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Unfortunately this addon is completely broken in 9.0 and you get this error message when you type /afk
<p>8x Broker_AFK\Broker_AFK-2.8.6.lua:173: attempt to call method 'SetBackdrop' (a nil value)<br />[string "@Broker_AFK\Broker_AFK-2.8.6.lua"]:173: in function <Broker_AFK\Broker_AFK.lua:167><br />[string "@Broker_AFK\Broker_AFK-2.8.6.lua"]:581: in function `Update'<br />[string "@Broker_AFK\Broker_AFK-2.8.6.lua"]:499: in function <Broker_AFK\Broker_AFK.lua:492></p> <p>Locals:<br />(*temporary) = nil<br />(*temporary) = Broker_AFKAFKWindow {<br /> 0 = <userdata><br />}<br />(*temporary) = <table> {<br /> bgFile = "Interface/DialogFrame/UI-DialogBox-Background"<br /> tileSize = 32<br /> edgeFile = "Interface/DialogFrame/UI-DialogBox-Border"<br /> tile = true<br /> edgeSize = 32<br /> insets = <table> {<br /> }<br />}<br />(*temporary) = "attempt to call method 'SetBackdrop' (a nil value)"<br />AFKWindow = Broker_AFKAFKWindow {<br /> 0 = <userdata><br />}<br />addonName = "Broker_AFK"<br />settings = <table> {<br /> loaded = true<br /> timeaway = true<br /> aliases = <table> {<br /> }<br /> autoreplyafk = false<br /> coalescetime = 300<br /> bnreplyafk = true<br /> autoreply = <table> {<br /> }<br /> bnreplycoalesce = 300<br /> debug = false<br /> playerframe = true<br /> idlealert = "Sound\INTERFACE\AlarmClockWarning3.ogg"<br /> autobusy = <table> {<br /> }<br /> afkwinpos = <table> {<br /> }<br /> bnreplydnd = true<br /> afkalert = "none"<br /> autocleartalk = true<br /> coalescednd = true<br /> minimap = <table> {<br /> }<br /> afkreminder = true<br /> coalesceafk = true<br /> ldbtext = <table> {<br /> }<br /> autoreplydnd = false<br />}<br />L = <table> {<br />}<br />_G = <table> {<br /> ERR_OUT_OF_CHI = "Not enough chi"<br /> ARKINV_Frame1ScrollContainerBag5Item13ArkIconOverlay = ARKINV_Frame1ScrollContainerBag5Item13ArkIconOverlay {<br /> }<br /> GetTrainerServiceTypeFilter = <function> defined =[C]:-1<br /> UNIT_NAMES_COMBATLOG_TOOLTIP = "Color unit names."<br /> ARKINV_Frame4ChangerWindowPurchaseInfoDetailMoneyFrameCopperButtonText = ARKINV_Frame4ChangerWindowPurchaseInfoDetailMoneyFrameCopperButtonText {<br /> }<br /> LE_GAME_ERR_CHAT_RAID_RESTRICTED_TRIAL = 741<br /> BuyEmAllFrameTopTex = BuyEmAllFrameTopTex {<br /> }</p>
LE_GAME_ERR_PET_SPELL_TARGETS_DEAD = 400 CompactUnitFrameProfilesGeneralOptionsFrameHealthTextDropdownButtonNormalTexture = CompactUnitFrameProfilesGeneralOptionsFrameHealthTextDropdownButtonNormalTexture { } PawnItemComparer = <function> defined @Pawn\Pawn.lua:3608 DetailsFrameworkButtonNumber94560_Text = DetailsFrameworkButtonNumber94560_Text { } MultiBarLeftButton7 = MultiBarLeftButton7 { } AudioOptionsVoicePanelOutputDeviceDropdownButtonHighlightTexture = AudioOptionsVoicePanelOutputDeviceDropdownButtonHighlightTexture { } LFGListInviteDialog_OnEvent = <function> defined @FrameXML\LFGList.lua:2416 MerchantItem4AltCurrencyFrameItem1Text = MerchantItem4AltCurrencyFrameItem1Text { } BINDING_NAME_NAMEPLATES = "Show Enemy Name Plates" INSTANCE_UNAVAILABLE_OTHER_TEMPORARILY_DISABLED = "%s cannot enter. This instance is temporarily disabled." MultiBarBottomRightButton8Shine5 = MultiBarBottomRightButton8Shine5 { } COVENANT_MISSIONS_HEALTH = "Health" UnitFrameManaBar_UnregisterDefaultEvents = <function> defined @FrameXML\UnitFrame.lua:782 PaperDollTitlesPaneButton15BgTop = PaperDollTitlesPaneButton15BgTop { } ERR_NOAMMO_S = "%s" TitanPanelGC-FarmsButtonRightClickMenuPushedTexture = TitanPanelGC-FarmsButtonRightClickMenuPushedTexture { } WorldQuestTrackerWorldMapPOIWorldQuestTrackerWorldSummarySquarePOI2BorderShineAnimation3 = WorldQuestTrackerWorldMapPOIWorldQuestTrackerWorldSummarySquarePOI2BorderShineAnimation3 { } ChatFrame6EditBoxFocusMid = ChatFrame6EditBoxFocusMid { } AceConfigDialogTooltipTexture20 = AceConfigDialogTooltipTexture20 { } LE_GAME_ERR_RECRUIT_A_FRIEND_FAILED = 951 CompactRaidFrameManagerDisplayFrameHiddenModeToggleTopRight = CompactRaidFrameManagerDisplayFrameHiddenModeToggleTopRight { } LFGTeleport = <function> defined =[C]:-1 LE_GAME_ERR_ONLY_ONE_QUIVER = 32 INT_SPELL_DURATION_HOURS = "%d |4hour:hrs;" ToggleEncounterJournal = <function> defined @FrameXML\UIParent.lua:1035 LOSS_OF_CONTROL_DISPLAY_FEAR = "Feared" Graphics_QualityText = Graphics_QualityText { } MacroFrame = MacroFrame { } LibDBIcon10_BugSack = LibDBIcon10_BugSack { } FriendsFriendsScrollFrameButton14 = FriendsFriendsScrollFrameButton14 { } CompactUnitFrameProfilesSaveButton = CompactUnitFrameProfilesSaveButton { } RaidGraphics_EnvironmentalDetailSlider = RaidGraphics_EnvironmentalDetailSlider { } ARKINV_Frame4TitleActionButton2 = ARKINV_Frame4TitleActionButton2 { } Is64BitClient = <function> defined =[C]:-1 TELLMEWHEN_VERSION_FULL = "9.0.0 " SpyStatsPlayerHistoryFrameListFrameLine13Level =
to fix this (or to make the timer window pop up again. open up Broker_AFK.lua
and change like 172:
AFKWindow = CreateFrame("Frame", addonName.."AFKWindow", UIParent)
AFKWindow = CreateFrame("Frame", addonName.."AFKWindow", UIParent, "BackdropTemplate")
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