Chatter is a comprehensive, lightweight, mega-configurable chat enhancement addon. It supports a whole bunch of stuff, including:
- Hiding buttons
- Custom aliases for channel names
- Coloring of player names by class or deterministic HSV formula, and player levels next to names
- Custom font and font size for your chat frames
- Custom background, border, and positioning for the edit box
- Option to let the edit box border color match the color of the channel you are typing in
- Channel colors remembered by name, rather than by number
- Scrolling your chat frames with the mouse wheel.
- Sticky channels, configurable
- Ability to copy a chat frame's contents to your clipboard
- Ability to copy URLs to your clipboard
- Ability to customize the background and border of your chat frames
- Timestamps
- A /tt command to send a tell to your target
- A module that turns the word "invite" into clickable links that let you invite the speaker.
- Highlights both for custom keywords in specific channels
- Chat fading toggles
- Text justification
- Autologging (Off by default)
- Alt linking
- Much larger and smaller chat frames than default
- A Groupsay (/gr) command to talk to your group, whether that's battleground, raid, or party.
- Chat Tab look-n-feel modifications
- Paging through chat tabs with the scroll wheel
Is there a way to get class color in chat back in Wrath?
Posting my comment from the other "Chatter" fan-addon in case someone is trying to trouble-shoot the issue with AltNames.
Disabling the "Alt Linking" feature no longer stops an error from popping up.
I tried Nulgar's fix below, which resolved nothing. I then briefly removed the AltNames.lua file from the folder and that did nothing. What finally made the error popup go away was modifying the modules.xml file to remove the following line:
This change results in the addon no longer attempting to load the affected module.
In reply to Sojourna:
In reply to Sojourna:
Cheers! all good for me now :)
This could use an update..
Is there a way to make the player's name colored in the "[PlayerName] has come online" messages? The Chatter -> Player Names -> Player Names option is checked.
Is there an update for this addon to work with TBC Classic? I have the old version from vanilla classic still running but many of the modules are broken.
The addon basically works but all the configurations reset every time I log out or reload ui
Is there a way to have a popup chat in the Highlights system ?
I want to be inform of Highlights with a popup chat up of my character..
As of 1-20-21 copy url does not work again. No idea why.
Any chance of getting Timestamps working for the CommunitiesFrame? I know you can have it working there with default wow UI, but then that disables the Chatter Timestamps in normal chat windows. Thanks!
Anyone have a version with working URL copy?
What are the commands to bring up the menu?
Does hilight work for anyone? it doesn't work for me, neither does the sound alerts.
In reply to pawnzee:
I cant get it to work either
Timestamps only show up on player messages and not on yells, loot logs, etc., which makes it hard to track things if you're not in a spot where people are talking.
The timestamp format is also being ignored, it just shows HH:MM instead of the HH:MM:SS I have selected.
The combat log does not stay inside the frame when the chat is dragged to the bottom left corner. :(
Great addon otherwise.
This addon hasn't let me change channel names in ages. Any idea why?
In reply to ThalliaGreystorm:
FYI - I maintain a different version of this addon that can replace General, Trade, and LocalDefense.
In reply to Cognisant:
After messaging someone, whenever I try to message someone else it always brings up the previous person. This happens even if I left click someone's name in chat or right click their portrait/click Whisper. Is this a setting somewhere?
Cant See Bnet Wispers.
Any Ideas ?