Right click report ad in LFG, using the gear upgrade character. #19

Assigned to talryn
  • user_gf26jgnw56zv9din created this issue Jun 3, 2024



    Love this addon and don't want to disable it.


    I'm getting errors when right clicking to report ads,  which simply just removes them from my LFG. 


    I also get errors and have to disable the addon when I need to upgrade gear.


    Thanks for efforts and hope you get it sorted soon,  cheers

  • Talryn posted a comment Jun 18, 2024



    I was never able to find a way to add the menu items on units to edit notes without causing errors in some cases.  It has to do with how Blizzard restricts add ons.  There is an option in the settings to not add the menu items on units.  Look for a toggle called "Unit Menus-Edit Note".  That should stop the errors you are seeing.


    I have not see errors when you upgrade gear but it may be something new.  Unfortunately, I don't time to play the game anymore so there are some newer things I have not seen.  The reporting errors have been around for a while though because addons are not allowed to do anything involving them.

    Edited Jun 18, 2024
  • Talryn posted a comment Jun 18, 2024

    I should clarify what I said before.  There is a section of the settings called Interface Modifications.  Under that are several settings.  For the errors that occur in LFG, there are three settings you can disable that all begin with "LFG".  You may not even use those features.  To disable the Edit Note added to all the context menus for the various units, that is the "Unit Menus-Edit Note" option.  Hopefully that isn't the one causing issues but disabling all of those would stop errors but it also removes the menu items which are convenient.  Otherwise you have to use chat commands or minimap buttons.


    Changing any of those does require a reload of the game client.  Just trying /reload should be enough.


    I will take a look and see if there is a new way to resolve the errors but it may not be possible.


  • Talryn self-assigned this issue Jun 18, 2024

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