Checks Raid Buffs, Flasks, Auras and Consumables, and displays them in a compact format.
Provides tunable raid alerts to chat about taunts, threat misdirects, cc breakage, rezzes, dispells, and cast interrupts.
Fully compatible with WoD v6.x
Supports all languages. Apply localization updates here
Bug reports and feature requests - bug reports in comments will be deleted.
However I think there may be a memory leak somewhere. Everytime i bring the buff check frame, my frame rate plummits. As soon as I close the frame, I am back up to normal. Any ideas?
bump? Any news as to an update on this addon?
/script BigBrother:QuickCheck("RAID")
local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.2"):new("BigBrother")
L:RegisterTranslations("zhTW", function() return { ["Flask Check"] = "詳細檢查", ["Checks for flasks, elixirs and food buffs."] = "詳細檢查精煉/藥劑/食物 buffs",
["Quick Check"] = "快速檢查", ["A quick report that shows who does not have flasks, elixirs or food."] = "快速檢查回報誰沒有藥水/藥劑/食物 buffs",
["Self"] = "自己", ["Reports result only to yourself."] = "只對自己報告結果",
["Party"] = "隊伍", ["Reports result to your party."] = "在隊伍報告結果",
["Raid"] = "團隊", ["Reports result to your raid."] = "在團隊報告結果",
["Guild"] = "公會", ["Reports result to guild chat."] = "在公會報告結果",
["Officer"] = "公會管理", ["Reports result to officer chat."] = "在公會管理報告結果",
["Whisper"] = "密語", ["Reports result to the currently targeted individual."] = "選定目標密語報告結果",
["Reports if and which player breaks crowd control effects (like polymorph, shackle undead, etc.) on enemies."] = "報告是誰打了被控場的敵人",
["Misdirect"] = "誤導", ["Reports who gains misdirection."] = "報告誰獲得誤導",
["BuffCheck"] = "狀態檢查", ["Pops up a window to check various raid/elixir buffs (drag the bottom to resize)."] = "顯示一個視窗檢查各種團隊/藥水 buffs (拖曳底部可以控制大小)",
["Settings"] = "設定", ["Mod Settings"] = "設定模組", ["Raid Groups"] = "團隊隊伍", ["Set which raid groups are checked for buffs"] = "設定哪些隊伍檢查 buffs", ["Group 1"] = "隊伍 1", ["Group 2"] = "隊伍 2", ["Group 3"] = "隊伍 3", ["Group 4"] = "隊伍 4", ["Group 5"] = "隊伍 5", ["Group 6"] = "隊伍 6", ["Group 7"] = "隊伍 7", ["Group 8"] = "隊伍 8",
["Checks"] = "檢查", ["Set whether Flasks, Elixirs and Food are included in flaskcheck/quickcheck"] = "在詳細檢查/快速檢查設定是否檢查精煉、藥劑和食物 buffs", ["Flasks"] = "精煉", ["Elixirs"] = "藥劑", ["Food Buffs"] = "食物 buffs",
["No Flask"] = "沒精煉藥劑", ["No Flask or Elixir"] = "沒精煉或藥劑", ["Only One Elixir"] = "只有一種藥劑", ["Well Fed"] = "充分進食", ["\"Well Fed\""] = "「沉醉」", ["Enlightened"] = "啟發", ["Electrified"] = "負電", ["No Food Buff"] = "沒吃食物",
["%s cast %s on %s"] = "%s 施放了 %s 至 %s 身上", ["Polymorph/Misdirect Output"] = "變形術/誤導資訊提示", ["Set where the polymorph/misdirect output is sent"] = "設置將變形術/誤導資訊發送至何處", ["Polymorph"] = "變形術", ["Shackle"] = "束縛不死生物", ["Hibernate"] = "休眠", ["%s on %s removed by %s's %s"] = "%s (%s)被 %s 的 %s 移除了", ["%s on %s removed by %s"] = "%s (%s)被 %s 移除了", ["CC on %s removed too frequently. Throttling announcements."] = "CC 在 %s 被移除過於頻繁. 關閉訊息發送",
["Raid Buffs"] = "團隊 buffs", ["Paladin Buffs"] = "聖騎 buffs", ["Consumables"] = "消耗品",
Consumables 消耗品/精煉 ["Flask of Supreme Power"] = "超級能量精煉藥劑", ["Shattrath Flask of Mighty Restoration"] = "撒塔斯強力恢復精煉藥劑", ["Shattrath Flask of Fortification"] = "撒塔斯防禦壁壘精煉藥劑", ["Shattrath Flask of Relentless Assault"] = "撒塔斯無情攻擊精煉藥劑", ["Shattrath Flask of Supreme Power"] = "撒塔斯極效法傷精煉藥劑", ["Shattrath Flask of Pure Death"] = "撒塔斯純淨死亡精煉藥劑", ["Shattrath Flask of Blinding Light"] = "撒塔斯盲目之光精煉藥劑",Battle Elixirs 作戰藥劑 ["Fel Strength Elixir"] = "魔化力量藥劑", ["Onslaught Elixir"] = "猛擊藥劑", ["Elixir of Major Strength"] = "極效力量藥劑", ["Elixir of Major Agility"] = "極效敏捷藥劑", ["Elixir of Mastery"] = "精通藥劑", ["Elixir of Major Firepower"] = "極效火焰之力藥劑", ["Elixir of Major Shadow Power"] = "極效暗影之力藥劑", ["Elixir of Major Frost Power"] = "極效冰霜之力藥劑", ["Elixir of Healing Power"] = "治療能量藥劑", ["Elixir of the Mongoose"] = "貓鼬藥劑", ["Elixir of Greater Firepower"] = "強效火力藥劑", ["Bloodberry Elixir"] = "血莓藥劑",WotLK ["Wrath Elixir"] = "憤怒藥劑", ["Spellpower Elixir"] = "法術能量藥劑", ["Guru's Elixir"] = "古拉的藥劑", ["Elixir of Protection"] = "保護藥劑", ["Elixir of Mighty Strength"] = "強力力量藥劑", ["Elixir of Mighty Agility"] = "強力敏捷藥劑", ["Elixir of Lightning Speed"] = "電光速度藥劑", ["Elixir of Expertise"] = "熟練藥劑", ["Elixir of Deadly Strikes"] = "致命之擊藥劑", ["Elixir of Armor Piercing"] = "穿甲藥劑", ["Elixir of Accuracy"] = "精準藥劑",Guardian Elixirs 守護藥劑 ["Elixir of Major Defense"] = "極效防禦藥劑", ["Elixir of Superior Defense"] = "超強防禦藥劑", ["Elixir of Major Mageblood"] = "極效魔血藥劑", ["Mageblood Potion"] = "魔血藥水", ["Elixir of Greater Intellect"] = "強效聰穎藥劑", ["Elixir of Empowerment"] = "活效藥劑",WotLK ["Elixir of Spirit"] = "精神藥劑", ["Elixir of Mighty Thoughts"] = "強力思緒藥劑", ["Elixir of Mighty Mageblood"] = "強力法師之血藥劑", ["Elixir of Mighty Fortitude"] = "強力堅韌藥劑", ["Elixir of Mighty Defense"] = "強力防禦藥劑", } end)Have had the same problem with BigBrother not finding Flask of the North and set about searching spellid and whatnot since the author seems missing in action since may..
You need to add one line in the file SpellData.lua in the BigBrother folder.. Ive tested it against the Spellpwr % AP versions of the flaskbuff, so I'm just assuming that it will work for the Strength version as well. If it doesn't please let me know..
Also found & corrected some errors with spellid's for some of the other flasks, so the whole file will look like so, copypaste all text between the 2 " & just update your file.
-- All SpellIDs go here
BigBrother_SpellData = {}
BigBrother_SpellData.foods = {
35272, -- Well Fed
44106, -- "Well Fed" from Brewfest
43730, -- Electrified
43722, -- Enlightened
BigBrother_SpellData.flasks = {
17626, -- 17626 Flask of the Titans
17627, -- 17627 Flask of Distilled Wisdom
17628, -- 17628 Flask of Supreme Power
17629, -- 17629 Flask of Chromatic Resistance
28518, -- 28518 Flask of Fortification
28519, -- 28519 Flask of Mighty Restoration
28520, -- 28520 Flask of Relentless Assault
28521, -- 28521 Flask of Blinding Light
28540, -- 28540 Flask of Pure Death
33053, -- 33053 Mr. Pinchy's Blessing
42735, -- 42735 Flask of Chromatic Wonder
40567, -- 40567 Unstable Flask of the Bandit
40568, -- 40568 Unstable Flask of the Elder
40572, -- 40572 Unstable Flask of the Beast
40573, -- 40573 Unstable Flask of the Physician
40575, -- 40575 Unstable Flask of the Soldier
40576, -- 40576 Unstable Flask of the Sorcerer
41608, -- 41608 Relentless Assault of Shattrath
41609, -- 41609 Fortification of Shattrath
41610, -- 41610 Mighty Restoration of Shattrath
41611, -- 41611 Sureme Power of Shattrath
46837, -- 46837 Pure Death of Shattrath
46839, -- 46839 Blinding Light of Shattrath
-- Flask WotLK
53755, -- 53755 Flask of the Frost Wyrm
53758, -- 53758 Flask of Stoneblood
54212, -- 54212 Flask of Pure Mojo
53760, -- 53760 Flask of Endless Rage
62380, -- 62380 Lesser Flask of Resistance
53752, -- 53752 Lesser Flask of Toughness
67019, -- 67019 Flask of the North
BigBrother_SpellData.elixirGuardian = {
-- Classic Wow
11348, -- 11348 Greater Armor
11396, -- 11396 Greater Intellect
24363, -- 24363 Mana Regeneration
-- Burning Crusade
28502, -- 28502 Major Armor
28509, -- 28509 Greater Mana Regeneration
28514, -- 28514 Empowerment
39625, -- 39625 Elixir of Major Fortitude
39627, -- 39627 Elixir of Draenic Wisdom
39628, -- 39628 Elixir of Ironskin
39637, -- 39637 Earthen Elixir
-- WotLK
53747, -- 53747 Elixir of Spirit
60347, -- 60347 Elixir of Mighty Thoughts
53764, -- 53764 Elixir of Mighty Mageblood
53751, -- 53751 Elixir of Mighty Fortitude
60343, -- 60343 Elixir of Mighty Defense
BigBrother_SpellData.elixirBattle = {
-- Classic Wow
11390, -- 11390 Arcane Elixir
11406, -- 11406 Elixir of Demonslaying
17538, -- 17538 Elixir of the Mongoose
17539, -- 17539 Greater Arcane Elixir
-- Burning Crusade
28490, -- 28490 Major Strength
28491, -- 28491 Healing Power
28493, -- 28493 Major Frost Power
28501, -- 28501 Major Firepower
28503, -- 28503 Major Shadow Power
33720, -- 33720 Onslaught Elixir
33721, -- 33721 Spellpower Elixir
33726, -- 33726 Elixir of Mastery
38954, -- 38954 Fel Strength Elixir
45373, -- 45373 Bloodberry
54452, -- 54452 Adept's Elixir
54494, -- 54494 Major Agility
-- WotLK
53746, -- 53746 Wrath Elixir
53749, -- 53749 Guru's Elixir
53763, -- 53763 Elixir of Protection
53748, -- 53748 Elixir of Mighty Strength
28497, -- 53748 Elixir of Mighty Agility
60346, -- 60346 Elixir of Lightning Speed
60344, -- 60344 Elixir of Expertise
60341, -- 60341 Elixir of Deadly Strikes
60345, -- 60345 Elixir of Armor Piercing
60340, -- 60340 Elixir of Accuracy
BigBrother_SpellData.elixirs = {}
for i,v in ipairs(BigBrother_SpellData.elixirBattle) do
table.insert(BigBrother_SpellData.elixirs, v)
for i,v in ipairs(BigBrother_SpellData.elixirGuardian) do
table.insert(BigBrother_SpellData.elixirs, v)
BigBrother_SpellData.ccspells = {
118, -- Polymorph
9484, -- Shackle Undead
18658, -- Hibernate
14309, -- Freezing Trap Effect
60210, -- Freezing Arrow Effect
6770, -- Sap
20066, -- Repentance
5782, -- Fear
2094, -- Blind
51514, -- Hex
The file you need to edit is called SpellData.lua and is probably located here >
driveletter:\Games\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\BigBrother
Happy hunting,
But ofc you never know =)
Open the file named BuffWindow.lua
Find and edit the following lines,
{{spellData(1243)},{spellData(21562)},{spellData(69377)}}, -- 1243 Power Word: Fortitude, 21562 Prayer of Fortitude, 69377 Fortitude
{{spellData(1126)},{spellData(21849)},{spellData(69381)}}, -- 1126 Mark of the Wild, 21849 Gift of the Wild, 69381 Gift of the Wild
{{spellData(20217)},{spellData(25898)},{spellData(69378)}}, -- 20217 Blessing of Kings, 25898 Greater Blessing of Kings, 69378 Blessing of Forgotten Kings
Happy hunting c",)
[2009/08/27 12:11:11-3270-x1]: BigBrother-v3.0.4-Release\BigBrother.lua:547: attempt to concatenate local 'srcname' (a nil value)