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Please, we need an upgrade for BFA.
2nd that
well, here's a very poor attempt at an update for BFA. i got it functioning and have restored buff checks (including printing them to chat)
an attempt was made to add vantus runes for uldir
added the new augment rune
tried to add as many food buffs as possible
i wouldn't mind anyone reporting issues here i will try to fix
edit: i just realized a chunk of this will not work. readycheck will be working for now though. update will be posted later tonight or tomorrow.
edit2: just posted a new much more usable update (and a toggle to report abilities made by the player)
edit3: another update, i would love to hear about what does not work now
Thanks a lot it works for me.
However, I don’t’ play too much right now to tell you what options does not work yet, maybe someone else?
Thanks very much for the work. As a raid leader, I relied on it to double-check buffs, track misdirects, and most of all, figure out who broke CC. I'll let you know if any of these doesn't work.
All work fine. Possible one addition? Who cast Bloodlust/Timewarp/Heroism?
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