Broker Garrison & Order Hall
Broker Garrison (Missions, Shipments, Buildings)
Garrison Overview and Notifications (Completed Missions, Shipments, Buildings) for your characters!
An LDB Display like Bazooka or TitanPanel is recommended for this addon (it also works with ElvUI DataTexts).
If you don't have a display addon you can access the tooltips when hovering the minimap buttons.
Enable minimap buttons
/garrison display minimapButton on /garrison display minimapMissionHide off /garrison display minimapBuildingHide off
- Timers / Resources for all characters (Missions, Buildings, Shipments/WorkOrders)
- LDB Text customization
- Tooltip sort/group by customization
- Show/Hide Garrison Landing Page (left-click)
- Notifications ("mission complete" on any character) - Sound optional
- Hide Blizzard mission/building notifications
- Hide Blizzard minimap button / disable pulse notification
- Toasts Notifications (LibToast) - Use Toaster for more options (position, etc.)
- Disable tooltip display / notifications for individual characters
- Resource Cache Timer - Displays amount of resources in cache (if lootable) - warning on >400 (red exclamation point)
- Garrison Invasions (yellow exclamation point)
- Herb garden / mine daily indicator (green check)
- Toas Summary (Missions, Shipments) on login
- Legion Order Hall support
- Patch 7.0: Fixes
- Known Issues: Follower / Reward Icons not displaying correctly
- Patch 6.2: Add shipyard support
- Add Seal of inveitable Fate and Oil resources
- Show available BonusRoll-Currency amount (0 - 3, from quests only)
- Change resource cache detection to specific loot toast instead of checking the player location ("near cache")
- New icons
- Disable updates in combat as option
- API to access garrison data:
- LibDBIcon to access tooltips without LDB display addon
- Colors in Custom LDB Text - Format: =rrggbb=TEXT==
- Parse unknown mission times (e.g. started on another computer)
- Fixes (Inn tracking, Invasion display, LibSink options greyed out)
- New Icon "yellow exclamation point": Garrison Invasions
- New Icon "red exclamation point": Resource Cache >= 400
- New check (green, grey): War Mill (Weekly "Seal of Tempered Fate") and Inn (Weekly Follower from Headhunter)
In Progress / ToDo
- Detachable Tooltip (Standalone Frame)
- Profile Support (Config)
- New Mission indicator
- <Your ideas here - write a ticket/feature request>
correct :D
Just started 4 hour mission with epic mount trait, it's still showing 4 hours on this addon, but on blizzard ui it's showing correctly 2 hours.
hmm I had 1.0.5, maybe update didn't fix the ongoing ones : )
thanks - thats also on the todo list
Would love to see an option to suspend notifications when in dungeons/raids
every 3.472222222 days :P
so every 3 days untill some reminder its been 72 hours since you clicked this cache. can be put in :P if possible
Love this addon as an alt-o-holic!
However is there a chance you can also add a line that shows the garrison cache in terms of how much GR is in it? So I know better when I need to log those chars before it reaches 500 GR.
I know the time it takes to get 500 GR, but not like I will remember it for 22 chars. That's why I hope a reminder can be done with this awesome addon
it's on the todo-list :)
Hey , on the latest version i do not see the option to get the messages to my preferred chat channel. Instead i am getting only general, bigwigs channel outputs etc, the subchannel section is no longer lit. I usually prefer to have the message shown on my own channel that one of these ones.
Can you please restore it as it was?
i did not change the notification options, channel selection should still be possible (the config is provided by another library ("libsink"))
fixed in
I keep getting this error whenever I mouse *away* from the broker tooltip:
Message: Interface\AddOns\Broker_Garrison\core.lua:713: attempt to concatenate upvalue 'tooltipType' (a nil value)
Time: 11/19/14 18:41:49
Count: 2
Stack: ...Ons\Broker_Currency\libs\LibQTip-1.0\LibQTip-1.0.lua:136: in function `Release'
...Ons\Broker_Currency\libs\LibQTip-1.0\LibQTip-1.0.lua:1322: in function <...Ons\Broker_Currency\libs\LibQTip-1.0\LibQTip-1.0.lua:1314>
Locals: <none>
Also, the particular behavior does not seem to happen except under one particular way of moving the mouse through the windows. I first highlight the buildings, which is a longer report than missions. Then I barely move my mouse to the left to highlight the missions, quickly move my mouse down so it passes through and then into the buildings pane, which has stayed up(behind the followers pane but extending past it below) just long enough for me to catch it with the mouse. Then I move the mouse out of that pane downward (chocolate bar at top of screen) into clear screen, and up pops the error.
thanks, will look into it (tomorrow), should be an easy fix
Great addon! Simply love it. Should have been part of the standard UI.
Does the Blizzard API give you access to other characters on the account or do you save the info on the disk when on a character? If you are not saving the Garrison data in a file, would it be possible to do so? Wanna make a parser that sends me an email whenever a character is out of Work orders or a mission is completed.
With 11 garrisons (I'm an altoholic) worth of active missions, the tooltip gets very long. It can be scrolled, which is nice, but cutting out all of the blank lines looks even better (to me).
I have a local hack that removes every call to AddEmptyLine or AddLine that doesn't immediately fill the line with content. I'm not sure this merits a config option, but I would like not to have to re-apply this hack every time you update.
show me :) could find its way into the config then ( or something like that)
could you please format it as diff?