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I get the following LUA error when clicking on groups in LFG:
3x CharacterNotes/InterfaceMods.lua:591: attempt to index local 'contextData' (a nil value)[string "@CharacterNotes/InterfaceMods.lua"]:591: in function <CharacterNotes/InterfaceMods.lua:590>[string "@CharacterNotes/InterfaceMods.lua"]:595: in function <CharacterNotes/InterfaceMods.lua:594>[string "=(tail call)"]: ?[string "@Blizzard_Menu/Menu.lua"]:2436: in function <Blizzard_Menu/Menu.lua:2435>[string "=[C]"]: ?[string "@Blizzard_SharedXMLBase/CallbackRegistry.lua"]:144: in function <...eBlizzard_SharedXMLBase/CallbackRegistry.lua:143>[string "=[C]"]: ?[string "@Blizzard_SharedXMLBase/CallbackRegistry.lua"]:147: in function `TriggerEvent'[string "@Blizzard_Menu/Menu.lua"]:2413: in function <Blizzard_Menu/Menu.lua:2405>[string "=[C]"]: in function `securecallfunction'[string "@Blizzard_Menu/Menu.lua"]:2418: in function `PopulateDescription'[string "@Blizzard_Menu/MenuUtil.lua"]:157: in function `CreateContextMenu'[string "@Blizzard_GroupFinder/Mainline/LFGList.lua"]:3124: in function `LFGListSearchEntry_CreateContextMenu'[string "@Blizzard_GroupFinder/Mainline/LFGList.lua"]:3162: in function <...aceBlizzard_GroupFinder/Mainline/LFGList.lua:3159>[string "=[C]"]: ?
Locals:contextData = nil(*temporary) = nil(*temporary) = nil(*temporary) = nil(*temporary) = nil(*temporary) = "attempt to index local 'contextData' (a nil value)"
And if the addon is enabled, delisted groups will be forced to stay shown in the window.
Apparently the new menu system doesn't provide the context data for those LFG entries so it will not be able to add an Edit Note for the leaders. Until I find a way to fix it, I added a check that will at least prevent the error. Hopefully it would also fix your issue of delisted groups not being removed. The 11.0.3 release has this fix.
Thanks! The new version got rid of the LUA error and in the meantime I realized the stuck groups were not caused by this addon after all (it just seemed that way because they didn't appear for quite some time after disabling it).
I have edited the title to reflect this.
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