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When hovering over the chat window you can see the background, even if the background alpha has been set to 0. I wrote a small chatter module that allows you to set the hover alpha:
File: HoverAlpha.lua
local addon, private = ... local Chatter = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon(addon) local mod = Chatter:NewModule("Hover Alpha", "AceHook-3.0","AceEvent-3.0") mod.modName = "Hover Alpha" local defaults = { profile = { hoverAlpha = 0 } } local options = { lines = { type = "range", name = "Hover Alpha", desc = "Sets the chat frame alpha on hover", min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.05, bigStep = 0.1, get = function() return mod.db.profile.hoverAlpha end, set = function(info, v) mod.db.profile.hoverAlpha = v; DEFAULT_CHATFRAME_ALPHA = v end } } function mod:OnInitialize() self.db = Chatter.db:RegisterNamespace(self:GetName(), defaults) end function mod:OnEnable() DEFAULT_CHATFRAME_ALPHA = mod.db.profile.hoverAlpha end function mod:Info() return "Sets the hover alpha of the chat frame." end function mod:GetOptions() return options end
Would be great if you could incorporate that into chatter!
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