Uploaded by
UploadedDec 21, 2012
Size13.71 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 5.1.0
r13 | scotepi | 2012-12-21 06:18:22 +0000 (Fri, 21 Dec 2012) | 6 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/.pkgmeta
M /trunk/CharacterInfoDurability.lua
M /trunk/CharacterInfoDurability.toc
Attempt to remove LibStub/tests
Molded more after ChangeMe
Added Repair pop up that asks if you want to use Personal or Guild funds
Added rough option for autorepair, you active by using /cid autorepair or force it /cid autorepair on|off
you can also use /cid useguild to toggle using guild funds for auto repair
Added help output for /cid
r12 | scotepi | 2012-12-17 22:30:53 +0000 (Mon, 17 Dec 2012) | 4 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/CharacterInfoDurability.lua
Fixed red (under 25%) to be more legible
Fixed some issues if you are naked
Added event PLAYER_DEAD
r11 | scotepi | 2012-12-17 21:28:40 +0000 (Mon, 17 Dec 2012) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/CharacterInfoDurability.lua
Added a separator on the version output while loading
If your lowest item is less then 35% it will be colored in the stats frame
r9 | scotepi | 2012-12-17 05:04:38 +0000 (Mon, 17 Dec 2012) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/CharacterInfoDurability.toc
Added CallbackHandler-1.0 as an OptionalDeps
r8 | scotepi | 2012-12-17 04:57:37 +0000 (Mon, 17 Dec 2012) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/.pkgmeta
M /trunk/CharacterInfoDurability.toc
M /trunk/Libs
Added CallbackHandler-1.0
r7 | scotepi | 2012-12-17 04:17:10 +0000 (Mon, 17 Dec 2012) | 5 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/CharacterInfoDurability.lua
M /trunk/CharacterInfoDurability.toc
D /trunk/embeds.xml
Removed embeds.xml and embedded everything in the toc
Added slash handlers for /cid /cinfodura and /charactertnfodurability
Added /cid color for toggling color or /cid color on/off for setting it a specific way
Added /cid debug to enabled debugging
If building goes ok this should be 0.2 or even 1.0
r6 | scotepi | 2012-12-17 03:40:16 +0000 (Mon, 17 Dec 2012) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/.pkgmeta
M /trunk/CharacterInfoDurability.lua
M /trunk/embeds.xml
Cleaned up .pkgmeta
Added option to click on LDB to toggle color
Removed LDB from no-lib-strip in embeds.xml
r5 | scotepi | 2012-12-17 03:29:09 +0000 (Mon, 17 Dec 2012) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/.pkgmeta
M /trunk/CharacterInfoDurability.lua
M /trunk/CharacterInfoDurability.toc
A /trunk/Libs
A /trunk/Libs/LibDataBroker-1.1
A /trunk/Libs/LibDataBroker-1.1/LibDataBroker-1.1.lua
A /trunk/embeds.xml
Added LibStub and LibDataBroker
Added LDB Support
r3 | scotepi | 2012-12-16 06:48:29 +0000 (Sun, 16 Dec 2012) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/.pkgmeta
D /trunk/Libs
D /trunk/embeds.xml
Removed junk
Updated .pkgmeta to properly pack the addon
r2 | scotepi | 2012-12-16 06:41:15 +0000 (Sun, 16 Dec 2012) | 1 line
Changed paths:
A /trunk/.pkgmeta
A /trunk/CharacterInfoDurability.lua
A /trunk/CharacterInfoDurability.toc
A /trunk/Libs
A /trunk/Libs/LibInspect
A /trunk/Libs/LibInspect/LibInspect.lua
A /trunk/Libs/LibInspect/LibInspect.toc
A /trunk/Libs/LibInspect/LibStub
A /trunk/Libs/LibInspect/LibStub/LibStub.lua
A /trunk/Libs/LibInspect/LibStub/LibStub.toc
A /trunk/Libs/LibInspect/LibStub/tests
A /trunk/Libs/LibInspect/LibStub/tests/test.lua
A /trunk/Libs/LibInspect/LibStub/tests/test2.lua
A /trunk/Libs/LibInspect/LibStub/tests/test3.lua
A /trunk/Libs/LibInspect/LibStub/tests/test4.lua
A /trunk/Libs/LibStub
A /trunk/Libs/LibStub/LibStub.lua
A /trunk/Libs/LibStub/LibStub.toc
A /trunk/Libs/LibStub/tests
A /trunk/Libs/LibStub/tests/test.lua
A /trunk/Libs/LibStub/tests/test2.lua
A /trunk/Libs/LibStub/tests/test3.lua
A /trunk/Libs/LibStub/tests/test4.lua
A /trunk/embeds.xml
Initial Import
r1 | svn | 2012-12-16 06:39:01 +0000 (Sun, 16 Dec 2012) | 1 line
Changed paths:
A /branches
A /tags
A /trunk
character-info-durability/mainline: Initial Import