Cartographer_QuestInfo is a quest library module for Cartographer.
Cartographer_QuestInfo has built-in database for quests, no need to record quest first, you get the info instantly.
- Provide info for nearly every quest. Quest info are data mined from wowhead/allakhazam/wowbox website, so it is almost complete and up-to-date.
- Provide quest start and end npc or item info, you get the name and location.
- Provide quest objective info, you get the mob level and location.
- Provide quest series info.
- Add quest level to quest log and NPC dialog.
- Works on enUS, frFR, deDE, esES, koKR, ruRU, zhCN, zhTW client.
I tried asking the author of MetaMap (, but I didn't start the begging up to now.
HandyNotes could also be a possible framework for a future Questinfo addon.
At the moment there is nothing that can replace this addon. /mourne
This was the ONLY reason for the last year or so that I ran cart, and now with 3.3 that is totally broken, fork stuck in etc.
please please please please update this! I cannot play this game without my little red dots! =)
I wanted to mention that I love this, so hope it can work with Mapster at some point now that Cartographer has become unusable.
I just wanted to express my support for continued development/support of this project. I realize the Cartographer team doesn't plan to update their project, but I am hoping you will either make Cartographer_QuestInfo independent or alter it to work with another map addon.
I really like and prefer your design over all of the other questing addons available. It is a superb design, and I hope you keep it alive.
Thank you.
I have a probleme with this addon since the 3.3. I cannot click on the objectives on my quest log. So I cannot see the objectives on my map... Does a solution exist or I have to wait for a questinfo update ??? Thanks to answer me, 'cause I am lost since the 3.3 ^^
Cartographer_Questinfo was my only reason for clinging to Cartographer but now both seem dead.
Or would this addons author think about transferring this to support MetaMap or Mapster maybe?
I guess we have to look for another good quest info addon.
Anyone any suggestions ?
I need this. Thank u for your oder
Message: Interface\AddOns\Cartographer_QuestInfo\Map.lua:55: attempt to index upvalue 'CN' (a nil value)
Time: Wed Nov 18 14:12:35 2009
Count: 1
Stack: [string "Interface\FrameXML\BasicControls.xml:<Scrip..."]:18: in function <[string "Interface\FrameXML\BasicControls.xml:<Scrip..."]:4>
(tail call): ?
...AddOns\Cartographer\libs\LibRock-1.0\LibRock-1.0.lua:2463: in function <...AddOns\Cartographer\libs\LibRock-1.0\LibRock-1.0.lua:2436>
...AddOns\Cartographer\libs\LibRock-1.0\LibRock-1.0.lua:2528: in function `RecheckEnabledStates'
...libs\LibRockModuleCore-1.0\LibRockModuleCore-1.0.lua:691: in function `ToggleModuleActive'
Interface\AddOns\Cartographer\Cartographer.lua:950: in function <Interface\AddOns\Cartographer\Cartographer.lua:944>
[C]: ?
...grapher\libs\LibRockConfig-1.0\LibRockConfig-1.0.lua:2010: in function <...grapher\libs\LibRockConfig-1.0\LibRockConfig-1.0.lua:1902>
...grapher\libs\LibRockConfig-1.0\LibRockConfig-1.0.lua:4422: in function <...grapher\libs\LibRockConfig-1.0\LibRockConfig-1.0.lua:4418>
Locals: Sometimes debuglocals() returns nothing, it's one of those times... (FYI: This message is a HotFix from Decursive to prevent a C stack overflow)
When comes a fix for the Problem or is this addon inactive?
it's useful for all beginer