All Namespaces
- |cFFC79C6Eresetprofile|r - Will reset the current configuration profile.
- Active specialization profile: |cffffd100%s|r
- |cFFC79C6ELeft-Click: |cFF33FF99Pause the addon update timer |cFFC79C6ERight-Click: |cFF33FF99Open the quick access menu |cFFC79C6EMiddle-Click: |cFF33FF99Open the configuration panel
- A built in stat with that name already exists.
- Accept
- According to specialization
- Activate the delete button.
- Add New
- Additive blend
- Agi:
- Agility
- Alert
- Alert |cffffd100%s|r is used by statistic: |cffffd100%s|r.
- Alert value can only be a number.
- Alerts
- Alpha mode
- Animation
- AP:
- Arcane Spell Critical Chance
- Arcane Spell Power
- Armor
- Armor Penetration
- Armor:
- ArPen:
- Ascc:
- Asp:
- Aspd:
- Attack Power
- Attack Speed
- Attempt to perform arithmetic on a non number value, you are probably trying to round a string.
- Av:
- Avoidance
- Battleground
- Blend
- Blink
- Block percent
- Bp:
- Broker Statistics
- Broker Statistics config loader
- Built in Stats
- Calculation Code
- Cancel
- CC:
- Choose an icon from the list.
- Choose if the configuration will be saved just on the specialization name or the specialization name and numbers (x/x/x/x/x/x).
- Choose on which Data Broker object to display %s.
- Choose the order of %s.
- Choose the texture to use with this alert.
- Choose which alert to display for %s.
- Close
- Color
- Configuration
- Configuration Panel
- Configuration save behavior
- Copy
- Copy an existing specialization profile over the active one.
- Copy the selected profile over %s?
- Create
- Create New
- Create the new alert %s
- Create the new custom statistic %s
- Create the new Data Broker object %s
- Critical Chance
- Current specialization default profile: |cffffd100%s|r
- Custom objects
- Custom Stats
- Data Broker
- Data Broker Object
- Data broker objects used: %d
- Default
- Default object
- Delete
- Delete an existing specialization profile.
- Delete the %s alert. |cffff3333No more warning is given beyond this point.
- Delete the %s custom statistic. |cffff3333No more warning is given beyond this point.
- Delete the %s Data Broker object. This will require reloading the user interface. |cffff3333No more warning is given beyond this point.
- Delete the selected profile?
- Deleting the active profile will reset it.
- Disabled
- Display
- Display the stat post string.
- Display the stat prefix.
- Do you want to reload the User Interdace or just hide the custom Data Broker object.
- Dodge percent
- Dp:
- Enable
- Enable %s on the data broker display. Calculation: |cff4e5780%s
- Enable %s on the data broker display. Note: %s Calculation: |cff4e5780%s
- Enable Config
- Enable Icon
- Enable if the configuration will be saved according to the current specialization. Note: This only affect Data Broker objects and statistics.
- Enable Sound
- Enable sound options for this alert
- Enable Texture
- Enable texture options for this alert
- Enable the icon to be displayed before the statistic
- Enable the options for this alert
- Enable this Data Broker object.
- Enter Name
- Enter the alert threshold.
- Enter the new alert name.
- Enter the new Data Broker object name.
- Enter the new statistic name.
- Enter the player name:
- Enter the separator displayed between each stat.
- Enter the string displayed between each stat.
- Every 5 seconds.
- Every second. Work with your current power type (mana, energy, focus, etc).
- Everything
- Exp:
- Expertise
- Expertise Percent
- Failed to load configuration, reason: %s.
- Fire Spell Critical Chance
- Fire Spell Power
- Frost Spell Critical Chance
- Frost Spell Power
- Fscc:
- Fsp:
- Global Spell Critical Chance
- Global Spell Power
- Guild
- Haste
- Haste Rating
- Haste:
- Healing Power
- Height
- Here you can use, copy or delete an existing specialization profile. These profiles affects Data Broker objects configuration and statistics configuration. Global profiles (next tab) affects everything in the configuration panel (Exept custom statistics core options which are saved in the global scope).
- Hide
- Hit Chance
- Hit:
- Holy Spell Critical Chance
- Holy Spell Power
- Hpw:
- Hscc:
- Hsp:
- Import from string
- Int:
- Intellect
- Load configuration
- Main
- Mana regen
- Mana regen (casting)
- Mast:
- Mastery
- Mastery Rating
- Melee
- Miscellaneous
- Mode
- Modulating blend
- Mr:
- Mrc:
- Multiple
- Nature Spell Critical Chance
- Nature Spell Power
- New Data Broker object
- No icon selected.
- No Talents
- None
- Normal
- Not Available
- Nothing to display
- Nscc:
- Nsp:
- One-bit alpha
- Opaque texture
- Options
- Order
- P:
- Pary percent
- Paste here the new statistic string.
- Paste String
- Pause
- Paused
- Pickup a color.
- Player
- Post
- Post Color
- Power
- Power regen
- Power regen (combat)
- Power with max value
- Pp:
- Pr:
- Prc:
- Pre
- Pre Color
- Proc
- Pulse Enlarge
- Pulse Shrink
- PvP Power
- PvP Power Rating
- PvP Resilience
- PvP Resilience Rating
- Pvpp:
- Pvpr:
- RaHaste:
- RaHit:
- Raid
- Ranged
- Ranged Attack Power
- Ranged Critical Chance
- Ranged Haste
- Ranged Haste Rating
- Ranged Hit Chance
- Ranged Weapon Damage
- Ranged Weapon Speed
- RAP:
- Rate -
- Rate +
- Rate: %.1f
- RCC:
- Received custom stat "%s" from "%s".
- Received custom stat "%s" from "%s". You already got a stat with that name, enter a new name:
- Refresh Rate
- Reject share from battleground.
- Reject share from guild.
- Reject share from other players.
- Reject share from raid or party.
- Reject share request
- Reload
- Reset the current configuration profile.
- Returned value is nil.
- Rotate Anti Clockwise
- Rotate Clockwise
- Round
- Round the result to the specified decimal places.
- Rspd:
- Rwd:
- SCC:
- Select a specialization profile to use instead of %s
- Select an animation.
- Select Icon
- Select the alert behavior. |cFFC79c6eNormal:|r The alert will be displayed when the statistic value reach the specified value and until the statistic value drop below the specified value. |cFFC79c6eProc:|r The alert will be displayed when the statistic value reach the specified value for the specified time.
- Select the alert sound.
- Select the configuration category.
- Select the Data Broker object main icon.
- Select the Data Broker object main icon. |cFFC79C6ELeft-Click:|r Default icon list (Macro frame). |cFFC79C6EShift+Left-Click:|r Item macro list (Guild bank frame).
- Select the texture alpha mode.
- Select the time to hide the alert.
- Send
- Send %s to another player.
- Send %s to your battleground raid.
- Send %s to your guild.
- Send %s to your raid. It will send it to your group if you are in a party.
- Separator
- Separator Color
- Set the addon chat messages verbosity.
- Set the frame height.
- Set the frame width.
- Shadow Spell Critical Chance
- Shadow Spell Power
- Shake Horizontal
- Shake Vertical
- Share
- Sound
- Sound %s not found for alert %s.
- Sound selection
- SP:
- Specialization name
- Specialization name and numbers
- Specialization Profiles
- Specialization save behavior
- Speed
- Speed:
- Spell
- Spell Haste
- Spell Haste Rating
- Spell Hit Chance
- Spell Penetration
- Spen:
- SpHaste:
- SpHit:
- Spi:
- Spirit
- Sscc:
- Ssp:
- Sta:
- Stamina
- Statistics displayed: %d
- Stats %s is no longer available, removing it from your %s profile.
- Str:
- Strength
- String
- Tank
- Tell the display engine there is more than one statistic returned.
- Test
- Test the %s alert. Hiding it after 5 seconds.
- Texture
- Texture Color
- Texture selection
- The alert %s already exists.
- The alert %s of statistic %s is trying to compare a number with %s.
- The alert name cannot be "none".
- The code used to calculate the statistic.
- The custom stat %s already exists.
- The Data Broker object %s already exists.
- The name provided was empty.
- The refresh rate in seconds.
- The separator used in multiple mode.
- The text to display after the statistic, ex: "%" Note: this is displayed after any stat in multiple mode.
- The text to display after the statistic, ex: "%%" Note: this is displayed after any stat in multiple mode. Leave it blank for the default one (%s).
- The text to display before the statistic, ex: "AP: ".
- The text to display before the statistic, ex: "AP: ". Leave it blank for the default one (%s).
- There is an error in %s code. Error: %s
- Timer
- Use
- Use this to store this custom stat.
- Value
- Vengeance percent
- Vengeance value
- Verbosity
- VP:
- VV:
- Wd:
- Weapon Damage
- Width
- With no argument it will display the configuration panel.
- You already got a stat with that name, enter a new name:
- Your Haste
- Your Ranged Haste
- Your Spell Haste