.lua"]:64: in function <SharedXML\SecureUIPanelTemplates.lua:63>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `SetValue'
[string "@SharedXML\SharedUIPanelTemplates.lua"]:218: in function <SharedXML\SharedUIPanelTemplates.lua:212>
(*temporary) = 0
Disable addon manager skinning in ElvUI
In reply to nebula169:
I don't use it lol
> Bugged with ElvUI
In reply to nebula169:
Ayo, It was half mount ago, I DON'T USE IT anymore
Well shit, you're still using something that is messing with the addon list. I added a fix so it shouldn't error on mouseover anymore, but I imagine if you use search/filtering the list will probably still be weird/not update as it should
Bugged with ElvUI
Why I can't turn off this addon?
Would be nice to have a option to hide some things
Any 9.2.5 update?
hi there,
trying to make a one-action macro to change from one set to another. i need help! my macro so far:
/reloadui is executed too fast and the call /addons load set1 does not execute. either i need a delay maybe on the reloadui term or else
In reply to Morwo01:
I’m using this in an OPie/M6 macro all day long and it works fine:
(For a “normal” Blizz macro you might have to remove lines 2 to 4.)
Any chance you'd be interested in uploading the addon to Wago?
In reply to DomDashSix:
I second this motion! Would love to see the addon on either github or wago or wowinterface aswell! :)
(That way we can use it with other clients such as WoW-Up)
In reply to candlesss:
I come to humbly request Wrath Classic support as well!
Any Update for Patch 9.1?
Do you have any plans for an update / version for BC Classic? Thanks!
The selection to change the addons for "all" does not seem to work anymore.
They just get en- or disabled for the character not matter whats selected in the dropdown.
Looking forward to an update for the tbc