Dungeon Helper
Dungeon Helper provides a few helpful improvements to your daily dungeon grinding.
- Plays an alarm sound when your dungeon invitation pops up (Works with WoW minimized).
- Shows a dungeon invitation timer.
- Post the time needed to complete the dungeon into the party chat. "Dungeon completed in: x Minutes" (Optional)
- Call To Arms Watcher:
Announces "Call To Arms" bonus rewards availability of selected roles to your chat or plays a sound.
Data Broker Plugin:
Dungeon Helper also includes a Broker replacement for the "Dungeon Finder" minimap icon. You will need a LDB-based display addon like ChocolateBar, TitanPanel or one of the many others to see the broker plugin.
Waiting for Tank... |
Call To Arms status |
So far I really love the addon - it keeps getting better! However, one thing that is a tad annoying... you've got it set up so that whenever anyone is in the active party, you can right click on the plugin and select teleport in/out.
However, once a run finishes and people start leaving the party - if I am the last one left in the dungeon, right-clicking on your plugin no longer shows the "Teleport in/out" option. I'm literally stuck in the dungeon unless I unhide my minimap buttons (I use Carbonite).
Any way to add in some logic in there so that if I am in a dungeon I was ported to via LFG tool, and I am last in the party to leave (still in dungeon), I can still have the option to teleport out?
Broker_FindGroup-v0.4\Broker_FindGroup.lua:282: in main chunk
ldb =
attributestorage =
pairs = <function> @ Altoholic\libs\LibDataBroker-1.1\LibDataBroker-1.1.lua:70:
NewDataObject = <function> @ AddonLoader\LibDataBroker-1.1\LibDataBroker-1.1.lua:36:
callbacks =
ipairs = <function> @ Altoholic\libs\LibDataBroker-1.1\LibDataBroker-1.1.lua:81:
RegisterCallback = <function> @ Ace3\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:118:
GetNameByDataObject = <function> @ AddonLoader\LibDataBroker-1.1\LibDataBroker-1.1.lua:63:
GetDataObjectByName = <function> @ AddonLoader\LibDataBroker-1.1\LibDataBroker-1.1.lua:59:
UnregisterCallback = <function> @ Ace3\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:181:
domt =
proxystorage =
DataObjectIterator = <function> @ AddonLoader\LibDataBroker-1.1\LibDataBroker-1.1.lua:55:
namestorage =
UnregisterAllCallbacks = <function> @ Ace3\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:202:
L =
Tank = "Tank"
D = "D"
H = "H"
Time = "Time"
Assembling group... = "Assembling group..."
Queued for: = "Queued for: "
Find Group = "Find Group"
My estimated wait time: = "My estimated wait time:"
In Party = "In Party"
T = "T"
Short Text = "Short Text"
Click to open the dungeon finder. = "Click to open the dungeon finder."
Waiting for: = "Waiting for:"
Show Wait Time = "Show Wait Time"
Healer = "Healer"
Show Instance Name = "Show Instance Name"
Wait time as: = "Wait time as:"
Teleport In/Out = "Teleport In/Out"
Right click for options. = "Right click for options."
dataobj =
path = "Broker_FindGroup\media\"
db = nil
dropdown = nil
delay = 1
counter = 0
timer = 0
frame = <unnamed> {
0 = <userdata>
UpdateText = <function> @ Broker_FindGroup\Broker_FindGroup.lua:47:
Debug = <function> @ Broker_FindGroup\Broker_FindGroup.lua:12:
GetTimeString = <function> @ Broker_FindGroup\Broker_FindGroup.lua:23:
OnUpdate = <function> @ Broker_FindGroup\Broker_FindGroup.lua:36:
Teleport = <function> @ Broker_FindGroup\Broker_FindGroup.lua:107:
dropdownmenu = nil
OpenMenu = <function> @ Broker_FindGroup\Broker_FindGroup.lua:116:
Onclick = <function> @ Broker_FindGroup\Broker_FindGroup.lua:178:
OnEvent = <function> @ Broker_FindGroup\Broker_FindGroup.lua:255:
is an error im getting using fubar and broker2fubar
here is a screenie of the broken frame
For German probably best would be "T/H/DD" as everyone is using DD as an abbreviation for damage dealer and "Tank" for well the Tank^^
At least on my German realm:)
Danke fürs Übersetzen, ich hätte es später selbst gemacht aber hatte nach dem hochladen der neuen version gleich nen raid^^
Ist eh besser so meine Rechtschreibung ist nämlich furchtbar xD
there are some debug messages left i think.