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What steps will reproduce the problem?None
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?Add-on doesn't work. Can't see anything.
What version of the product are you using?2.1.0
Do you have an error log of what happened?No errors. Nothing.
Please provide any additional information below.I have it checked in the Add-on menu. I have Load Outdated files thing checked. I have Find Ores and/or Find Herbs switched on. I have the add-on in the Interface in-game menu.Installed manually AND tried to install using Curse client.Playing on RU locale. Tried deleting SavedVariables, tried to load only Bloodhound2 alone - nothing works.
I cant do anything with "It doesn't work". Goto the Escape Menu -> Interface -> Help -> Check 'Display LUA errors'. Refile a ticket when you have an actual error to report.
@only1yzerman: Go
I had "Display LUA errors" working. I switched to English(EU) locale and the add-on worked perfectly well. Switched back to Russian(RU) and it doesn't work again, giving me no errors whatsoever.
@mute91: Go "What steps will reproduce the problem? None"
It would have been better if you included this into the initial bug report because thats something I can work with:
"I switched to English(EU) locale and the add-on worked perfectly well. Switched back to Russian(RU) and it doesn't work again."
This sounds like an issue with localizations - I do not have localizations set for the RU (or any other localization). I could use some help getting an RU localization made and tested. If you are willing to translate into the language used by the RU locale I could really use the help.
I am ready and willing.
@mute91: Go Sorry about the late reply. Progression with 2 guilds is taking up the majority of my time.
Basically what localization does is it takes what I put in English in the client, and outputs it to Russian. There is a file in your bloodhound2 folder called LocalizeDefault.lua with lines that look like this:
L["While flying"] = "While flying";
Basically what that is doing is, when I call for an output of L["While flying"] it is telling your client to type out "While flying". However in Russian that would be (according to Google Translate) "Во время полета". I can go through this file using Google Translate and make a few changes, but knowing nothing about the language I would be doing this blind.
So here is what I need: Goto:
Here you will find a list of phrases that need translating. The herbs and minerals use the object id of the node as their key, the rest of the phrases have been put into some form of context for you.
If you are having trouble finding a translation - you can use the object ID to look the item up on wowhead. For instance the Object ID for "Ghost Iron Deposit" is 209311. if I wanted to look that up on wowhead in Russian, I would go to You can do this for every node if you want. There are currently 133 translations I need. If you have any questions just update this ticket.
@mute91: Go
Got the translations and tested them out ingame on the English client and they seem to be working. I will have an alpha version out to you tomorrow so you can test it on the RU client. Thanks again for doing all of that work Mute.
mute91, the latest alpha (r20) should hopefully work on the RU client. Because I am not part of that locale, I cannot test to see if this works on that client. Please download this alpha and let me know if it works or if you encounter any further errors using the RU client.
Loaded new alpha and encountered this error:
Message: Interface\AddOns\bloodhound2\Localization.ruRU.lua:1: unexpected symbol near '�e: 10/10/13 05:12:36 Count: 1 Stack: Locals:
Also, the addon seems to be still in english.
Ok, I tested it out in the English client before I uploaded it this time. The file encoding wasn't the proper one to recognize the Russian special characters, which was throwing that error. I changed the files encoding to UTF-8 Signature and that should fix it - however the options menu doesn't look right. Can you confirm on your end that everything looks as it should in the latest alpha (r21)
It works now, thanks. Ooze Covered Silver Vein is missing translation.
Also, where do I report strange addon behaviour, like, for example, a lot of Copper red gems are showing in the water to the east of Orgrimmar in Durotar?
Tons of misplaced nodes. A lot of nodes are moving on minimap as your character moves. Sometimes you have check, for example, Iron Ore in a location with Copper in order for those Copper nodes to show. Will swtich locales again to see how it is on enEU
Just checked enEU client. Yep, there is definitely something wrong with ruRU version. It's all f'ed up. I don't even know where to begin.
I have a feeling I know whats wrong - I will try and get what I think is wrong fixed and get another alpha out to you. Before I do can you confirm that you deleted the Bloodhound2 savedvariables and still had these errors?
Yes, it is still there after deleting SavedVariables
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