All Namespaces
- Add
- Added set: %s.
- Addons purged :
- ALT ReloadUI
- Are you sure you want to delete the set %s?
- Author
- Cancel
- Category
- Click
- Delete
- Deleted set: %s.
- Enter the name for your saved Addon Set here !
- Hard coded groups will not be used (Only grouping by Start Group Chars value).
- hidden
- hidden mode
- Hide notes
- Hide the displayed notes in tooltip.
- Hints
- Hold Alt+Mouseover
- Hold Shift+Mouseover
- If ALT must be held to reload UI.
- Ignore hard coded groups
- loaded
- Loaded set: %s.
- Memory
- MouseWheel
- Notes
- Please use a proper name for your set.
- Purge addons that you don't have installed any more from hidden list.
- Purge Hidden List
- ReloadUI to Load
- Right
- set mode
- Shift+Click to load
- Start Group Characters
- The amount of chars to compare at the start of each addon to group the addons together. Recommended to set it to 4, meaning if the first 4 chars of an addon NAME match, they will be grouped together.
- to display config menu.
- to enable/disable all addons in group.
- to enable/disable.
- to expand/collapse all nodes.
- to expand/collapse.
- to hide the addon.
- to load the selected set and Reload the UI.
- to load the selected set.
- to load/delete addon sets.
- to Reload UI.
- to remove the selected set.
- to resize addon notes.
- to resize tooltip.
- to save this addon set.
- to show this addon again.
- to unhide addons.
- Updating set: %s.
- Version
Phrase Key:
Base Namespace