BLT Raid Cooldowns
Inspired from BloodLegion Raid Cooldowns. ElvUI greatly improve the core design.
BLT Raid Cooldowns tracks raid cooldowns (offensive and defensive), announces casts and availability, and provides a report on CD usage after boss fights.
Configure the options in the blizzard option panel (type /bltrcd config to open directly the panel)
There are 5 default categories :
- AOE_HEAL : CD to protect the raid (tranquility, revival, ...)
- SINGLE_HEAL : CD to protect one member (eg the tank)
- DEFENSIVE : tracks self defensive CD (personal cd)
- UTILITY : tracks some utilities (Gorefiend's Grasp, Aspect of the fox, ...)
- AOE_STUN : Shockwave, Binding Shot, Leg Sweep, ...
Move categories panel using /bltrcd sim
You can add/edit/remove category and cooldown in the configuration panel using /bltrcd config
Icon tooltip show who can cast the spell, and how much it was used after each bossfight.
Left click on a CD icon to report who can cast the CD
Right click on a CD icon after a bossfight to report usage
- /bltrcd config - Open configuration panel.
- /bltrcd show - Show/Hide the frame.
- /bltrcd sim - Lock/Unlock and Enable/Disable Simulation for each category of cooldown.
- /bltrcd report - Show the report frame.
Please remember that we are always interested by your feedback. About anything you want to share or ask. You may file tickets from our project page about anything, and you may also contact us on IRC: @
Fixed in the next release. Thanks!
This addon is well functioned with good visual aspect, selectable spells, easy monitoring active spell and etc.
(ORA3: lack of visuals. hagakure: similar to this addon but functionally irregular)
But dependency to [elvui] for class color appearance is still bordering me.
@maxyun : latest alpha fix class color appearance for non-ElvUI users. I cant fix an issue that Im not aware of. Thx for the report ;). If the alpha is stable enough, I will release tonight or tomorrow.
Thank you for the update(v3.2)!!
class color is perfect without elvui !!
Nice addon, I have a little suggestion though.
Is it possible to make bar growth confugurable on a per-catagory basis?
e.g. have AOE_HEALS grow left and AOE_DPS grow right, so the icons can be placed back-to-back with text either side.
Keep it up!
Thanks for your feedback, glad to hear you like it.
We'll check if your suggestion can be easily implemented for a future release.
This should now be added. Thanks again.
How to add Stampeding Roar CD ?
Add 106898 and 77764 and 77761..
but doesn't work
Tx for Addon!
We'll test that and will come back to you asap.
It should work the way you did, if it doesn't, there's something weird going on. Stay tuned
This should now be added in the latest version. Thanks
ty very much!
Hello Nice addon,
The Idea is very good but there are several things to be improved...
First, you should let people configure the addon without changing the lua file. This is easily done adding some check boxes in the interface. And you dont need to reload the interface also to Hide/Show icons, but maybe there are other problems that I'm not that familiar.
Second thing that you could do is to check which are the classes present in the raid/party and list only the CDs present in the party/raid. I had made some tests in your code and its possible by filling some of your vectors properlly using information accessible through wow api functions...
Showing all the CDs available is a very good information, however since there are many of them its kinda hard to sort in the screem. Instead of using the bar approach you could try the blizzard one that uses a "clock" like animation over the icons.
This addon is absolutelly something that many people would appreciate, I'm sure that you, as me, also like to develop and to have comments about. Hope that my comments help.
Hi Julioex!
Thanks for the feedback, we're glad you like BLT Raidcooldown so far!
Improving the overall UI is of course one of our main goal, and we're always striving to make it more user friendly, stay tuned for further updates !
Filtering CD based on your current raid composition is indeed an excellent idea ! Actually so awesome that this is already a feature ;)
Using the clock system may be a solution, but not one we are currently considering. We'll keep an eye on this idea though, and see what can be done when all core functionalities will be polished to our liking first.
First off, amazing addon! But I'm having some problems. When i tick "filter spare members" in my 25 man raid then click apply (and it reloads) it filters group 3, 4 and 5 as well and I can only see cooldowns form group 1 and 2. (Even though I'm in the raid with 25 people inside it)
How to fix?
Thx for the report.
I identified the root cause and will fix it in the next release; ©soon !
good addon but i cant get the bars to move at all even typing in the unlock command does not do anything. if anyone had a solution for this please tell me
/bltrcd sim should unlock the bar.
You should see all the CD active with a configGuy bar for each one. At the top of list you must have a black bar (on top of the first CD's ion) that you can drag all over your screen ;)
Same problem here.
After typing your mentioned command (/bltrcd sim) the amount of icons increases to the probably possible shown CDs but no black bar (that you mentioned) appears.
Furthermore I get a LUA Error everytime I mouseover the icon on the minimap.
Thanks for the report ! The error is because you don't have ElvUI. Gonna fix this in the next version ©soon
Btw, even with this error it should work. I just test it, and without ElvUI you effectivly don't have any black bar. But you can still drag each category. You just need to click on the top of the list and you can drag & drop.
I have made a pro paint screenshot to show you where you need to click to drag a category :
Just whre is the black box !
We'll try to fix this for the next version too ;)
Thanks you,
I just find it a bit annoying when I'm using Big_Wigs, the cd bars shift into BW bars sometimes and it makes the icons and bars from BW use a different skin or just will not show icons.
You can see in our video of our GE HC Kill. This is also the only reason I am not using it anymore.
at 5:40 it starts to look weird, everything before is just fine. It doesn't show here but sometimes the bars appear inside the bigwigs bars where it shows dead screech for example.