Only class spells showing if my class has any #64

  • dabear78 created this issue Oct 17, 2018

    When I have any class "ports" (Monk, Deathknight, Mage etc.), the rightclick menu only shows the class ports, not the common ones (hearthstone etc.). I looked into the portals.lua file and found out, that the class portal function seems to overwrite the complete list, even if the hearthstone is already inserted. I tried to write a fix, which works for me and wanted to share it here, maybe it helps you. This is my working portals.lua: portals.lua on


    I added the "Darkiron Dwarf Mole Machine" also with this fix ;)

  • dabear78 posted a comment Oct 18, 2018
    This part:
        if not portals then
            portals = {}

     has to be the first part in the SetupSpells function, not the last, sorry...

  • cbenneh posted a comment Oct 29, 2018



    I don't really understand what your issue is. You are mixing two different things, the list of spells is completely different from hearthstones and so do not affect each other.


    But I've added the mole machine :)


    If you could explain what your issue is, I can try to help.



  • dabear78 posted a comment Oct 29, 2018

    When I rightclick the button (or LDB plugin) with a class which has no class ports I see my hearthstones (normal, Dalaran, Garrison etc.) and my whistle and I can click any of these to activate it. When I try it on my mage p.e. I only see my ports and portals and no hearthstone or whistle. If I use my altered portals.lua I can see hearthstones, whistle, portals and ports. So it seems as if the addon adds the hearthstone etc. to the dropdown menu and then checks for class spells and overwrites the whole list with the class spells if it finds any.


    An example: I have a darkiron dwarf monk (level 32). The rightclick menu shows the following things:


    v1.10: Zen Pilgrimage

    v1.10.1: Zen Pilgrimage, Darkiron Dwarf Mole Machine (because of the table.insert I suggested, if you would use the normal portal = {...spells...} call you used with all the other spells, it would only show the mole machine)

    my version: Hearthstone, Zen Pilgrimage, Darkiron Dwarf Mole Machine


    Possible reason:


    When class == MONK the addon does the following:

    portals = {...spells...}.

    This means every other spells and items added before this point will be overwritten. If you use table.insert the spells will be added without overwriting.


    You could also use different variables: portals, class_portals, race_portals etc. then you don't have to use table.insert.


    P.S.: If it's still not clear what my problem is (I'm not a native speaker), I can try to record a short video of the problem, maybe it will become clearer then ;)

    Edited Oct 29, 2018
  • dabear78 posted a comment Nov 30, 2018

    Any news on this issue?

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