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Profession launcher objects for any Broker display
I suck, I quit the game for months and neglected to fix this. It should be displaying correctly as of Give it a whirl and let me know if your objects still hide themselves on login/reload, and what display you're using if so.
Unsure if its some other addon thats causing it, but within the last week or two my broker professions seems to only display alchemy and my cooking, archeology and first aid have vanished from the broker bar and i cant get them back.
It seems to me that the buttons disappear (and won't appear in the TitanBar configuration as possible Broker Addon) if I do a reloadui through /reloadui or through ACP. Only if I reloadui through logging out and re-logging in it works. And also the primary skills appear as professions_1 and professions2 at all times.
My primary skills just show up as professions_1 and professions_2 not the name of the skill and they don't keep their location on my bazooka bar. So temp fix I move the local primary skill data in the lua to the local secondary skill data in the lua. So it looks like this
Yes there is - just edit the Broker_Professions.lua file and remove professions_ from line 56. So it ends up saying local prof = ("%s"):format(index or spell)
function f:create(spell, icon, index) local prof = ("Profession_%s"):format(index or spell) if not f[prof] then f[prof] = LibStub("LibDataBroker-1.1"):NewDataObject(prof) f[prof].type = "launcher"
This has been corrected in
Unsure if its some other addon thats causing it, but within the last week or two my broker professions seems to only display alchemy and my cooking, archeology and first aid have vanished from the broker bar and i cant get them back.
And also the primary skills appear as professions_1 and professions2 at all times.
local primary = {
local secondary = {
(GetSpellInfo(78670)), -- Archaeology
(GetSpellInfo(2550)), -- Cooking
(GetSpellInfo(3273)), -- First Aid
(GetSpellInfo(2259)), -- Alchemy
(GetSpellInfo(2018)), -- Blacksmithing
(GetSpellInfo(7411)), -- Enchanting
(GetSpellInfo(4036)), -- Engineering
(GetSpellInfo(25229)), -- Jewelcrafting
(GetSpellInfo(2108)), -- Leatherworking
(GetSpellInfo(2656)), -- Smelting
(GetSpellInfo(3908)), -- Tailoring
(GetSpellInfo(53428)), -- Runeforging
(GetSpellInfo(45357)), -- Inscription
The buttons seem to not display properly when used with Minimap Button Frame. No LUA error is present, they're just not present within the frame.
So it ends up saying
local prof = ("%s"):format(index or spell)
Thats what I did :)
local prof = ("Profession_%s"):format(index or spell)
if not f[prof] then
f[prof] = LibStub("LibDataBroker-1.1"):NewDataObject(prof)
f[prof].type = "launcher"
find the exact contact
(GetSpellInfo(45358)), -- Inscription
into the "local tradeskills = {...." list.
(GetSpellInfo(45361)), -- Inscription
to your Broker_Professions.lua if you want to make this work with inscription.
You should update the wowinterface version. It is out of date wrt this one.