Get the latest version here:
Creates a row of buttons showing you how many bosses you've cleared in each LFR wing, and the buttons light up if you're currently queue'ing for the corresponding raid.
No more memorizing, or like me, having to go through the dropdown menu and mouseover the small "!" icon to see which bosses are down and which you still need to kill all the time.
Project page at
Here is an updated version that should work with Highmaul and Blackrock Foundry LFR. Since there's only 1 wing open so far it's not easy for me to test it.
All I did was add the raids to the raid_data.lua files.
EDIT: Added fixes for bosses in wrong order, should be correct now
thanks for updating this...hopefully the project manager will see this and add it as an official update...but it works for now and that is all the matters.
This is unfortunately a tad wrong (still awesome, thank you) as the third fight is listed as Hans and Franz, when the actual third fight in BRF is Blast Furnace.
The API says encounter 3 in the first wing is Hans'gar and Franzok, and the addon gets this from the API dynamically so it seems to be wrong on blizzards end.
I've made a quick fix for LFR 1 wing. And I'm going to fix other wings of BRF LFR on this weekend.
yes, i absolutely loved this addon for MoP. an update would be fantasic! thanks :)
i hope some one will pic this addon up and fix it for WOD
Date: 2014-10-31 15:00:24 ID: 2 Error occured in: Global Count: 1 Message: ..\AddOns\bosseskilled\main.lua line 18: attempt to index global 'FlexRaidFrame' (a nil value) Debug: [C]: ? bosseskilled\main.lua:18: ?() bosseskilled\EventDispatcher.lua:16: bosseskilled\EventDispatcher.lua:16 Locals:
AddOns: Swatter, v4.4.2 (<%codename%>) NPCScan, v6.0.2.3 NPCScanOverlay, v6.0.3.1 AckisRecipeList, v3.0.8-1-g03d2988 AddFriend, v3.29 Ailo, v Armory, vv12.1.1 ArmoryGuildBank, vv12.1.1 ArmoryQuickLink, v2.22a AskMrRobot, v14 AtlasLoot, vv8.00.00beta AuctionProfit, vv1.8 Auctionator, v3.1.6 Babylonian, v5.1.DEV.332(/embedded) BagSlots, v60000-1 BankStack, vv35 Blessed, v50300.1 bosseskilled, v1.3.3 CantHealYou, v3.31 Configator, v5.1.DEV.359(/embedded) Critline, vr101 CritlineAuraMonitor, vr101 DBMCore, v DBMDefaultSkin, v DBMSpellTimers, v DBMStatusBarTimers, v Decursive, v2.7.3.5-1-gcb1f081 factionizer, v6.0.0-alpha-2-g9ead944 FumahTotalGold, v2 Gatherer, v4.4.2 Genie, vr333 GenieLDB, vr333 GenieUI, vr333 GTFO, v4.35.1 HandyNotes, v1.2.0 HandyNotesTimelessIsleChests, v1.11 HaveWeMet, v0.85 IHearYouAll, v4.5 Incognito, v1.4 InvitationAlert, v KibsItemLevel, vv0.5.1 KlaxxiTargets, v0.1.8 kRestack, v40000.1 Mappy, v3.3.6 MisDirectionHelper2, vv6.0.0.0 MogIt, vv3.3.4 Oilvl, v1.9.1 Omen, v3.1.9 OmniCC, v6.0.4 Overachiever, v0.80 PlayerXPBar, v2.5.1 Postal, v3.5.1 ProfessionsVault, v7.2.0 beta 1 Quartz, v3.2.2 RaidAchievement, v1.129 RaidAchievementOldModules, v ReadySetDing, v1.15 Recount, vr1276 Redeemer, vv1.0.3 RoleIcons, v4.5.1 ShowLevel, v5.1.1 Soldit, vv1.4 Spy, v3.2.1 TomTom, vv60000-1.0.1 UndressButton, v5.4 VuhDo, v3.65 VuhDoOptions, v3.65 WhoPulled, v1.0.11 WorkComplete, vv6.00.01.20141015 XToLevel, v5.2.0_36 ZygorGuidesViewer, v4.0 BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v6.0.3.60000 <none> (ck=667)
Checking in to see if wT plans on updating this addon - made life a bit easier :).
Link Removed: should fix it, place it in the bosseskilled folder.
Are you able to post the lines you changed? I am a little weary about downloading and adding a file to an existing mod - no offence to you.
I commented out line 12 to 18, 36 and 208-209 and changed 210 to "if" in main.lua.
Thank you very much Ghezzo! Works like a charm. If I could figure out how to make the buttons a bit bigger it'll be perfect for 6.0 :D
I changed line 120 to "return min(480 / (numDungeons * 32), 1)" and they are perfect for me, play around with the first number if it doesn't look right.
Works just fine.. Lua can only be executed within WoW and cannot access the outside so it is safe.. and it works.. I modified that line 210 to a value of about 420 to make them larger but leave space for a few new raids come the xpac... 480 makes it full to the frame.
Will this be updated to 6.0? It's a really good addon and I noticed it wasn't working when I logged in D:
I think I managed to fix it, it seems to break because they removed flex and added it to every difficulty instead.
Put this file Link Removed: in the bosseskilled folder and it should work.
There is a addon that was out there once that used to track who u were in group with
Can you please add that to this great addon where it keeps a data base for a week
Great addon this is kind of completes the game more than what blizzard has added