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UploadedDec 30, 2007
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Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 2.3.3
r57510 | xinhuan | 2007-12-26 16:06:56 -0500 (Wed, 26 Dec 2007) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Cartographer/Cartographer_Notes/Notes.lua
M /trunk/Cartographer/Cartographer_Waypoints/Waypoints.lua
Cartographer: Replace "ToggleMiniMapRotation" function hook with listening for CVAR_UPDATE event instead to properly detect minimap rotation change in both _Waypoints and _Notes modules.
r57506 | xinhuan | 2007-12-26 15:37:39 -0500 (Wed, 26 Dec 2007) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Cartographer/Cartographer_Waypoints/Waypoints.lua
Cartographer: Cleanup the Cartographer_Waypoints:OnEnable() function so that it doesn't do initialization stuff twice (or more) that should only be done once per login.
r57503 | xinhuan | 2007-12-26 14:07:52 -0500 (Wed, 26 Dec 2007) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Cartographer/Cartographer_Waypoints/Waypoints.lua
Cartographer: - Add missing Cartographer_Waypoints:OnDisable() and changed :OnEnable() slightly so that the module actually enables and disables properly.
~smack Wobin
r57492 | xinhuan | 2007-12-26 10:59:46 -0500 (Wed, 26 Dec 2007) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Cartographer/Cartographer_Waypoints/Waypoints.lua
Cartographer: Add three small APIs to _Waypoints for _Routes to use.
r57487 | xinhuan | 2007-12-26 09:31:31 -0500 (Wed, 26 Dec 2007) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Cartographer/Cartographer_Waypoints/Waypoints.lua
Cartographer: Fix bug in _Waypoints where "WaypointHit" Rock event is never dispatched and "CartographerWaypoints_WaypointHit" Ace2 event is never triggered.
r57321 | xinhuan | 2007-12-22 03:02:24 -0500 (Sat, 22 Dec 2007) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Cartographer/Cartographer_Professions/Professions.lua
- Add Fishing
r56775 | fieroivan | 2007-12-09 20:34:56 -0500 (Sun, 09 Dec 2007) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Cartographer/Cartographer_InstanceNotes/notes.lua
Cartographer: fix Zul'Farrak map notes
r56557 | whitetooth | 2007-12-03 22:58:42 -0500 (Mon, 03 Dec 2007) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Cartographer/Cartographer_Professions/Professions.lua
Cartographer: Fixed line 214 error
r56397 | scorpio0920 | 2007-12-01 12:57:47 -0500 (Sat, 01 Dec 2007) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Cartographer/Cartographer_InstanceNotes/zhTW.lua
- Update zhTW translation.
r56068 | arrowmaster | 2007-11-26 15:54:07 -0500 (Mon, 26 Nov 2007) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Cartographer/Cartographer.lua
M /trunk/Cartographer/Cartographer_Battlegrounds/Battlegrounds.lua
M /trunk/Cartographer/Cartographer_Coordinates/Coordinates.lua
M /trunk/Cartographer/Cartographer_Foglight/Foglight.lua
M /trunk/Cartographer/Cartographer_GroupColors/GroupColors.lua
M /trunk/Cartographer/Cartographer_GuildPositions/GuildPositions.lua
M /trunk/Cartographer/Cartographer_InstanceLoot/InstanceLoot.lua
M /trunk/Cartographer/Cartographer_InstanceMaps/Data.lua
M /trunk/Cartographer/Cartographer_InstanceMaps/InstanceMaps.lua
M /trunk/Cartographer/Cartographer_InstanceNotes/enUS.lua
M /trunk/Cartographer/Cartographer_InstanceNotes/esES.lua
M /trunk/Cartographer/Cartographer_InstanceNotes/module.lua
M /trunk/Cartographer/Cartographer_InstanceNotes/notes.lua
M /trunk/Cartographer/Cartographer_InstanceNotes/zhCN.lua
M /trunk/Cartographer/Cartographer_LookNFeel/LookNFeel.lua
M /trunk/Cartographer/Cartographer_Notes/Notes.lua
M /trunk/Cartographer/Cartographer_POI/POI.lua
M /trunk/Cartographer/Cartographer_Professions/Professions.lua
M /trunk/Cartographer/Cartographer_Waypoints/GuildPoint.lua
M /trunk/Cartographer/Cartographer_Waypoints/NotePoint.lua
M /trunk/Cartographer/Cartographer_Waypoints/PartyPoint.lua
M /trunk/Cartographer/Cartographer_Waypoints/WayPoint.lua
M /trunk/Cartographer/Cartographer_Waypoints/Waypoints.lua
M /trunk/Cartographer/Cartographer_ZoneInfo/ZoneInfo.lua
Cartographer: change Rock() calls to AceLibrary() calls for pure AceLibrary libs to try to work around a load order bug, also try to make the other files error cleaner if cartographer.lua fails to load due to an error