Simplified Chinese
All Namespaces
- 1:00 AM
- 2:00 AM
- 3:00 AM
- 4:00 AM
- 5:00 AM
- 6:00 AM
- Alliance
- Alt-click to pause or resume timing
- Always
- Broker_PlayTimer
- Change status bar color to warn when timers are paused.
- Chat Message
- Click to show player, day or session
- Controls the use of color in the tooltip and on the status bar display.
- Controls whether to show Alliance and Horde timers in the tooltip.
- Ctrl-click to show the timer's name
- Custom
- d
- day
- days
- Default status bar timer:
- Dialog Box
- Display
- Enable Reminders
- every (minutes):
- Example
- exceeds (minutes):
- Flash When Paused
- h
- Horde
- hour
- hours
- hr
- hrs
- Level
- Lifetime
- m
- midnight
- min
- mins
- minute
- minutes
- Never
- Okay
- Only if I've played both
- Options
- Paused
- Player, realm and faction timers will be reset to zero minutes at the selected time of day.
- PlayTimer
- Raid Warning
- Remind me after I've played for this length of time in minutes.
- Remind me again
- Remind me when:
- Reminder text:
- Reminder: You have been playing for %s.
- Reminders
- Reset Now
- Reset player, realm and faction timers to zero minutes.
- Reset timers at:
- Right-click to open the options panel
- Send my reminders using:
- Session
- Shift-click for 1m, 1 min or 1 minute
- Show Alliance / Horde timers:
- Show an example of how the reminder will appear.
- Show Hint Text
- Show Minimap Icon
- Show mouse-click hints in the tooltip.
- Show name of timer
- Show the timer's name in the status bar display.
- Snooze
- Snooze and remind me again after I've played for this length of time in minutes.
- The reminder will be delivered via the specified channel.
- The selected timer will be displayed in the status bar when the player initially enters the realm.
- This character today
- This Session
- Time format:
- Time played this session
- Times will be displayed in the selected format.
- Today
- Total Played Today
- Total played today
- Turn Off
- Use color
- Use the string '%s' (without the quotes) to display the timer duration.
- Whisper