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UploadedSep 14, 2012
Size74.97 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 5.0.5
James D. Callahan III:
- Spec fixes.
- Replaced localizations for spell school names with entries from Globalstrings.lua - renamed spellSchools to SPELL_SCHOOLS and moved it to Constants.lua
- Version handling tweak
- Removed partial ChangeLog at bottom of file - VCS logs do a much better job.
- Massive cleanup of leaked globals (some intentional for scoping, but needless all the same).
- Formatting and whitespace cleanups.
- More namespace cleanups.
- Cleanup of AddOn namespace and fixed version display for development and alpha versions.
- Replaced add-on:GetSpecName() with the name return value from GetSpecializationInfo()
- GetActiveTalentGroup --> GetActiveSpecGroup
- Added localizations for devel-enUS, esES, esMX, itIT, ptBR, ruRU, and zhCN.
- Bumped ToC interface version to 50001
- Removed silent flag from enUS locale.
- HitCrit : - one more CLEU change - login warning
- HitCrit : - bump TOC - updated CLEU
- HitCrit : - revert bad change in expandHandler
- HitCrit : - toc bump
- HitCrit : - CLEU changes - libdbicon added - options ordering fixes
- HitCrit : - fixes for yesterday's hasty submit - cleanup of suppression/tracking/toggles
- HitCrit : - updated to include all new spell schools
- HitCrit : - fixed label error (Ticket 58) Thanks next96
- HitCrit : - added separate hit/crit tracking per spec
- HitCrit : - Fixed The Return of Ticket 53
- HitCrit : - TOC bump for 4.0.1
- HitCrit : - Notes commit
- HitCrit : - ignore Eadric's Hammer of the Righteous
- HitCrit : - chat reporting fix
- HitCrit : - fixed chatframe reporting - fixed FoL (Paladin)
- HitCrit : - correctly ignoring Argent Tourney - healing crits no longer being ignored - chatframe reporting fixed
- HitCrit : - added expand/contract buttons per damage type and school
- HitCrit : - made LDB display text more readable
- HitCrit : - followed up on a few more tickets - added broken tooltip error reporting - added in a few more argent tournament suppressions
- HitCrit : - very small tooltip fix - add scrolling for tooltip if it would break the screen edge
- HitCrit : - added in school/value suppression from the tooltip (Ticket ID 42) - couple other small misc fixes
- HitCrit : - properly added zhTW (partial)
- HitCrit : - updated translator credits. Thank you!
- HitCrit : - fixed tooltip issue - added ldb text coloring toggle
- HitCrit : - test version to fix tooltip failure - do not use
- HitCrit : - changed tooltip autohide to .1 - removed option to disable autohidedelay - sane increments for slider
- HitCrit : - added slider for tooltip delay - conversion to new qtip completed
- HitCrit : - removing lqtc - updating toc - reorganizing options
- HitCrit : - fix libqtip packaging issue
- HitCrit : - fix superbuff toggle
- HitCrit : - provide toggle for superbuff detection - properly detect vehicle enter/exit - added "Refresh Mount" to spell exclusion list
- HitCrit : - attempt at adding vehicle checks
- HitCrit : - documentation update - fix to empty rank thing
- HitCrit : - added in chatframe reporting - added in qtip click functionality - removed data browser for data resetting
- - fix qtip pkgmeta entry and embed
- - change superbuff toggle default
- - bumped toc for 3.1 - fixed optdeps for running disembedded - added in ability to turn off superbuff notifications in chat
- - fix localization capitalization shit
- - added same-key-is-true
- - fix localization stupidity
- - added Docs - switch to wowace localization
- Broker_HitCrit : - Update locale koKR
- - added in per school tracking/exclusion - updated pkgmeta to use "latest" tags - couple smaller fixes - moved acquire/release in tooltip to onshow
- - added Shadowflame (Warlock) to exclusion list
- - updated qtip embed - removed stupid doc thing
- - I'll get you yet, you dirty apes!
- - luadoc tests
- - docmeta commit
- - added 3 more superbuffs
- Broker_HitCrit : - Update locale koKR
- - translator credit added for koKR (thanks next96!)
- - added Parrot support - added MSBT support
- Broker_HitCrit : - Add locale koKR
- - TOC auto-versioning - tooltip header/footer colspans - superbuff detection/disable
- - Added frFR (thanks Markam!)
- - addonloader support - persistent tooltips - changed to data source
- - fixed cbh typo and order - added ace3gui
- - attempt to fix some embedding issues #1
- - fixed lifebloom - text is blank when not enabled - hit/crit in text if enabled
- - added crit percentage
- - moved to new debug method
- - added in screenshot capability (off by default)
- - misc fixes - added in data browser - added in ability to remove data poinst
- update embeds.xml to match new libary name
- - changed libtooltip to libqtip
- - changed fontsize to tooltip scaling in options == win
- - deDE fixes (Thanks SunTsu!) - lowlevel mob checking added - fix for reload requirement nonsense - database upgrade logic fixed
- - added deDE locale. Thanks SunTsu!! - coloring fixes
- - enemy name display now working - debug back to false
- - config working - all column display optional now - sort by school working
- - added blizz options support - added new db field (lowlevel) and updatedb check
- - updated db version - storing 3 values now (will eventually allow deletion - reporting on avg values as well now
- - no config or audible alert yet, but data gathering works
- - another attempt at fixing LTT
- - fixed LibTooltip external reference
- Broker-HitCrit : - initial commit
- "broker-hitcrit/mainline: Initial Import"