Brazilian Portuguese


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  • Are you sure you want to clear the ignore list?
  • Are you sure you want to remove this item from the ignore list?
  • Breakables
  • Button grow direction
  • Button scale
  • Clear ignore list
  • Click to open Breakables options.
  • Down
  • Font size
  • Hide bar
  • Hide during combat
  • Hide during pet battles
  • Hide Eq. Mgr items
  • Hide if no breakables
  • Hide Tabards
  • Hold shift and left-click to drag the Breakables bar around.
  • How many breakable buttons to display next to the profession button at maximum
  • If checked, a lockbox that is too high level for the player to pick will still be shown in the list, otherwise it will be hidden.
  • Ignore Enchanting skill level
  • Ignore list
  • Items that have been right-clicked to exclude from the breakable list. Un-check the box to remove the item from the ignore list.
  • Left
  • Max number to display
  • Reset
  • Reset placement
  • Resets where the buttons are placed on the screen to the default location.
  • Right
  • Settings
  • Show high-level lockboxes
  • Show soulbound items
  • Show tooltip on breakables
  • Show tooltip on profession
  • This controls which direction the breakable buttons grow toward.
  • This sets the size of the text that shows how many items you have to break.
  • This will add the chosen item to the ignore list so it no longer appears as breakable. Items can be removed from the ignore list in the Breakables settings. Would you like to ignore this item?
  • This will completely hide the breakables bar whether you have anything to break down or not. Note that you can toggle this in a macro using the /breakables command as well.
  • This will scale the size of each button up or down.
  • Up
  • Welcome
  • Whether or not items should be shown when Breakables thinks you don't have the appropriate skill level to disenchant it.
  • Whether or not to display soulbound items as breakables.
  • Whether or not to hide items that are part of an equipment set in the game's equipment manager.
  • Whether or not to hide tabards from the disenchantable items list.
  • Whether or not to hide the action bar if no breakables are present in your bags
  • Whether or not to hide the breakables bar when you enter a pet battle.
  • Whether or not to hide the breakables bar when you enter combat and show it again when leaving combat.
  • Whether or not to show an item tooltip when hovering over a breakable item button.
  • Whether or not to show an item tooltip when hovering over a profession button on the Breakables bar.
  • You can click on this button to break this item without having to click on the profession button first.
  • You can right-click on this button to ignore this item. Items can be unignored from the options screen.

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