All Namespaces
- All items repaired!
- Ask me
- Auto repair
- Average
- Back
- Cancel
- Chest
- Choose how do you want DurabilityInfo to handle item repairs at vendor.
- Choose the minimum reputation level for auto repair.
- Cost for faction reputation:
- Display Options
- Do nothing
- Durability
- Feet
- Finger0
- Finger1
- General Settings
- Guild bank does not have enough money.
- Guild bank does not have enough money. Using yours.
- Hands
- Head
- If lower ask me.
- Legs
- Lowest
- MainHand
- Minimum reputation:
- Myself
- Neck
- No
- Ok
- Only use guild bank.
- Pop up a confirmation box for lower reputations.
- Profiles
- Ranged
- Repair Options
- Repair type:
- Right-hint
- SecondaryHand
- Set maximum item durability to toggle the warning.
- Shirt
- Shoulder
- Show bags.
- Show each item.
- Tabard
- The guild
- Toggle to not repair with your money if guild does not have enough.
- Toggle to repair using guild bank.
- Toggle to show detailed item durability.
- Toggle to show durability for items in bags.
- Toggle to update while in combat. (could be CPU intensive)
- Toggle to warn you to repair upon entering a city.
- Trinket0
- Trinket1
- Update in combat.
- Use guild bank.
- Waist
- Warn Threshold
- Warn when in city.
- Who's paying for the repairs?\nIt Costs %s
- Wrist
- Yes
- You are only |cFFFFFF00%s|r with this NPC. Auto repair requires %s.\nDo you stil want to repair?
- You don't have enough money for repairs! You need
- Your items have been repaired for
- Your items have been repaired using guild bank for
- Your most broken item is at %s percent.\n Take the time to repair!