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I've noticed more than once now...
My toon shows on the addon that I got 14x% rested. Then I log in with that toon and I got less than 50% rested xp.
Is this an addon issue, OR maybe the "neutral" inkeeper / rest area give less rested xp than the addon counts for some reason?
The character in example is Monk, lvl67. And I've put it to "sleep" at a neutral inkeeper.
another toon checked on a different server
Monk, lvl67... addon said its 14x% rested, after logging in, standing at the inkeeper resting, it was only 34% actual rested. This time it was even a friendly reputation level inkeeper so I don't think thats the reason. Seems the rested time gives much less xp on higher level toons than the addon actually states?
Checked some toons because they were stated that they got 150% rested. And strangely indeed they had, even below lvl60 or above. So I start to assume that neutral inkeepers wont give as much rested xp as a friendly reputation inkeepers? O.O
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