buffalo bug / crashdown #6

  • New
  • Defect
Assigned to _ForgeUser7189
  • _ForgeUser304352 created this issue Oct 17, 2010

    Submitted Via

    Curse Client, Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3

    Installed Version



    this addon makes errors occured and OS crash

    Steps to Reproduce

    just set the addon active

    Installed Addons

    !BugGrabber - r155 Ace2 - r1101 Ace3 - Release-r971 Ackis Recipe List - 2.0.4 Addon Control Panel - 3.3.8 AddonLoader - r113-release Advanced List Of Friends - 1.00-11 Advanced Timers - 3.44 Atlas - Atlas v1.17.1 Atlasloot Enhanced - v5.11.06 Auctioneer - Auctioneer Suite 5.8.4723 AuctionFilterPlus (fan's update) - 40000.1 AutoFlood - v1.1 BadBoy: Anti Spam Automatic Reporter - v6.150 Bagnon - 2.14.0b (No Guild Bank) Bartender4 - 4.4.12 Bartender4_Dualspec - v1.2 BasicMinimap - v1.73 Baud Error Frame - 1.3 Blizz_ButtonFacade - Blizz_ButtonFacade-r73012.1 Buffalo - v1.01 BuffWatcher - v62 ButtonFacade - 3.3.333 ButtonFacade: Apathy - 3.3.75 ButtonFacade: Caith - 3.3.57 ButtonFacade: Elegance - ButtonFacade_Elegance4.0 ButtonFacade: Onyx - 3.3.57 ButtonFacade: Trinity - 40000.1 ButtonFacade_ItemRack - v2.0 CharScanner - 30300-10 Chatter - v1.2.9-3 ClassLoot - v1.7.2 clcInfo - v. CurseProfiler 2.0 - v47 Deadly Boss Mods - Deadly Boss Mods 4.62-r4564 Deadly Boss Mods - Vanilla and BC mods - DBM-v4-r194-BC-Vanilla-Mods Decursive - DidINoteYou - v0.6 DKIRunes - Rev 2.0.1 Dominos - 1.19.6 Dominos_BuffTimes - v1.4.34 DrDamage - 1.7.8_release DruidStats I - 3.0.14 Stable EasyMail from Cosmos - 3.1.8 EQCompare - v2.0-beta Examiner - 10.10.10 FlightMap - v3.3 Gatherer - Gatherer 3.1.15 GatherMate - v.1.24 GearScore - GearScore 3.1.19 - Release GearScoreLite - GearScoreLite 3x04 HealPoints - v3.2 HoloFriends (continued) - v0.455-4.0.1 ImprovedErrorFrame - 3.41 InFlight Taxi Timer - 3.3.005 Item Notes - ItemNotes-v104.zip ItemInfo - 5.0.1 - alpha, unfinished :( ItemValue - ItemValue-r80435.4 LibBuffet-1.0 - v0.2-beta Mappy - 3.0.1 MoveAnything - 11.b4.2 Omen Threat Meter - v3.0.11 OmniCC - 3.1.4 OmniCC Pulse - 1.1.2 oRA2 - r673-release oRA3 - r450 oUF : oUF: Core - 1.5.2 oUF Caellian - 151010 r100 Ovale Spell Priority - 4.0.5 Overachiever - achievement tools and tweaks - v0.56 PallyPower - v4.0.15 PallyPowerInfo - v3.1.03-release PhanxBuffs - Plagued - r32-release Postman - v4.0-2 ProcNotes - ProcNotes 1.5.9 ProfessionsBook - 3.0.4 Raid Tracker - 2.2.62 RangeDisplay - v3.8.4 RatingBuster - 1.5.0 Recipe Book - 3.3.2 beta 2 Recount - v4.0.1b release SatrinaBuffFrame - 3.1.24 ScrollingCombatText - v6.51 Skinner - b4.13164.3 StatFrameLib - r40 StatLogicLib - r203 TankPoints - 2.8.6 tekticles - Titan Panel - Titan Panel [Currency] - Titan Panel [Currency] Titan Panel [DualSpec] - 1.6.1 Titan Panel [Durability] - 1.17 Titan Panel [RaidIDs] - TitanRaidIds_2.4.41.zip UnderAchiever - Automatic Fake Achievement Links! - UnderAchiever_v3.3.5b Vamp - r110-release VampArrow - r26-release wack dk - proc announce - wack dk - proc announce X-Perl UnitFrames - r435

  • _ForgeUser304352 added the tags New Defect Oct 17, 2010

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