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Thank you for the update. I have changed some more things but yet haven't found the time to show off.
What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?
Please provide any additional information below.
local ldb = LibStub:GetLibrary("LibDataBroker-1.1") local L = LibStub:GetLibrary( "AceLocale-3.0" ):GetLocale( "Broker_Money") local LibQTip = LibStub('LibQTip-1.0') local L_GOLD = L["g"] local L_SILVER = L["s"] local L_COPPER = L["c"] local Money = CreateFrame("frame") LibStub("AceEvent-3.0"):Embed(Money) Money.dataobj = LibStub:GetLibrary("LibDataBroker-1.1"):NewDataObject(L["Broker_Money"], { type = "data source", label = L["Broker Money"], icon = "Interface\\MoneyFrame\\UI-GoldIcon", text = "5", }) local playerName = UnitName("player") local realmName = GetRealmName() local faction = UnitFactionGroup("player") local moneyonlogin local function pairsByKeys(t,f) local a = {} for n in pairs(t) do table.insert(a, n) end table.sort(a, f) local i = 0 -- iterator variable local iter = function () -- iterator function i = i + 1 if a[i] == nil then return nil else return a[i], t[a[i]] end end return iter end local function returnchars() local a = {} for name,value in pairsByKeys(Broker_MoneyDB.realm[realmName].Alliance) do table.insert(a,name) end for name,value in pairsByKeys(Broker_MoneyDB.realm[realmName].Horde) do table.insert(a,name) end table.sort(a) return a end local function deletechar(char) if not char or char == nil or char == "" then return nil end for factionName,factionTable in pairs(Broker_MoneyDB.realm[realmName]) do for name,value in pairsByKeys(factionTable) do if name == char then Broker_MoneyDB.realm[realmName][factionName][name] = nil print("Broker_Money: "..char.." deleted.") end end end end local symbols = { ["Coins"] = "Coins", ["Text"] = "Text", ["None"] = "None", } local goldtodisplay = { ["Character"] = "Character", ["Faction"] = "Faction", ["Realm"] = "Realm", } local sorting = { ["Gold"] = "Gold", ["Name"] = "Name", } local options = { name = L["Broker Money"], type = "group", args = { confdesc = { order = 0, type = "description", name = L["Simple money display for LDB\n"], cmdHidden = true }, visualheader = { name = "Visual Options", order = 1, type = "header", width = "full", }, symbols = { name = "Symbols / Coin visualization", desc = "How and if the value symbols should be displayed.", order = 1.1, type = "select", values = symbols, set = function(info, val) Broker_MoneyConfig.Symbols = val; Money:UpdateConfig() end, get = function(info) return Broker_MoneyConfig.Symbols end }, --[[ showCoinIcons = { order = 1.1, type = "toggle", width = "full", name = L["Show coin icons"], desc = L["Shows coin icons"], get = function() return Broker_MoneyConfig.ShowCoinIcons end, set = function(_,v) Broker_MoneyConfig.ShowCoinIcons = v Money:UpdateConfig() end, },]] iconSize = { type = "range", order = 1.2, name = L["Icon size"], desc = L["Change Icon size"], min = 1, max = 32, step = 1, bigStep = 1, set = function(_,v) Broker_MoneyConfig.IconSize = v Money:UpdateConfig() end, get = function() return Broker_MoneyConfig.IconSize end, disabled = function() return Broker_MoneyConfig.Symbols ~= "Coins"--[[not Broker_MoneyConfig.ShowCoinIcons]] end, }, showColoredText = { order = 1.3, type = "toggle", width = "full", name = L["Show colored text"], desc = L["Shows colored text"], get = function() return Broker_MoneyConfig.ShowColoredText end, set = function(_,v) Broker_MoneyConfig.ShowColoredText = v Money:UpdateConfig() end, }, compressDisplay = { order = 1.4, type = "toggle", width = "full", name = L["Compress display"], desc = L["Display only relevant information (Value not 0)"], get = function() return Broker_MoneyConfig.CompressDisplay end, set = function(_,v) Broker_MoneyConfig.CompressDisplay = v Money:UpdateConfig() end, }, textheader = { name = "LDB Text Options", order = 2, type = "header", width = "full", }, goldtodisplay = { name = "Gold to display", desc = "Which Gold value should be displayed?", order = 2.1, type = "select", values = goldtodisplay, set = function(info, val) Broker_MoneyConfig.GoldToDisplay = val; Money:UpdateConfig() end, get = function(info) return Broker_MoneyConfig.GoldToDisplay end }, tooltipheader = { name = "ToolTip Options", order = 3, type = "header", width = "full", }, sorting = { name = "Sort by", desc = "Sort the character table by ...", order = 3.1, type = "select", values = sorting, set = function(info, val) Broker_MoneyConfig.Sorting = val; Money:UpdateConfig() end, get = function(info) return Broker_MoneyConfig.Sorting end }, sortreverse = { order = 3.2, type = "toggle", width = "full", name = "Reverse sorting", desc = "Reverse sorting (min/max gold on top / a-z/z-a)", get = function() return Broker_MoneyConfig.SortReverse end, set = function(_,v) Broker_MoneyConfig.SortReverse = v; Money:UpdateConfig() end, }, showvariation = { order = 3.2, type = "toggle", width = "full", name = "Show variation", desc = "Shows the difference between your current money and the money you had on login.", get = function() return Broker_MoneyConfig.ShowVariation end, set = function(_,v) Broker_MoneyConfig.ShowVariation = v; Money:UpdateConfig() end, }, dbheader = { name = "Database Options", order = 4, type = "header", width = "full", }, deletechar = { name = "Delete char", desc = "Delete the selected char", order = -1, type = "select", values = returnchars, set = function(info, val) local t=returnchars(); deletechar(t[val]); Money:UpdateConfig() end, get = function(info) return nil end }, } } LibStub("AceConfig-3.0"):RegisterOptionsTable(L["Broker Money"], options) LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0"):AddToBlizOptions(L["Broker Money"]) local currentMoney, toolTipRef local goldicon, silvericon, coppericon local COLOR_COPPER, COLOR_SILVER, COLOR_GOLD local gold, silver, copper function Money:UpdateConfig() if not Broker_MoneyConfig then Broker_MoneyConfig = { ShowCoinIcons = true, ShowColoredText = true, CompressDisplay = false, IconSize = 16, Sorting = "Name", SortReverse = false, ShowVariation = true, GoldToDisplay = "Character", } end if not Broker_MoneyConfig.GoldToDisplay then Broker_MoneyConfig.GoldToDisplay = "Character" end if not Broker_MoneyConfig.Symbols then Broker_MoneyConfig.Symbols = "Coins" end if not Broker_MoneyDB or not Broker_MoneyDB.realm then Broker_MoneyDB = { realm = {}, } end if not Broker_MoneyDB.realm[realmName] then Broker_MoneyDB.realm[realmName] = {} end if (not Broker_MoneyDB.realm[realmName]["Horde"] or not Broker_MoneyDB.realm[realmName]["Alliance"]) then Broker_MoneyDB.realm[realmName] = {} Broker_MoneyDB.realm[realmName]["Horde"] = {} Broker_MoneyDB.realm[realmName]["Alliance"] = {} end if Broker_MoneyConfig.Symbols == "Coins" then --Broker_MoneyConfig.ShowCoinIcons then --use built-in icons --goldicon = " |TInterface\\AddOns\\Broker_Money\\Icons\\UI-GoldIcon::|t" --silvericon = " |TInterface\\AddOns\\Broker_Money\\Icons\\UI-SilverIcon::|t" --coppericon = " |TInterface\\AddOns\\Broker_Money\\Icons\\UI-CopperIcon::|t" -- 16 is fine local iconSize if not Broker_MoneyConfig.IconSize then Broker_MoneyConfig.IconSize = 16 end iconSize = Broker_MoneyConfig.IconSize goldicon = string.format("\124TInterface\\MoneyFrame\\UI-GoldIcon:%d:%d:1:0\124t", iconSize, iconSize) silvericon = string.format("\124TInterface\\MoneyFrame\\UI-SilverIcon:%d:%d:1:0\124t", iconSize, iconSize) coppericon = string.format("\124TInterface\\MoneyFrame\\UI-CopperIcon:%d:%d:1:0\124t", iconSize, iconSize) elseif Broker_MoneyConfig.Symbols == "Text" then goldicon = string.format("|cffffd700%s|r", L_GOLD) silvericon = string.format("|cffc7c7cf%s|r", L_SILVER) coppericon = string.format("|cffeda55f%s|r", L_COPPER) else goldicon = string.format("|cffffd700%s|r", "") silvericon = string.format("|cffc7c7cf%s|r", "") coppericon = string.format("|cffeda55f%s|r", "") end if Broker_MoneyConfig.ShowColoredText then COLOR_GOLD = "|cffffd700%s|r" COLOR_SILVER = "|cffc7c7cf%i|r" COLOR_COPPER = "|cffeda55f%i|r" else COLOR_COPPER = "%i" COLOR_SILVER = "%i" COLOR_GOLD = "%s" end Money:Update() end local function GetTipAnchor(frame) local x,y = frame:GetCenter() if not x or not y then return "TOPLEFT", "BOTTOMLEFT" end local hhalf = (x > UIParent:GetWidth()*2/3) and "RIGHT" or (x < UIParent:GetWidth()/3) and "LEFT" or "" local vhalf = (y > UIParent:GetHeight()/2) and "TOP" or "BOTTOM" return vhalf..hhalf, frame, (vhalf == "TOP" and "BOTTOM" or "TOP")..hhalf end function Money.dataobj.OnLeave() -- Release the tooltip LibQTip:Release(toolTipRef) toolTipRef = nil end local next = next function Money.dataobj.OnEnter(self) local tooltip = LibQTip:Acquire("BrokerMoneyTooltip", 4, "LEFT", "RIGHT", "RIGHT", "RIGHT") toolTipRef = tooltip -- tooltip:AddHeader('Broker_Money') -- tooltip:AddLine(" ") local totalMoney = 0 local factionMoney = 0 local reverse = nil if Broker_MoneyConfig.SortReverse then reverse = function(a,b) return a>b end end for factionName,factionTable in pairs(Broker_MoneyDB.realm[realmName]) do if Broker_MoneyConfig.Sorting == "Name" then -- for name,value in pairs(factionTable) do for name,value in pairsByKeys(factionTable,reverse) do local moneyTable = Money:CreateMoneyStrings(value) tooltip:AddLine(string.format("%s: ", name), moneyTable["gold"], moneyTable["silver"], moneyTable["copper"]) totalMoney = totalMoney + value if(factionName == faction) then factionMoney = factionMoney + value end end elseif Broker_MoneyConfig.Sorting == "Gold" then if next(factionTable) ~= nil then valuetable = {} for name,value in pairs(factionTable) do table.insert(valuetable, value) end table.sort(valuetable, reverse) for i=1,getn(valuetable) do for name,value in pairs(factionTable) do if valuetable[i] == value then local moneyTable = Money:CreateMoneyStrings(value) tooltip:AddLine(string.format("%s: ", name), moneyTable["gold"], moneyTable["silver"], moneyTable["copper"]) totalMoney = totalMoney + value if(factionName == faction) then factionMoney = factionMoney + value end end end end end else print("Broker_Money: Solving bugs in config...") Broker_MoneyConfig.Sorting = "Name" for name,value in pairsByKeys(factionTable,reverse) do local moneyTable = Money:CreateMoneyStrings(value) tooltip:AddLine(string.format("%s: ", name), moneyTable["gold"], moneyTable["silver"], moneyTable["copper"]) totalMoney = totalMoney + value if(factionName == faction) then factionMoney = factionMoney + value end end print("Broker_Money: Bugs should be solved.") end end if (Broker_MoneyConfig.ShowVariation ~= false and Broker_MoneyConfig.ShowVariation ~= true) then print("Broker_Money: Solving bugs in config...") Broker_MoneyConfig.ShowVariation = true end if Broker_MoneyConfig.ShowVariation then tooltip:AddLine(" ") local variationMoneyTable = Money:CreateMoneyStrings("variation") tooltip:AddLine("Variation since login: ", variationMoneyTable["gold"], variationMoneyTable["silver"], variationMoneyTable["copper"]) end tooltip:AddLine(" ") local factionMoneyTable = Money:CreateMoneyStrings(factionMoney) local realmMoneyTable = Money:CreateMoneyStrings(totalMoney) tooltip:AddLine("Faction: ", factionMoneyTable["gold"], factionMoneyTable["silver"], factionMoneyTable["copper"]) tooltip:AddLine("Realm: ", realmMoneyTable["gold"], realmMoneyTable["silver"], realmMoneyTable["copper"]) if not self or self == nil then tooltip:Clear() return factionMoneyTable, realmMoneyTable end tooltip:SmartAnchorTo(self) tooltip:Show() end local function round(num, idp) return tonumber(string.format("%." .. (idp or 0) .. "f", num)) end local function shortengoldvalue(gold) if gold >= 1E6 then gold = round(gold/1E6,1).."m" elseif gold >= 1E3 then gold = round(gold/1E3,1).."k" end return gold end function Money:CreateMoneyStrings(currentMoney) local COLOR_COPPER, COLOR_SILVER, COLOR_GOLD = COLOR_COPPER, COLOR_SILVER, COLOR_GOLD local isdeficit = false if currentMoney == "variation" then currentMoney = GetMoney() - moneyonlogin if currentMoney < 0 then isdeficit = true currentMoney = currentMoney*(-1) COLOR_COPPER, COLOR_SILVER, COLOR_GOLD = "|cffff0000%i|r", "|cffff0000%i|r", "|cffff0000%s|r" elseif currentMoney == 0 then COLOR_COPPER, COLOR_SILVER, COLOR_GOLD = "|cffffffff%i|r", "|cffffffff%i|r", "|cffffffff%s|r" else COLOR_COPPER, COLOR_SILVER, COLOR_GOLD = "|cff00ff00%i|r", "|cff00ff00%i|r", "|cff00ff00%s|r" end end gold = floor(currentMoney / 10000) silver = floor((currentMoney - (gold * 10000)) / 100) copper = mod(currentMoney, 100) local goldString, silverString, copperString local moneystring = "" local CompressDisplay = Broker_MoneyConfig.CompressDisplay if(gold > 0 or not CompressDisplay) then goldString = string.format("%s%s ", string.format(COLOR_GOLD, shortengoldvalue(gold)), goldicon) moneystring = goldString end if((silver > 0 or gold > 0) or not CompressDisplay) then silverString = string.format("%s%s ", string.format(COLOR_SILVER, silver), silvericon) moneystring = moneystring..silverString; end copperString = string.format("%s%s", string.format(COLOR_COPPER, copper), coppericon) moneystring = moneystring..copperString local moneyTable = { full=moneystring, gold=goldString, silver=silverString, copper=copperString } return moneyTable end function Money:Update() local currentMoney = GetMoney() Broker_MoneyDB.realm[realmName][faction][playerName] = currentMoney local moneyString, moneyTable local factionMoneyTable, realmMoneyTable = Money.dataobj.OnEnter() local t = Broker_MoneyConfig.GoldToDisplay if t == "Faction" then moneyString = factionMoneyTable["full"] elseif t == "Realm" then moneyString = realmMoneyTable["full"] else moneyTable = Money:CreateMoneyStrings(currentMoney) moneyString = moneyTable["full"] end Money.dataobj.text = moneyString if tipshown then dataobj.OnEnter(tipshown) end end function Money:EnteringWorld() moneyonlogin = GetMoney() Money:UpdateConfig() end Money:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_MONEY", "Update") Money:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_TRADE_MONEY", "Update") Money:RegisterEvent("TRADE_MONEY_CHANGED", "Update") Money:RegisterEvent("SEND_MAIL_MONEY_CHANGED", "Update") Money:RegisterEvent("SEND_MAIL_COD_CHANGED", "Update") Money:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LOGIN", "EnteringWorld") --Money:UpdateConfig()
Just updated to my current version.
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