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UploadedOct 23, 2014
Size285.90 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 6.0.2
Steffen Buehl:
- update locales, remove icon size config option, change defaults (font size, icon size)
- more icon updates
- remove deDE locales in order to use curse locale system
- replace up-arrow
- tooltip redesgin, pass 2 (missions + buildings), fix open/close buttons after switching tooltips,
- icon tooltip anchoring to topleft instead allpoints (prevents icon stretching)
- update icons
- add icons
- change full update timer to 5s when unknown buildings are detected GetNumPendingShipments can return nil - drycode fix, needs testing fixed invalid config key for notification options
- Add follower display
- add optional zoom parameter to iconString helper
- add follower info to building
- add libqtip icon provider
- Building UI changes
- Add resource icons
- more event handling fixes
- Add AdiDebug OptDeps
- fix loading issue (dependency loading garrison ui / already loaded)