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    Apr 18, 2009
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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 3.1.0


r97 | sidoine | 2009-04-18 15:21:57 +0000 (Sat, 18 Apr 2009) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
   A /tags/3.1.1 (from /trunk:96)

- tag 3.1.1
r96 | sidoine | 2009-04-18 15:21:37 +0000 (Sat, 18 Apr 2009) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/Chinon.toc
   M /trunk/Chinon_Bouton.lua

- new syntax for UnitAura
r94 | sidoine | 2009-04-15 18:13:20 +0000 (Wed, 15 Apr 2009) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/Chinon.lua
   M /trunk/Chinon.toc
   M /trunk/Chinon_Bouton.lua

- toc update
- UnitThreatSituation(unit) may return nil
r93 | sidoine | 2009-03-15 18:46:51 +0000 (Sun, 15 Mar 2009) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/Chinon.lua

- bux fix: life bar option was not displayed
- show first spellbook page in spells list (for gift of naaru, herbalism)
r92 | sidoine | 2009-03-14 11:36:42 +0000 (Sat, 14 Mar 2009) | 5 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/Chinon.lua
   M /trunk/Chinon.toc
   D /trunk/ChinonDebuffs.lua
   A /trunk/Chinon_Bouton.lua (from /trunk/SoinBouton.lua:90
   A /trunk/Chinon_Bouton.xml (from /trunk/SoinBouton.xml:73
   A /trunk/Chinon_Data.lua (from /trunk/Data.lua:73
   A /trunk/Chinon_DataOptions.lua (from /trunk/EcranOptions.lua:81
   A /trunk/Chinon_Debuffs.lua (from /trunk/ChinonDebuffs.lua:73
   A /trunk/Chinon_Defauts.lua (from /trunk/DefautOptions.lua:90
   A /trunk/Chinon_Frame.lua (from /trunk/FrameSoin.lua:86
   A /trunk/Chinon_Frame.xml (from /trunk/FrameSoin.xml:73
   D /trunk/Data.lua
   D /trunk/DefautOptions.lua
   D /trunk/EcranOptions.lua
   D /trunk/FrameSoin.lua
   D /trunk/FrameSoin.xml
   M /trunk/Locale/enUS.lua
   M /trunk/Locale/frFR.lua
   D /trunk/SoinBouton.lua
   D /trunk/SoinBouton.xml

- added resurrect spells
- removed de-ranking which was not useful
- added resurrection monitor compatible with oRA and CT_Raid (experimental)
- should send CT_Raid compatible message if you resurrect somebody and CT_Raid or oRA is not installed
r91 | sayclub | 2009-03-09 00:11:31 +0000 (Mon, 09 Mar 2009) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/Locale/koKR.lua

- koKR update
r90 | sidoine | 2009-03-08 23:34:26 +0000 (Sun, 08 Mar 2009) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/Chinon.lua
   M /trunk/DefautOptions.lua
   M /trunk/Locale/enUS.lua
   M /trunk/Locale/frFR.lua
   M /trunk/SoinBouton.lua

- display out of combat buffs (fortitude, gift of the wild...)
- allows to cast a different spell if the user is out of combat
r88 | sidoine | 2009-03-07 13:17:41 +0000 (Sat, 07 Mar 2009) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/Chinon.toc
   M /trunk/DefautOptions.lua

- better default clicks for all classes
r86 | sidoine | 2009-03-07 11:34:18 +0000 (Sat, 07 Mar 2009) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/Chinon.lua
   M /trunk/Chinon.toc
   M /trunk/FrameSoin.lua

- bug fix: displaying names would not work
- bug fix: custom target line should work better
r85 | sayclub | 2009-03-06 09:49:30 +0000 (Fri, 06 Mar 2009) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/Locale/koKR.lua

- koKR update
r83 | sidoine | 2009-03-05 21:04:15 +0000 (Thu, 05 Mar 2009) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/Chinon.toc
   M /trunk/SoinBouton.lua

- small bug
r81 | sidoine | 2009-03-05 20:47:23 +0000 (Thu, 05 Mar 2009) | 4 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/Chinon.lua
   M /trunk/Chinon.toc
   M /trunk/DefautOptions.lua
   M /trunk/EcranOptions.lua
   M /trunk/FrameSoin.lua
   M /trunk/Locale/enUS.lua
   M /trunk/Locale/frFR.lua
   M /trunk/SoinBouton.lua

- option to add or remove a player or a pet to a custom line (command line only and in raid with more than 5 players only, type /chinon)
- option to show mana bar
- option to show a deadly debuff that can not be dispelled but that should be healed through (e.g. the spell from KT): displayed in white
r80 | sidoine | 2009-02-28 14:41:16 +0000 (Sat, 28 Feb 2009) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/SoinBouton.lua

- color code when buff expires
r79 | sidoine | 2009-02-28 14:35:59 +0000 (Sat, 28 Feb 2009) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/SoinBouton.lua

- buff in red 3s before expiration
r77 | sidoine | 2009-02-15 18:38:28 +0000 (Sun, 15 Feb 2009) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/Chinon.toc

-toc update
r76 | sidoine | 2009-02-10 23:38:04 +0000 (Tue, 10 Feb 2009) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/Chinon.lua
   M /trunk/DefautOptions.lua
   M /trunk/Locale/enUS.lua
   M /trunk/Locale/frFR.lua
   M /trunk/SoinBouton.lua

- option to show the buffs cast by other players
r74 | Sidoine | 2009-01-24 11:02:16 +0000 (Sat, 24 Jan 2009) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/DefautOptions.lua

- added prayer of mending buff to default priest config
r73 | Sidoine | 2009-01-24 10:18:29 +0000 (Sat, 24 Jan 2009) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/FrameSoin.lua

- bug with cooldown icons
- stupid code removed
r72 | Sidoine | 2009-01-22 20:29:50 +0000 (Thu, 22 Jan 2009) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/Chinon.toc
   M /trunk/FrameSoin.lua

- syntax change in GetSpellTexture
r71 | Sidoine | 2009-01-18 20:39:55 +0000 (Sun, 18 Jan 2009) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/EcranOptions.lua

-text that was not localized
r69 | Sidoine | 2009-01-18 11:09:01 +0000 (Sun, 18 Jan 2009) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/Chinon.toc

-version number
r68 | Sidoine | 2009-01-18 11:08:23 +0000 (Sun, 18 Jan 2009) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/Chinon.lua
   M /trunk/Data.lua
   M /trunk/DefautOptions.lua
   M /trunk/EcranOptions.lua
   M /trunk/Locale/enUS.lua
   M /trunk/Locale/frFR.lua
   M /trunk/SoinBouton.lua

- can type directly the spell name instead of its identifier
- can display unit name on the button
r66 | Sidoine | 2009-01-11 12:53:44 +0000 (Sun, 11 Jan 2009) | 4 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/Chinon.lua
   M /trunk/Chinon.toc
   M /trunk/DefautOptions.lua
   M /trunk/FrameSoin.lua
   M /trunk/Locale/enUS.lua
   M /trunk/Locale/frFR.lua
   M /trunk/SoinBouton.lua

- can display a debuff icon (default: Forbearance or Weakened Soul)
- bug fix: group number not shown
- bug fix: self buff hidden after a change to the configuration
r64 | Sidoine | 2008-12-28 10:36:24 +0000 (Sun, 28 Dec 2008) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/ChinonDebuffs.lua
   M /trunk/FrameSoin.lua

- small bugs
r63 | Sidoine | 2008-12-28 10:03:09 +0000 (Sun, 28 Dec 2008) | 4 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/EcranOptions.lua
   M /trunk/SoinBouton.lua

- lost life in black
- options reordered
- life bar size bug
r62 | Sidoine | 2008-12-27 21:37:54 +0000 (Sat, 27 Dec 2008) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk

-update svn externals
r61 | Sidoine | 2008-12-27 21:20:14 +0000 (Sat, 27 Dec 2008) | 4 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/.pkgmeta
   M /trunk/Chinon.lua
   M /trunk/Chinon.toc
   M /trunk/ChinonDebuffs.lua
   M /trunk/DefautOptions.lua
   M /trunk/EcranOptions.lua
   M /trunk/FrameSoin.lua
   M /trunk/Locale/enUS.lua
   M /trunk/Locale/frFR.lua
   M /trunk/SoinBouton.lua
   M /trunk/embeds.xml

- customizable look using LibSharedMedia-3.0
- male and female should be on same line
- if too many pets, display them on two lines
r59 | Sidoine | 2008-12-15 00:19:56 +0000 (Mon, 15 Dec 2008) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/Chinon.toc
   M /trunk/FrameSoin.lua

- bug fixes
r58 | Sidoine | 2008-12-14 21:12:58 +0000 (Sun, 14 Dec 2008) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/FrameSoin.lua

- bugs in labels
- displays healing button in party mode when there is more than one button or when the healer has a pet
r57 | Sidoine | 2008-12-14 20:04:17 +0000 (Sun, 14 Dec 2008) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/FrameSoin.lua

- line label face correct line
r56 | Sidoine | 2008-12-14 20:02:05 +0000 (Sun, 14 Dec 2008) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/FrameSoin.lua

- self buff not displayed
- pets one same line as last group
r55 | Sidoine | 2008-12-14 19:46:21 +0000 (Sun, 14 Dec 2008) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/FrameSoin.lua

- #250
r54 | Sidoine | 2008-12-14 19:42:16 +0000 (Sun, 14 Dec 2008) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/FrameSoin.lua

- test
r53 | Sidoine | 2008-12-14 19:38:43 +0000 (Sun, 14 Dec 2008) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/FrameSoin.lua

- bug fixes
r51 | Sidoine | 2008-12-14 14:07:50 +0000 (Sun, 14 Dec 2008) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/Chinon.toc

- toc update
r50 | Sidoine | 2008-12-14 14:07:20 +0000 (Sun, 14 Dec 2008) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/Chinon.lua
   M /trunk/Chinon.toc
   A /trunk/ChinonDebuffs.lua
   M /trunk/DefautOptions.lua
   M /trunk/FrameSoin.lua
   M /trunk/FrameSoin.xml
   M /trunk/SoinBouton.lua
   M /trunk/SoinBouton.xml
   A /trunk/Texture/Portee.tga
   D /trunk/Texture/SoinBouton.tga

- better debuff popup
- slighty less ugly
r48 | Sidoine | 2008-12-14 01:11:44 +0000 (Sun, 14 Dec 2008) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/Chinon.toc

-version increased
r47 | Sidoine | 2008-12-14 01:11:03 +0000 (Sun, 14 Dec 2008) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/FrameSoin.lua

- bug when you don't have an ability
r45 | Sidoine | 2008-12-13 14:40:58 +0000 (Sat, 13 Dec 2008) | 5 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/Chinon.lua
   M /trunk/Chinon.toc
   M /trunk/DefautOptions.lua
   M /trunk/EcranOptions.lua
   M /trunk/FrameSoin.lua
   M /trunk/FrameSoin.xml
   M /trunk/Locale/enUS.lua
   M /trunk/Locale/frFR.lua
   M /trunk/SoinBouton.lua
   M /trunk/SoinBouton.xml

- buff icon
- spell cooldown icons
- bug with death knight fixed
- no more empty lines
r43 | Sidoine | 2008-10-23 23:31:50 +0000 (Thu, 23 Oct 2008) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/Chinon.lua
   M /trunk/DefautOptions.lua

- bug when adding a buff tracker
- riptide added to shaman default spells (shift right)
r41 | Sidoine | 2008-10-20 22:11:46 +0000 (Mon, 20 Oct 2008) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/SoinBouton.lua

- buff expiration time corrected
- use the new threat API to display which players have aggro
r39 | Sidoine | 2008-10-15 22:36:41 +0000 (Wed, 15 Oct 2008) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/Chinon.lua
   M /trunk/Chinon.toc
   M /trunk/SoinBouton.lua
   A /trunk/embeds.xml

- 3.0 support
r38 | Sidoine | 2008-10-05 19:13:27 +0000 (Sun, 05 Oct 2008) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/Chinon.toc

- libbabblespell was not removed from toc
r36 | Sidoine | 2008-10-05 18:48:50 +0000 (Sun, 05 Oct 2008) | 6 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/.pkgmeta
   M /trunk/Chinon.lua
   M /trunk/DefautOptions.lua
   M /trunk/Locale/enUS.lua
   M /trunk/Locale/frFR.lua
   M /trunk/SoinBouton.lua

- simple aggro tracker (displays a red dot if targettarget is target)
- option to show/hide this tracked added
- removed obsolete libbabblespell reference
- libincomingheal reference corrected
- pkgmeta corrected
r35 | root | 2008-09-29 22:17:01 +0000 (Mon, 29 Sep 2008) | 1 line
Changed paths:
   M /trunk
   A /trunk/.pkgmeta

Facilitate WowAce-on-CurseForge transition
r33 | root | 2008-09-29 20:57:44 +0000 (Mon, 29 Sep 2008) | 1 line
Changed paths:
   D /tmp/trunk/Chinon
   A /trunk (from /tmp/trunk/Chinon:32)

Importing old repo data under /trunk
r32 | Sidoine | 2008-09-13 11:07:41 +0000 (Sat, 13 Sep 2008) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
   M /tmp/trunk/Chinon/Chinon.lua
   M /tmp/trunk/Chinon/DefautOptions.lua
   M /tmp/trunk/Chinon/FrameSoin.lua
   M /tmp/trunk/Chinon/SoinBouton.lua

- more than one buff icon may be displayed at once
- better priest default configuration
r29 | Sidoine | 2008-07-15 20:58:30 +0000 (Tue, 15 Jul 2008) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
   M /tmp/trunk/Chinon/EcranOptions.lua
   M /tmp/trunk/Chinon/FrameSoin.lua
   M /tmp/trunk/Chinon/SoinBouton.lua

- bug fixes when adding a new button
r27 | Sidoine | 2008-04-20 16:14:10 +0000 (Sun, 20 Apr 2008) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
   M /tmp/trunk/Chinon/SoinBouton.lua

- wider incoming heal bar
r26 | Sidoine | 2008-04-19 14:35:53 +0000 (Sat, 19 Apr 2008) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
   M /tmp/trunk/Chinon/FrameSoin.lua
   M /tmp/trunk/Chinon/SoinBouton.lua
   M /tmp/trunk/Chinon/SoinBouton.xml
   A /tmp/trunk/Chinon/Texture
   A /tmp/trunk/Chinon/Texture/SoinBouton.tga

- fix memory usage
- add frame border
r25 | sayclub | 2008-04-14 01:06:07 +0000 (Mon, 14 Apr 2008) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
   M /tmp/trunk/Chinon/Chinon.toc
   A /tmp/trunk/Chinon/Locale/koKR.lua

 - Added koKR translation
r24 | Sidoine | 2008-04-13 15:32:00 +0000 (Sun, 13 Apr 2008) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
   M /tmp/trunk/Chinon

-Fix external reference
r23 | Sidoine | 2008-04-13 13:03:48 +0000 (Sun, 13 Apr 2008) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
   M /tmp/trunk/Chinon/FrameSoin.lua

- bug with pets in party
r22 | Sidoine | 2008-04-13 12:48:40 +0000 (Sun, 13 Apr 2008) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
   M /tmp/trunk/Chinon/DefautOptions.lua

- priest default to superior heal instead of normal (low level) heal
r21 | Sidoine | 2008-04-13 10:21:55 +0000 (Sun, 13 Apr 2008) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
   M /tmp/trunk/Chinon/Chinon.lua
   M /tmp/trunk/Chinon/Chinon.toc
   M /tmp/trunk/Chinon/SoinBouton.lua

- should recreate the spell list when it changes
- fix bug where debuffs were not correctly colored
r20 | Sidoine | 2008-04-12 23:48:10 +0000 (Sat, 12 Apr 2008) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
   M /tmp/trunk/Chinon/Chinon.lua
   M /tmp/trunk/Chinon/FrameSoin.lua
   M /tmp/trunk/Chinon/SoinBouton.lua

- Party was not correctly updated
- Labels were not aligned with buttons
r19 | Sidoine | 2008-04-12 22:22:02 +0000 (Sat, 12 Apr 2008) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
   M /tmp/trunk/Chinon
   M /tmp/trunk/Chinon/Chinon.toc

- Setting externals
- Fix a typo in Chinon.toc
r18 | Sidoine | 2008-04-12 22:04:07 +0000 (Sat, 12 Apr 2008) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
   A /tmp/trunk/Chinon
   A /tmp/trunk/Chinon/Chinon.lua
   A /tmp/trunk/Chinon/Chinon.toc
   A /tmp/trunk/Chinon/Data.lua
   A /tmp/trunk/Chinon/DefautOptions.lua
   A /tmp/trunk/Chinon/EcranOptions.lua
   A /tmp/trunk/Chinon/FrameSoin.lua
   A /tmp/trunk/Chinon/FrameSoin.xml
   A /tmp/trunk/Chinon/Locale
   A /tmp/trunk/Chinon/Locale/enUS.lua
   A /tmp/trunk/Chinon/Locale/frFR.lua
   A /tmp/trunk/Chinon/SoinBouton.lua
   A /tmp/trunk/Chinon/SoinBouton.xml

Chinon: initial commit
- Heal and decurse by clicking on customizable raid/party unit frames