All Namespaces
- Add
- Add Menu Items
- Add Note
- AddMenuItems_OptionDesc
- Already Exists
- Are you sure you wish to delete the note for:
- Cancel
- Character Name
- Character Notes
- Clear
- Close
- Communities Tooltips
- CommunitiesTooltips_Opt
- Delete
- Delete Note
- Deleted note for %s
- Deleted rating for %s
- Edit
- Edit Note
- Edit Note for Leader
- Edit Note for Target
- Export
- Fields to Export
- Font
- Font Size
- General Options
- Guild Roster Tooltip
- GuildRosterTooltip_Opt
- Ignore Tooltips
- IgnoreTooltips_Opt
- Import
- Import/Export
- ImportDisclaimer
- ImportResult
- ImportStats
- Interface Modifications
- InterfaceModifications_Desc
- Invalid Name
- Left click
- LFG Applicant Tooltip
- LFG Group Menu-Edit Note
- LFG Leader Tooltip
- LFGApplicantTooltip_Opt
- LFGGroupMenuEditNote_Opt
- LFGLeaderTooltip_Opt
- Lock
- Lock_OptionDesc
- LockNoteTooltip_OptionDesc
- Maximum line length for a tooltip
- Minimap Button
- Minimap Menu
- MinimapMenu_Disc
- Monochrome
- Mouseover Highlighting
- Multiline Notes
- MultilineNotes_OptionDesc
- No note found for
- Note
- Note Display
- Note Links
- Note:
- NoteLinks_OptionDesc
- Notes Export
- Notes for Party and Raid Members
- Notes Import
- Notes Window
- NotesExport_Escape
- NotesExport_ExportLabel
- NotesExport_OptionDesc
- NotesImport_ImportLabel
- NotesImport_OptionDesc
- Options
- Outline
- Overwrite Existing
- Party Members
- Preview
- Raid Members
- Rating
- Remember Position
- RememberPosition_OptionDesc
- RememberPositionNoteTooltip_OptionDesc
- Right click
- Save
- Search
- Set note for %s: %s
- Set rating for %s: %d
- Show Notes
- Show notes at logon
- Show notes in tooltips
- Show notes with who results
- These options control if notes are displayed in the chat window for any members who have a note. Notes are shown when joining a raid or a new member joins.
- Thick Outline
- to open/close the configuration.
- to open/close the window
- to show the menu
- Toggle the minimap button
- Toggles displaying notes for party members.
- Toggles displaying notes for raid members.
- Toggles mouseover highlighting for tables.
- Toggles showing notes for /who results in the chat window.
- Toggles showing notes in unit tooltips.
- Toggles showing notes when a friend or guild memeber logs on.
- Toggles the display of informational messages
- Toggles the use of LibAlts data if present. If present and no note is found for a character, the note for the main will be shown if found.
- Tooltip Options
- Tooltip Wrap Length
- Unit Menus-Edit Note
- UnitMenusEdit_Opt
- Use LibAlts Data
- Verbose
- Wrap notes in tooltips at the specified line length. Subsequent lines are indented.
- Wrap Tooltips
- You must supply a note.
- You must supply a rating (-1, 0, 1).