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What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?An option where you do not have to click the BigBrother Icon in order to show the addon.Please provide any additional information below.I've managed to edit the Window LUA so it will match my UI, but one fustrating issue is, the addon does not load on game log in, you must always push the icon in order for the addon to be displayed, if you could just let me know where and what to add so this happens, this addon would be perfect addition to my UI. I run WoW at 5760x1080 acrossed 3 monitors and have plenty of space for this.
Thank you in advanced.
<p>This UI is a work in progress, but BigBrother is off to the left bottom box.</p>
After trial and error, quick and easy fix:
After Line 685 of BigBrother.lua add
Fixed myself:
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