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UploadedJan 21, 2010
Size182.95 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 3.3.0
r102 | yess | 2010-01-22 01:07:24 +0000 (Fri, 22 Jan 2010) | 4 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/ChocolateBar/Chocolate.lua
M /trunk/ChocolateBar/Core.lua
M /trunk/ChocolateBar/localization/enUS.lua
M /trunk/ChocolateBar_Options/Options.lua
added option to set the icon size.
fixed options do not open with healbot installed, ticket #30
r101 | yess | 2010-01-03 16:13:58 +0000 (Sun, 03 Jan 2010) | 4 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/ChocolateBar/Bar.lua
M /trunk/ChocolateBar/Chocolate.lua
M /trunk/ChocolateBar/Core.lua
M /trunk/ChocolateBar_Options/Options.lua
New plugis will now be correctly added towards the middle of the bar (data source as the most right on the left side, launcher as the most left on the right side).
Fixed: display correct plugin type in the options
Fixed: gap between plugins was not correct
r100 | yess | 2010-01-02 07:18:29 +0000 (Sat, 02 Jan 2010) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/ChocolateBar/Bar.lua
M /trunk/ChocolateBar/Core.lua
M /trunk/ChocolateBar_Options/Options.lua
fixed free placed bars not visible
r99 | yess | 2010-01-01 06:41:25 +0000 (Fri, 01 Jan 2010) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/ChocolateBar_Options/Options.lua
fixed error when changing font
r98 | yess | 2009-12-31 03:52:57 +0000 (Thu, 31 Dec 2009) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/ChocolateBar_Options/Options.lua
fixed: profile change bug, ticket #28
r97 | yess | 2009-12-29 04:41:54 +0000 (Tue, 29 Dec 2009) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/ChocolateBar/Core.lua
M /trunk/ChocolateBar/localization/enUS.lua
the options module will be enabled before trying to load it.
r96 | yess | 2009-12-27 00:36:32 +0000 (Sun, 27 Dec 2009) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/.pkgmeta
M /trunk/ChocolateBar/ChocolateBar.toc
M /trunk/ChocolateBar_Options/ChocolateBar_Options.toc
fixed AceConsole
r95 | yess | 2009-12-26 15:55:51 +0000 (Sat, 26 Dec 2009) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/.pkgmeta
D /trunk/Bar.lua
D /trunk/Chocolate.lua
A /trunk/ChocolateBar
A /trunk/ChocolateBar/Bar.lua (from /trunk/Bar.lua:94
A /trunk/ChocolateBar/Chocolate.lua (from /trunk/Chocolate.lua:94
A /trunk/ChocolateBar/ChocolateBar.toc (from /trunk/ChocolateBar.toc:94
A /trunk/ChocolateBar/Core.lua (from /trunk/Core.lua:94
A /trunk/ChocolateBar/DragAndDrop.lua (from /trunk/DragAndDrop.lua:94
A /trunk/ChocolateBar/MoreChocolate.lua (from /trunk/MoreChocolate.lua:94
A /trunk/ChocolateBar/libs (from /trunk/libs:94)
A /trunk/ChocolateBar/localization (from /trunk/localization:94)
M /trunk/ChocolateBar/localization/enUS.lua
A /trunk/ChocolateBar/pics (from /trunk/pics:94)
D /trunk/ChocolateBar.toc
A /trunk/ChocolateBar_Options
A /trunk/ChocolateBar_Options/ChocolateBar_Options.toc
A /trunk/ChocolateBar_Options/Options.lua
D /trunk/Core.lua
D /trunk/DragAndDrop.lua
D /trunk/MoreChocolate.lua
D /trunk/Options.lua
D /trunk/libs
D /trunk/localization
D /trunk/pics
Moved options to LOD module.
r94 | yess | 2009-12-19 03:32:29 +0000 (Sat, 19 Dec 2009) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Bar.lua
M /trunk/Options.lua
fixed the 1 pixel gap at the top.
disabled the offset x/y options for now.