Broker Garrison & Order Hall
Broker Garrison (Missions, Shipments, Buildings)
Garrison Overview and Notifications (Completed Missions, Shipments, Buildings) for your characters!
An LDB Display like Bazooka or TitanPanel is recommended for this addon (it also works with ElvUI DataTexts).
If you don't have a display addon you can access the tooltips when hovering the minimap buttons.
Enable minimap buttons
/garrison display minimapButton on /garrison display minimapMissionHide off /garrison display minimapBuildingHide off
- Timers / Resources for all characters (Missions, Buildings, Shipments/WorkOrders)
- LDB Text customization
- Tooltip sort/group by customization
- Show/Hide Garrison Landing Page (left-click)
- Notifications ("mission complete" on any character) - Sound optional
- Hide Blizzard mission/building notifications
- Hide Blizzard minimap button / disable pulse notification
- Toasts Notifications (LibToast) - Use Toaster for more options (position, etc.)
- Disable tooltip display / notifications for individual characters
- Resource Cache Timer - Displays amount of resources in cache (if lootable) - warning on >400 (red exclamation point)
- Garrison Invasions (yellow exclamation point)
- Herb garden / mine daily indicator (green check)
- Toas Summary (Missions, Shipments) on login
- Legion Order Hall support
- Patch 7.0: Fixes
- Known Issues: Follower / Reward Icons not displaying correctly
- Patch 6.2: Add shipyard support
- Add Seal of inveitable Fate and Oil resources
- Show available BonusRoll-Currency amount (0 - 3, from quests only)
- Change resource cache detection to specific loot toast instead of checking the player location ("near cache")
- New icons
- Disable updates in combat as option
- API to access garrison data:
- LibDBIcon to access tooltips without LDB display addon
- Colors in Custom LDB Text - Format: =rrggbb=TEXT==
- Parse unknown mission times (e.g. started on another computer)
- Fixes (Inn tracking, Invasion display, LibSink options greyed out)
- New Icon "yellow exclamation point": Garrison Invasions
- New Icon "red exclamation point": Resource Cache >= 400
- New check (green, grey): War Mill (Weekly "Seal of Tempered Fate") and Inn (Weekly Follower from Headhunter)
In Progress / ToDo
- Detachable Tooltip (Standalone Frame)
- Profile Support (Config)
- New Mission indicator
- <Your ideas here - write a ticket/feature request>
In the Buildings LDB display (without the dropdown), how do I show both garrison resources and oil? Currently, I just have garrison resources but when I mouseover I see oil and other resources.
I figured it out by looking at the sources. I'm using "%resicon% %resfmt% %oilicon% %oilfmt% %cachewarning%". Replace "%oilfmt%" with "%oil%" unless you are willing to edit the sources a bit.
For enUS, add to data.lua at line 739:
["oilfmt"] = {
name = L["Oil (Formatted)"],
data = function(data) return _G.BreakUpLargeNumbers(Garrison.getTableValue(data, "currencyOil") or 0) end,
Hi, can you make Tooltip collapse by realm.
and can you insert info how many ships i can build, so i can see if one broken in mission
Feature Request: ability to hide the old bonus rolls/apexis/oil from the mouseover building menu.
This, but the ability to choose which ones to display.
Is there a way to show only the shipyard missions?
I also would love to be able to just show shipyard missions on the LDB tooltip.
I did moded addon and now I have separate count for follower missions and naval missions. WoW client APi itself now returning type of mission in .followerTypeID as return in structure C_Garrison.GetInProgressMissions(). It has values 2 for naval mission and 1 for follower mission.
Changes are way too complex to list it here, but I can guess, with this hint, author can easily implement it.
Is good to know that which table I should head to :)
Is it possible to add a little icon to see it it is a mission from the shipyard or one from the garrision?
Yeah, I really support that. I can't tell the two types of missions apart.
Me as well. I would like to se in LDB something like "total-mission/follower-done/naval-done". To know where I need to run to pickup mission just simply hovering over LDB not need have all expanded in tooltip.
There is a long line separating them and also the anchor symbol.
thanks for this great addon.
i found one problem with the shipyard.
Nightelven crews mission duration change (50% mission duration) is not applied to the tooltip
Oh, my bad. Ok, waiting for 1.8
Message: Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:336: script ran too long
Time: 06/15/15 23:52:56
Count: 1
Stack: [C]: in function `LoadAddOn'
Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:336: in function <Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:335>
Interface\AddOns\Broker_Garrison\core.lua:298: in function `LoadDependencies'
Interface\AddOns\Broker_Garrison\core.lua:1880: in function `?'
...s\Broker_Garrison\Libs\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0.lua:53: in function <...s\Broker_Garrison\Libs\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0.lua:48>
Message: Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:336: script ran too long
Count: 1
Stack: [C]: in function `LoadAddOn'
Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:336: in function <Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:335>
Interface\AddOns\Broker_Garrison\core.lua:299: in function `LoadDependencies'
Interface\AddOns\Broker_Garrison\core.lua:1907: in function `?'
Interface\AddOns\Ace3\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0.lua:53: in function <Interface\AddOns\Ace3\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0.lua:48>
I was wondering if it was normal for this addon to use so much memory?
When I log in, it uses about 1.5M and within a few minutes (as in less than 5 minutes), I'm watching the memory scroll for this addon past 3.5M. That would be with me doing absolutely nothing other than looking at the datatext in Elvui and watching the memory usage.
I see no other addons doing this. So is there a memory leak or perhaps a conflict I should be aware of?
I really like this addon and find I use it quite often. I'm about to transition my wife to a new UI, but her computer is pretty memory sensitive and this behavior wouldn't allow it to be used on her machine...if it were normal, I mean.
Hi, I've got some ideas / wishes.
Hide individual buildings (mine, herb garden)
LDB ICON (green ! ) Seal of Tempered Fate available (War Mill)
Yes lunarfall excavation and herb gardens are useless for time spent. They just sit at 0/0. Might as well hide them : )
I would very much love an option to hide either all mines/gardens, or select ones. Also, the shipyards pretty please. When you get to have too many alts, it would be much easier to just scan the important buildings.
I'm not sure if this is possible, but instead of adding a line for things like the Tavern, what if it was just an icon next to the name? Like a House icon or something.
Basically anything that reduces the amount of lines the addon takes I would love. Right now I have to scroll for days even with the compact tooltip enabled and most of the information I tend to ignore.