BuffEnough is a personal buff monitor that answers the simple question 'Am I buff enough?' If you're like me, when a raid leader does a ready check, you go through a mental checklist as you look over your buffs and gear, to make sure that you really are ready. Did I remember to do my own buff, do I have all pally blessings, do I have the correct pet out, am I still flasked/elixired, is my durability okay, did I forget to take off my riding crop, etc, etc.
This is what BuffEnough does for you. It scans the raid to figure out what you should have, and then scans your buffs and gear to figure out what you do have. If the box is green, the answer is 'yes', you're buff enough. If the box is red or yellow, then you're still missing something and hovering your mouse over the box will tell you what it is in the tooltip.
/be or /buffenough - brings up the command line list
/be config - brings up the config UI (can also be accessed by Blizzard's interface options)
In some cases, yes. There are so many different flasks and elixirs that it would be undesirable to catalog all of them so that part uses string matching. The drawback being that it doesn't work for non-localized countries. In the absence of localization, the work-around would be to add a custom buff check for the particular string you want.
Bug: Dual Spec Paladin, Tank and DPS.
I set up two profiles for BuffEnough, one Tank, other DPS.
DPS I set my blessing priority to Might > Kings > Wisdom > Sanctuary
This works just fine
Tank I set my blessing priority to Sanctuary > Kings > Might > Wisdom
This does not work properly and tells me I am missing Kings after I have swapped specs, swapped profiles, and cast Sanctuary on myself.
Request: Could we get the blessing priority tied to our specs in dual spec?
BuffEnough detects you as a tank via either oRA2 or CTRA setting you as a main tank target. If you're not one of those, it's going to warn you that you shouldn't be in defensive stance/frost presence/righteous fury.
i had an idea, maybe add functionality for this addon to work with pallypower to scan for assigned buffs. as it automatically says which buffs should be cast and that does not always match what we have chosen to use. if not no biggy just a request.
It doesn't support lower-level chars well, it seems (okay, not a big surprise). Case in point: it wants my L15 priest to do Divine Spirit. Which is of course nonsense, as he can't learn it before L30.
I've started looking into the code, but I've not gotten very far yet. At least I can look at the source freely, thanks for licensing it under GPL. :D Oh, and thanks for writing it anyway. :D
- Customize individual warning times, For example i have it custom watching for bone shield but have it set to warn me when my buffs are at less than 5 min, thus bone shield is always warning
- Pet setting agressive/passive/defensive and auto skills (like leap) to make sure if you have him set as desired. Cant tell you how many times my ghoul has lept into combat or was on passive in combat.
- split box to denote pet and self (half box me half box ghoul) or an extra box for pet
- dont know if this one is possible at all but buff cooldown recognition- ie Bone shield runs out and has a 2 min cooldown, if you manage to get hit xtimes and loose the buff well youve got a red box that now your ignoring in combat until boneshield recharges.
Would it be possible to add support for pet buff monitoring for hunters and warlocks? When my pet dies I always have to make sure that he gets back all the appropriate buffs and sometimes people are bad about rebuffing pets. I'd also like to be able to monitor that my pet has a food buff.
I set up two profiles for BuffEnough, one Tank, other DPS.
DPS I set my blessing priority to Might > Kings > Wisdom > Sanctuary
This works just fine
Tank I set my blessing priority to Sanctuary > Kings > Might > Wisdom
This does not work properly and tells me I am missing Kings after I have swapped specs, swapped profiles, and cast Sanctuary on myself.
Request: Could we get the blessing priority tied to our specs in dual spec?
I've started looking into the code, but I've not gotten very far yet. At least I can look at the source freely, thanks for licensing it under GPL. :D Oh, and thanks for writing it anyway. :D
few minor suggestions,
- Customize individual warning times, For example i have it custom watching for bone shield but have it set to warn me when my buffs are at less than 5 min, thus bone shield is always warning
- Pet setting agressive/passive/defensive and auto skills (like leap) to make sure if you have him set as desired. Cant tell you how many times my ghoul has lept into combat or was on passive in combat.
- split box to denote pet and self (half box me half box ghoul) or an extra box for pet
- dont know if this one is possible at all but buff cooldown recognition- ie Bone shield runs out and has a 2 min cooldown, if you manage to get hit xtimes and loose the buff well youve got a red box that now your ignoring in combat until boneshield recharges.
think thats it until im feeling more creative
As a mage, I would love a check to be sure I have a fully charged mana sapphire summoned.
Pre 3.1 it would if another priest had spec'd for it.