Displays a bar on screen that allows quick access to enchanting, jewelcrafting, and inscription professions by presenting a Disenchant/Prospect/Mill button and all of the breakable items you have for that profession next to it. Also displays a bar for any locked junkboxes in your inventory if you're a Rogue. This allows one-click access for breaking down items instead of finding the item in your bag, clicking the appropriate profession/skill button, and clicking the item for each and every item you want to break. For prospecting and milling, you will see the number of items you have alongside the number of times you can break it. In the prospecting screenshot next to the addon name on this page, the player has 169 total Saronite Ore in his bags which will allow for 33 total prospects.
In 10.0, Blizzard completely changed how Prospecting and Milling works, so this addon can only help with Lockpicking and Disenchanting. If a method is added for addons to once again programmatically Prospect or Mill, Breakables will be updated to support it.
By default, if you have the appropriate profession and items in your inventory, a bar will appear with the profession ability followed by any items that are eligible for breaking. You can hold shift to drag the bar around if you want to move it. Clicking the profession button will activate that ability (disenchant/prospect/mill) and clicking an item will break it. You don't have to click the profession button first as simply clicking the item will automatically break it down. Right-clicking a breakable button will add that item to the ignore list so it won't show up again. The ignore list can be managed from the configuration panel.
Typing /brk will open the configuration settings (or you can get to it from Blizzard's Interface options) which consist of:
- Hide if no breakables: this will control whether you see the profession button or not when nothing breakable is detected
- Max number to display: this controls the highest number of items that you will see next to your profession button. If this is 5 but you have 10 breakable items in your bags, you will only see 5 at a time.
- Show soulbound items: aimed at enchanters, this controls whether or not you will see items that are soulbound as breakable items or not.
Known issues
- If you have more than 5 of a breakable item but split into stacks all smaller than 5, the game will say you do not have enough items to break. The default UI now has a built-in button to compress stacks that should solve this issue.
- If you know Mass Milling for a specific type of herb, the current alpha will try to use this ability and fail. I am in the process of leveling a scribe up high enough to debug this problem.
Sounds like what happens to me when I have a rogue single herb or something that I wasn't aware of or if the stacks somehow got split up. I'm investigating options to help with that, but for now it is what it is :).
Yeah, I read that, but at the time I didn't have any stacks less than 5 in my bags. They were all 20 stacks when I started. :)
thewildcard: read the "known issues" right above here :)
So, I dunno if anyone else is having this issue, but there will be times the mod keeps telling me "Requires 5 X" even tho I have a bag full of 20stacks of said item. Only seems to happen when the items I'm trying to mill are in bags in the last three bag slots. It finds the items fine in my backpack or first bag. And all my bags are standard bags. No specialty bags (ie herb or mining bags). Any ideas?
oh awesome, what a fast reply! :)
I don't know myself how complicated it would be to add, but I know Tekkub's Panda has a similar functionality in that it has buttons you can press to initiate ink creation.. but those are behind several interface clicks. In any event, thanks for reading and for making this awesome addon :)
Looking forward to the future!
Thanks for the suggestion, colbywolf. I agree that that would be cool to have. I'll think about ways to make that happen in the future.
Hello! :D wonderful addon! makes my life so much easier! (before I as using panda's massmill button bound to the mouse wheel and.. ugh.)
The one thing, I think, I could ask for the make this addon even more spectacular.... it may be a little complicated, but I figure there's no harm in mentioning, right?
Anyway, the one thing I could think of, would be for scribes only. There is no point at all in pigment, except to make ink. We don't use pigment in any way without turning it into ink first. It'd be very nice if the 'breakables' bar also displayed pigments in the same fashion as herbs, but allowed for making ink instead.
What I envision, is like..:
[Milling Icon] [Kingsblood 25 (5)] [Dreamfoil 10 (2)] [Golden Pigment 30 (15)]
Click on the herbs as usual... click on the 'pigment' to craft 1 ink, or shift click (or something) to craft all of the pigment of that type on hand.
It would be very different from the rest of the functionality of the addon, but I think it would be quite awesome. there are so many times that I come up three or four ink short, have to run to the mailbox, mill, open the crafting interface and fumble around down to the inks, then make the ink.... which is even more inconvenient if I'm using an addon that provides me with a crafting queue, as not all of them provide a 'move to top' or 'craft now' option). The ability to one click, make that ink, or make all the ink would be... epicly awesome :D
Thanks for reading!
Thanks, Parn. Great mod. I love it! Excellent work.
Thanks, I'll try to get that fixed.
Any way to have it ignore BoA items? It thinks they're DEable. :)
Thanks for the suggestion. I understand now.
Keybinding/Mouse click option, I do like to see what I'm de'ing.
Sorry I was very tired when I typed this. I must learn not to do that. This part was the request: Keybinding/Mouse click option. For example. I have dominos and I use Shift Right click to mount on my pony. I was wondering if there was a way to do the same type of "mouse click" like say Shift middle click to prospect. I could then have the bar anywhere and not lose the whole 3 seconds moving my mouse to the bar.
I do like to see what I'm de'ing.was a complement. I don't know what I was thinking blending that all together.
Thank you about the equipment manager. I did figure that out. Brilliant by the way.
New request: Would you consider opening things here as well. Say Rouges/Blacksmith with keys/Engineers with bombs have locked boxes show here. and of course Clams, satchels and pouches. Presently I use clamstacker -it works great for the clams and bags but a one stop shop would be even better.
Keybinding/Mouse click option, I do like to see what I'm de'ing.
I'm not sure I understand. You want an option to disenchant the first item in the list from a keybinding? Mouse clicking is already supported, of course.
If there was a way to right click on it from your back or by using the item number. This way when you are soloing dungeons you can "ShowSoulbond" but not de you fishing pole or something you want by mistake.
Add the fishing pole to one of your outfits in Blizzard's equipment manager (or add it to Outfitter and have that outfit sync with the game). Then check the option to not show soulbound items that are part of an outfit.
This is awesome, great even .. very helpful for mass de in a dungeon by myself.
Keybinding/Mouse click option, I do like to see what I'm de'ing.
Second: Would it be possible to have a do not show option? For instance: /breakable DoNotShow [Chef's Hat] -nvm figured it out.
If there was a way to right click on it from your back or by using the item number. This way when you are soloing dungeons you can "ShowSoulbond" but not de you fishing pole or something you want by mistake.
thank you again. loving the hard work.
Placement is already saved between sessions - works fine for me.
as mentioned already then some sort of placement that is actually saved in between sessions would be great... I hate that I have to undock fubar to shift-drag the breakables "bar" down into view and then redock fubar...