combat log tab problem when chat frame at bottom of screen #1218

  • charleslaine created this issue Nov 8, 2018

    If I move the chatter frame down the very bottom left corner of the screen and if I then click on the combat log tab, the combat log panel is drawn in the wrong location.  Rather than just opening up where the chat window is placed, it is positioned higher up in the window, actually drawing on top of the other tabs.  I can still click the tabs even though they are visibly blocked by the combat log.


    It's only the combat log that does this strange behavior, and it happens only when the chat window is at the very bottom edge of the window.  Its the like the combat log has an extra invisible region along the bottom and along the left hand side that prevent it from being drawn completely down in the bottom left corner.

  • spardian329 posted a comment Apr 30, 2020

    I have the same issue. I also have the issues of the new windows(ie. separate whisper windows) that do the same thing.

    Not sure if this issue is related, but my first few messages in these new windows also don't appear.

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