Bulk Mail
Addon Support Statement
NEWS: Updated for Legion. Enjoy!Addon Description
Bulk mail sending made really easy. Bulk Mail also offers the unique ability to automatically send emails based on rules you configure. This is very useful and powerful if you have bank alts that for specific resources. With a few clicks you can now send all collected items to the right alt simply by opening the send mail page.Bulk Mail is originally written by hyperactiveChipmunk. NeoTron just took over the addon with his blessing and will work on moving to Ace3 and adding support for LibDataBroker.
Bulk Mail v4.0 Beta
BulkMail v4.0 beta is now available for download. The beta is a complete move to Ace 3, LibQTip, LibDropdown and other modern version of the libraries used. Please report any issues with this version so I can fix it. Right now the Ace2 configuration will be kept around in case you decide to downgrade. Note however that Ace3 configuration will not be downgraded to the Ace2 configuration.Version History Explained
BulkMail 2 (version 2.x) was the version during Burning Crusade.
BulkMail 2 (version 3.x) was the version during Wrath of the Lich King.
BulkMail 2 (version 4.x) is the new Ace3 based version.
BulkMail 2 v7.x is updated for Legion.
I'm not able to scroll through my list of items being sent to specific characters and also receiving the following error:
1x BulkMail2\BulkMail.lua:1082: Usage: GetItemSubClassInfo(itemClassID, itemSubClassID)
[C]: in function `GetItemSubClassInfo'
BulkMail2\BulkMail.lua:1082: in function <BulkMail2\BulkMail.lua:1076>
BulkMail2\BulkMail.lua:1110: in function <BulkMail2\BulkMail.lua:1089>
BulkMail2\BulkMail.lua:1198: in function `OpenEditTooltipGUI'
BulkMail2\BulkMail.lua:1163: in function `RefreshEditTooltipGUI'
BulkMail2\BulkMail.lua:1073: in function `_OnMouseUp_func'
...Ons\AckisRecipeList\libs\LibQTip-1.0\LibQTip-1.0-46.lua:1337: in function <...Ons\AckisRecipeList\libs\LibQTip-1.0\LibQTip-1.0.lua:1336>
(*temporary) = "Armor"
(*temporary) = "Cloth"
I'll take a look for the errors.
I am guessing this project is dead considering it has not been updated in over a year. Am I correct in my assumption?
Is this add-on going to fixed and updated for 7.3.0? I want to know so that I know if i should just delete it.
In reply to MrWizard516:
With a caged battle pet in my bags, I get an error on line 256 of BulkMail2.lua:
3x BulkMail2\BulkMail.lua:257: Usage: GetItemInfo(itemID|"name"|"itemlink")
I added some debugging prints just before it, and I see plenty of good entries, but when it gets to an Untethered Wyrmling, the itemID ends up being nil.
I found this post which suggests that those items have a different form of item link:
So the function isn't finding a substring of form item:#### and then passes that to GetItemInfo()
I just added a
if itemID == nil then return end
right after the itemID extraction on line 250, which prevents the crash and seems like a fair defensive measure. Given that we're in a table lookup function, you're not going to be able to do much with a nil key.
Thank you so much!
Bulk Mail wouldn't let me send mails after having a caged pet in the inventory, adding your line in the .lua fixed it.
I cannot seem to get passed this error in order to modify my list,
Date: 2016-10-03 18:48:39
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ...s\BulkMail2\Libs\LibDropdown-1.0\LibDropdown-1.0.lua line 992:
attempt to index field 'name' (a number value)
[C]: sort()
...s\BulkMail2\Libs\LibDropdown-1.0\LibDropdown-1.0.lua:1024: handler()
a = <table> {
name = 0
type = "toggle"
b = <table> {
name = 1
type = "toggle"
(*temporary) = 1
(*temporary) = 1
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'name' (a number value)"
MoncaiCompare, v7.0.1
Swatter, v7.1.5675 (TasmanianThylacine)
ACP, v3.4.29
ArtifactPathFinder, v1.4.1
AucAdvanced, v7.1.5675 (TasmanianThylacine)
AucFilterBasic, v7.1.5675 (TasmanianThylacine)
AucFilterOutlier, v7.1.5675.5459(7.1/embedded)
AucMatchUndercut, v7.1.5675.5585(7.1/embedded)
AucStatHistogram, v7.1.5675 (TasmanianThylacine)
AucStatiLevel, v7.1.5675 (TasmanianThylacine)
AucStatPurchased, v7.1.5675 (TasmanianThylacine)
AucStatSales, v7.1.5675.5598(7.1/embedded)
AucStatSimple, v7.1.5675 (TasmanianThylacine)
AucStatStdDev, v7.1.5675 (TasmanianThylacine)
AucStatWOWEcon, v7.1.5675.5613(7.1/embedded)
AucUtilAHWindowControl, v7.1.5675.5575(7.1/embedded)
AucUtilAppraiser, v7.1.5675.5666(7.1/embedded)
AucUtilAskPrice, v7.1.5675.5599(7.1/embedded)
AucUtilAutoMagic, v7.1.5675.5587(7.1/embedded)
AucUtilBSH, vv2.0.0
AucUtilCompactUI, v7.1.5675.5629(7.1/embedded)
AucUtilEasyBuyout, v7.1.5675.5576(7.1/embedded)
AucUtilFixAH, v7.1.5675 (TasmanianThylacine)
AucUtilItemSuggest, v7.1.5675.5651(7.1/embedded)
AucUtilPriceLevel, v7.1.5675.5633(7.1/embedded)
AucUtilScanButton, v7.1.5675.5631(7.1/embedded)
AucUtilScanFinish, v7.1.5675.5588(7.1/embedded)
AucUtilScanProgress, v7.1.5675.4979(7.1/embedded)
AucUtilScanStart, v7.1.5675.5347(7.1/embedded)
AucUtilSearchUI, v7.1.5675.5672(7.1/embedded)
AucUtilSimpleAuction, v7.1.5675.5654(7.1/embedded)
AucUtilVendMarkup, v7.1.5675.4828(7.1/embedded)
AutoGratzer, v2.0.2
Babylonian, v5.1.DEV.332(/embedded)
BeanCounter, v7.1.5675 (TasmanianThylacine)
BulkMail2, v5.0.1
BulkMail2Inbox, v7.0.0
BuyEmAll, v3.3.0
Configator, v5.1.DEV.406(/embedded)
CurseProfiler, v
DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.337(/embedded)
HandyNotes, vv1.4.9
HandyNotesLegionRaresTreasures, v1.01a
HandyNotesLegionTreasures, v1
HandyNotesWorldMapButton, v2.5
Informant, v7.1.5675 (TasmanianThylacine)
LegionTreasures, v7.0.3.22248
LevelUpAnnouncer, v
LibExtraTip, v5.12.DEV.412(/embedded)
MinimapButtonFrame, v3.1.10e
MinimapButtonFrameSkinPack, v3.0.1b
OneBag3, vv3.8.5
OneBank3, vv3.7.6
ReagentHelper2, v2.1
SellJunk, v3.0.13
SellOMatic2, va066
SellOMatic2Destroy, va066
SellOMatic2Item, va066
SellOMatic2List, va066
Skada, v1.5-11
SkadaLightwell, v1.4
skadaselfhealing, v1.7
SkadaWindowButtons, v1.0
SlideBar, v7.1.5675 (TasmanianThylacine)
Stubby, v7.1.5675 (TasmanianThylacine)
TipHelper, v5.12.DEV.405(/embedded)
Titan, v5.8.0.70000
TitanBag, v5.8.0.70000
TitanClock, v5.8.0.70000
TitanCurrency, v7.0.3a
TitanDurability, v1.24
TitanGold, v5.8.0.70000
TitanGuild, v7.0.3.3
TitanHonor, v1.04
TitanLocation, v5.8.0.70000
TitanLootType, v5.8.0.70000
TitanMail, v7.01
TitanPerformance, v5.8.0.70000
TitanQuestCounter, v0.1.4.41100
TitanRepair, v5.8.0.70000
TitanReputation, v3.8.7b
TitanRestPlus, v7.0.3.0
TitanRoll, v
TitanSkills, v1.6
TitanSocial, v7.0.3
TitanVolume, v5.8.0.70000
TitanXP, v5.8.0.70000
TomTom, vv70000-1.1.0
TomTomPing, v1.3 r038
BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v7.0.3.70000 <none>
Atm, I can't cache more than 12 items to send without getting some BAD, BAD lag, including freezing the game.
The main problem I'm seeing right now is pretty much any action I do with this addon with the Send Mail window such as typing in the To: box causes the "Send cache cleanup" message to appear in chat. I don't know what that means or how to fix it. Also it would be great if the options you can find in the databroker plugin could also be accessed from the Send Mail window, since it sounds like some people are used to that and I was initially confused as well on how to edit rules until I found the Bazooka button.
Hello! Thank you for keeping this AddOn going, it is incredibly useful!
I first updated yesterday, to r342. Bulk Mail didn't launch on my "Send Mail" tab at the mailbox, and though it was in the "Interface/Addons" options list, it was just blank, no data.
A few hours ago I updated to r343. It still fails to launch in-game (the "Send Mail" tab has no Bulk Mail window attached). The options at least appear now on the "Interface/Addons" tab, but when I choose "Auto Send Commands/Edit Destinations," the window with all my rules opens, but attempting to click the rules to modify or create a new one generates a "Send cache cleanup" error message in the chat window.
One of my all-time favorite AddOns, just gonna keep updating as you release until everything is ironed out. :)
Hmm. Did you get the one that's tagged as release? It worked in my limited testing. Unfortunately I'm traveling soon so not sure how much I'll be able to look at this in the next month or so.
According to the changelog .txt, it is r343.
Is there any alternative? Legion/PrePatch killed that Addon :(
I'll see if I can get it up and running again...
Thank you so much. Miss this so much already as it is so useful. Inbox seems fine just the send button is locked like it used to be when cages came out and the broker link is gone. Manually accessing destinations via interface they are all still there. You rock for giving fixing it a go.
It's back up and running. Let me know if there's any issues.
Seeing that this addon is not receiving updates since 2014, I decided to write from scratch MailCommander.
In MailComamnder sending lists are globally defined for recipient, but can also be customized on the combination sender/item(recipient, so you are not forced to have a toon receiving ALL your supplies of one items, but for example if you have two miners, you can have one sending ore to your blacksmith while the other sends them to your engineer.
If you were missing (as I did) Bulk Mail, i think you can give a try at MailCommander. It's quite in an early stage but I am using it and it's working well enough.
I really could use some test and suggestions.
Thank you
The correct link is
hello, I would like to send objects linked to the account, but I can not
Help plz