Latin American Spanish
All Namespaces
- 5man in session not allowed
- 5-man instances
- Abstention
- All
- already in channel
- boss
- Bosses
- BossTactics
- bt
- Camera set to max distance
- Cancel
- Cancel Vote
- channel joined
- channel not found
- channel quit
- Char
- Check
- Choose Paint Color
- Close
- Close info text
- Close Menu
- Color
- d
- dd
- deathknight channel
- defaults recovered
- del query message
- del tactic message
- Delete
- dk
- druid channel
- EndSession
- error fontsize
- Error:
- Execute
- h
- he
- healer
- healer channel
- healer intro
- heals
- Help
- help query addons
- help query items
- hide
- hunter channel
- Id Info
- incompatible module
- Info
- info no task
- info text
- Instances
- Invalid input
- LeaderSync
- m
- mage channel
- me
- melee
- melee channel
- melee intro
- members of channel
- menu cameramax
- menu chaninfo
- menu chatconfig
- menu chatinfo
- menu debug
- menu fontsize
- menu info
- menu itemId
- menu join
- menu main frame
- menu main frame hide
- menu minimap
- menu options tab
- menu quit
- menu rangecheck
- menu SessionAbort
- menu vote
- minimap off
- minimap on
- mode
- mode not supported
- Module currupt
- Module disabled
- module incompatible
- Module interface version
- Module loaded
- Module missing
- move end
- move start
- New
- New Query info
- New Text info
- No
- No addon found
- No char allowed
- No picture
- no print without group
- no raid
- no save while session
- no task
- No text
- not while session
- offline
- Ok
- Options
- Ora MT checkbox
- out of sync
- Out of synch with raidleader
- Outdoor
- p
- PaintBtn
- PaintDelBtn
- paladin channel
- PingBtn
- Player:
- Post
- Post Message
- PostAll
- pr
- priest channel
- PrintVote
- Query deleted
- Query Manager
- Query name exists
- Query not saved
- Query not work
- Query Result
- Query Save Ok
- Query:
- r
- Raid View
- Raidleader
- Raidleader Actions
- raidleaders title
- range check header
- range check hide
- range check set range
- range dd channel
- range intro
- ranged DPS
- RaSend
- Recover Session
- Recover Standard
- rl vote title
- rogue channel
- s
- Save
- SaveAs
- select channel
- selfvote
- Send
- SessAbortPermitted
- Session
- session ended
- session started
- set range to
- shaman channel
- shortcut for deathknight channel
- shortcut for druid channel
- shortcut for healer channel
- shortcut for hunter channel
- shortcut for mage channel
- shortcut for melee channel
- shortcut for paladin channel
- shortcut for priest channel
- shortcut for range DD channel
- shortcut for rogue channel
- shortcut for shaman channel
- shortcut for tank channel
- shortcut for warlock channel
- shortcut for warrior channel
- Start vote
- std alts
- SwitchMy
- SwitchStd
- Sync
- syncmessage
- t
- Tactic
- Tactic Mode
- tactic name already used
- tactic question text
- tank
- tank channel
- tank intro
- tanks
- task extro
- Task Manager
- Task:
- text lock off
- text lock on
- Text Save Checkbox
- text size changed
- text sync off
- text sync on
- TextSyncBtn
- Title Addonlist
- title ChatConfig
- Title Choosable
- Title Groupmessage
- title IdInfo
- title info
- Title Inputframe
- Title New Query Inputframe
- Title New Text Inputframe
- Title Raidmessage
- Title selected
- Title vote alts
- Title vote Input
- tooltip1
- tooltip2
- Trash
- Type:
- update info text
- updateinfo for version 1.1
- updateinfo for version 2.9
- usage ItemId
- Valid input
- VerBtn
- version
- version incompatible
- Version info text
- Vote
- vote chat err
- vote done
- vote err1
- vote err2
- vote err3
- Vote Time rl text
- Vote Time text
- vote title
- voteRa
- w
- wa
- warlock channel
- Warning:
- warrior channel
- Yes
- you are in channels:
- you are not in a raid
- you are not in this channel
Phrase Key:
5man in session not allowed
Base Namespace
You cannot open a 5-man instance in a session.