After every patch there are often a variety of bugs that crop up in the WoW UI. Many of them go largely unnoticed by users. AddOn authors have often made small addons to fix these problems. This addon intends to create a single installation for users that include whatever fixes the community can come up with for UI problems. As new issues and workarounds are discovered they will be added. As old issues get fixed they will be removed. Users benefit by having a single addon they can just keep updated to get the fixes. Blizzard benefits by having a single addon to look for our workarounds to their problems and hopefully things get fixed sooner.
Current fixes include:
- Fix an error when shift-clicking on category names in the tradeskill recipe list (new in 7.0)
- Fix an error when mousing over the Nameplate Motion Type dropdown in Interface Options (new in 7.0)
- Fix an error when scrolling the in-game addon list
- Fix the addon list sometimes incorrectly toggling the enable state of addons for other characters
- Fix the missing bonus area effects on the garrison shipyard map in non-English locales
- Fix the Interface Options window not always opening to the requested addon's options panel
- Fix taint caused by the Chat Frames use of UIFrameFlash (LibChatAnims)
- Fix the German localization using a whole word for the one-letter "day" abbreviation
- Fix the pet journal team buttons not being clickable to link a pet into chat
Previous fixes have included:
Fix category labels in the Interface Options and other windows wrapping and overlapping(Fixed in 6.2.2)Fix the German localization using the same word for the "Uncommon" and "Rare" item qualities(Fixed in 6.1)Fix the error in Traditonal Chinese clients that occurs inwhen the guild UI is first loaded(Fixed in 6.1)Fix the DEATH popup showing when reloading the UI even if you aren't dead(Fixed in 5.4)Fix reagent buttons in the TradeSkillUI not providing links when shift-clicked(Fixed in 5.3)Fix the PlayerTalentFame is nil error with the GlyphUI(Fixed in 5.2)Fix the poiButton error when opening the the map(Fixed in 5.0.4, possibly earlier)Fix whisper menu options and chat links for cross-realm players in LFR and BGs(Fixed in 5.0.4, possibly earlier)Block the exploit that allows AddOns from getting your Real Name from the Real ID system(Hotfixed on July 10th, 2010. BNSendWhisper now shows character name when whispering yourself.)Fix the buttons for DropDown Menu items being behind the background, making it impossible to click them (only happens to submenus and usually only for ones with a large number of menu items).(Fixed by 4.0.1)Fix for minimap ping not updating as you move making the ping appear to move locations as you move.(Fixed by 4.0.1)
Criteria for inclusion of a fix:
- Be identifiable as a bug as opposed to an intentional design. We will use the FrameXML source code to help determine this and the behavior of the UI to help determine Blizzard's intentions.
- Be transparent for users and not break any other UI element or addon (exception being malicious addons taking advantage of Blizzard UI bugs).
- Not require configuration options. If it's something some people might not want, it's not a candidate for inclusion.
The purpose of these criteria is to limit the fixes to things that everyone universally will want.
@Freydis88, the addon should be updated to fix that. It's not really a Blizzard bug that they changed the API when doing a massive overhaul of the chat system.
Since the latest patch, it is not possible to link items or recipes to the chat anymore, when running certain addons, for example Advanced Tradeskill Window.
Is it possible to fix this with BlizzBugsSuck?
@Citlalin, Messaged the author to ask for permission to merge his code.
can u add ,plz?
i did report it on bug report forums when i discovered it. maybe they took it serously even though they didn't reply? i'll disable addon on my end and see if i can reproduce it anymore.
as for shadowed's fix. I agree that clearning it on zoning, or on combat end etc isn't good for users. he clears it pretty accessively wihch does clear it when you don't need to and has adverse effects. but if you ONLY clear it when it's simply not working after UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED from player, at this point i don't think anyone would be upset they cleared it if they want to recieve any future combat events. otherwise, what's the point of a combat filter or addon that uses cache like HitsMode5 if there will be no new items added to cache or combat log at all. It does seem like a moot point to try not to break addons or users settings if those settings/addons themselves are rendered useless by the bug (preserving the last fight by giving up any log on next one, an eye for an eye either way. Just picking your poisen, do you want the last fight, or the current/next one). I just suggest you don't go to extreme of clearing it for "good measure" approach like what shadow does on zone change etc. But at same time i see your point too. If the issue is even debatable then it isn't 100% to liking of everyone, which is what you want. But if it was in blizzbugssuck, and addon gains more and more momentum, it would be more presssing for blizzard to fix such an old and crappy bug ;)
@MysticalOS, I tried duplicating the AFK issue with and I couldn't. Seems like this was some sort of server side problem and your Synchronize call was coincidental to when they fixed it on their side.
As far as the combat log fix, the problem I have with including it is that it causes the in game combat log window to be empty when you change filters. It's easy to argue that it's better to have a working combat log, but this fix has a negative user facing behavior. So users need to be knowledgeable about what it does and possibly have configuration options to change the behavior to suit their preferences. Which puts it outside the scope of this addon.
Bnet has a tendancy to kick you for being afk much shorter periods of time than actual realm allows. As little as 5 minutes of afk can cause you to become perminently disconnected from even when you return to your char. It's annoying when you got to fix a dinner plate, or let the dog out and come back to " is not currently available" cause you got afk kicked from it barely being afk that long. I came up with a way to prevent this. If you execute SynchronizeBNetStatus() every few min, for me i scheduled it to execute every 4 min, you can be afk until the realm actually kicks you offline, without ever losing functionality. Pretty much works like a connectoin keep alive to to keep it from giving you the boot. I'm just not sure if this is a blizzard bug/oversight or intended design. I asked on forums but didn't get an answer yet. But throwing this out there :) No more relogging completely just to get bnet back all the time. :)
in regards to combatlog fix. It doesn't really need options. if it beaks clear entries. All the extra stuff in shadowed's mod is pointless. I do agree that it is a blizzard interface bug. combat log is part of blizzard interface and if it's failing to a blizzard bug then it fits the purpose of blizzbugssuck. Personally i wish blizz would fix it though but considering they've let it exist since 2.x they are in no hurry.
@Phanx, Fixed in, was an error made in merging from the other addon. Thanks for catching that.
[] Shouldn't the "doNotRun" variable (defined on line 32) be a local?
@Craxziz, If I include something like that it'll be different than how that addon is implemented. This addon won't have configuration options or output. It's intended to be transparent to the user, it just works and they don't have to worry about what it does.
Could you add as well please?
@Farook, fixed I made a typo.
The buff fix doesn't work (for me).
just merged InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory_Fix into blizzsucks enjoy :)
Thank you for adding the BuffTime-fix.
@Fred7, See below, I'm waiting for permission from the author.
If you can add this addon:
I agree that the buff time issue is a blizzard bug, so I've added it. The scaling on the roll window. I'm not so sure I'd consider that a bug. Seems like a legit change to me.
My intention is to limit this to things that are real bugs, not just changes that Blizzard made that we don't like.
I really like the idea havibng a "All-In-One"-solution for all fixes around.
One question:
Would it be possible to include the following two addons:
- BuffTimeDisplayFixer (
- Roll Window Fix (
I've asked yssaril for permission to include his code to do that. Waiting for a reply back on that.