BLT Raid Cooldowns
Inspired from BloodLegion Raid Cooldowns. ElvUI greatly improve the core design.
BLT Raid Cooldowns tracks raid cooldowns (offensive and defensive), announces casts and availability, and provides a report on CD usage after boss fights.
Configure the options in the blizzard option panel (type /bltrcd config to open directly the panel)
There are 5 default categories :
- AOE_HEAL : CD to protect the raid (tranquility, revival, ...)
- SINGLE_HEAL : CD to protect one member (eg the tank)
- DEFENSIVE : tracks self defensive CD (personal cd)
- UTILITY : tracks some utilities (Gorefiend's Grasp, Aspect of the fox, ...)
- AOE_STUN : Shockwave, Binding Shot, Leg Sweep, ...
Move categories panel using /bltrcd sim
You can add/edit/remove category and cooldown in the configuration panel using /bltrcd config
Icon tooltip show who can cast the spell, and how much it was used after each bossfight.
Left click on a CD icon to report who can cast the CD
Right click on a CD icon after a bossfight to report usage
- /bltrcd config - Open configuration panel.
- /bltrcd show - Show/Hide the frame.
- /bltrcd sim - Lock/Unlock and Enable/Disable Simulation for each category of cooldown.
- /bltrcd report - Show the report frame.
Please remember that we are always interested by your feedback. About anything you want to share or ask. You may file tickets from our project page about anything, and you may also contact us on IRC: @
There was a way i think to make this addon "realise" that a paladin has 2 Hands when he is using "Clemency" talent. Anyone knows how that was achievable ?
It should work without changing anything. What's the problem ?
Awesome addon!
But at this moment, The addon isn't tracking correctly the resto shaman cd "Ascendance". I'm popping it and the cooldown still showing it as "Ready". Same with the another resto shamans ascendance.
Fixed in the last alpha version. We will release a stable version after the holidays :)
Thanks a lot! You are awesome!!
For some reason this addon hasnt been working at all for me since expansion and i have been updating it all the time. To define "not working" nothing shows , no /options selection does anything.
Anyone can help me out or knows of anything that may be affecting this ? I really loved this addon.
And please do not ask me if i have it eenabled :P
Do you have it enabled ? :]
You should have a LUA error no ? Maybe you hide them by default.
Anyway, you can try to delete WTF/Account/<Account name>/SavedVariables/BLTRaidCooldowns.lua ! You can make a backup of the file before you delete it. Your settings gonna be reset but it should work.
Ofc i hav it enabled. Yes i have filter all errors i will check to disable it and see if i get lua error and will also do the wtf thing you mentioned.
Thanks so much :D Everything working properly now. Wasnt getting any luas even without the addon but as soon as i deleted that file and restarted wow everything worked perfectly :D:D
i see some residual bars after BGs or Parties. Is there any way to fix this?
Seconding this.
Also, is there any way to make a Raid-only option for showing? I don't want to see every raid cooldown when doing a 5 man dungeon.
Gonna see what we can do during the holiday.
I hope I identified the "remanent" bars issue.will push a release "soon"©
For the raid-only option, will split raid/party indeed
this is the one of the best addons for PvE especially if you are using ElvUI. Please don't leave us alone (= i am still reloading ui before pulls (=
Still looking into it.
If anyone find a way to reproduce the problem alone, it could help :)
well it always happens in fact. i will try to figure out when it happens. zone changes, deaths and other stuff
i will add examples here:
i entered ashran and ask for inv. then this happened.
Can you try with just BLTRCD and ElvUI ?
I had the problem myself for the bar from "Active CD" but never this often and so much .. and i never see the problem for the ready state of a cooldown.
You got that display directly after joining the raid ? Without anyone using their CD ?
Did you change the default settings ?
How can i all of the bars from the standard place in the top left of the screen ?
I wanna drag the whole lot to somewhere else on my UI but can't seem to click and drag and can't find an option either.
Thanks !
try : /bltrcd sim
I've been setting it up but my list for Defensive Cooldowns only stays at the top of my screen, and i can't seem to move it down any reason why ?
Look in the pic top left corner can't move it down or nothing.
Please Help !