Sticky bars disappear in fights... #82

  • New
  • Defect
Assigned to stanzilla
  • _ForgeUser266777 created this issue May 6, 2012

    What steps will reproduce the problem?

    What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

    What version of the product are you using? 2.3.40300.1

    Do you have an error log of what happened? yes, see below.

    Please provide any additional information below.

    1x ClassTimer\ClassTimer-2.3.40300.1.lua:391: bad argument #3 to "gsub" (string/function/table expected)
    <in C code>
    ClassTimer\ClassTimer-2.3.40300.1.lua:391: in function <ClassTimer\ClassTimer.lua:387>
    ClassTimer\ClassTimer-2.3.40300.1.lua:596: in function "StickyUpdate"
    ClassTimer\ClassTimer-2.3.40300.1.lua:76: in function <ClassTimer\ClassTimer.lua:66>

    text = "%s (%a) (%u)"
    spell = "Expose Armor"
    apps = 0
    unit = "target"
    str = "Expose Armor (%a) (target)"
    gsub = <func> =[C]:-1
    L = <table> {
    Set the color of the bars for always shown buffs = "Set the color of the bars for always shown buffs"
    Use Clicks = "Use Clicks"
    Add Sticky = "Add Sticky"
    <%s for spell, %a for applications, %n for name, %u for unit> = "<%s for spell, %a for applications, %n for name, %u for unit>"
    Scale = "Scale"
    Curse = "Curse"
    Display the AllInOne Bars this bar = "Display the AllInOne Bars this bar"
    Set the alpha of the bars = "Set the alpha of the bars"
    Text Color = "Text Color"
    Show Only Icons = "Show Only Icons"
    AlwaysShown buff Color = "AlwaysShown buff Color"
    target = "target"
    %dm = "%dm"
    Which Buffs to show. = "Which Buffs to show."
    Set the width of the bars = "Set the width of the bars"
    Other abilities = "Other abilities"
    Icon Position = "Icon Position"
    Shields = "Shields"
    %ds = "%ds"
    Different colors for different debuffs types = "Different colors for different debuffs types"
    %.1fs = "%.1fs"
    Set color for curses = "Set color for curses"
    Max time = "Max time"
    Set the color of the text for the bars = "Set the color of the text for the bars"
    Show only icons and timeleft = "Show only icons and timeleft"
    Bar Width = "Bar Width"
    Reverse sort = "Reverse sort"
    Right = "Right"
    Left = "Left"
    Bar Text = "Bar Text"
    Different colors = "Different colors"
    sticky = "sticky"
    Talents = "Talents"
    Font Size = "Font Size"
    general = "general"
    Curses = "Curses"
    Enable or disable timers = "Enable or disable timers"
    Background Color = "Background Color"
    Reversed = "Reversed"
    player = "player"
    focus = "focus"
    Normal = "Normal"
    Lock = "Lock"
    Time Text = "Time Text"
    AlwaysShown = "AlwaysShown"
    Extras = "Extras"
    Feral = "Feral"
    Set the color for always shown debuffs = "Set the color for always shown debuffs"
    Disease = "Disease"
    Race = "Race"
    Set the height of the bars = "Set the height of the bars"
    Add a custom timer = "Add a custom timer"
    Judgements = "Judgements"
    Frame Attributes = "Frame Attributes"
    Display the time remaining on buffs/debuffs on their bars = "Display the time remaining on buffs/debuffs on their bars"
    Enabled Units = "Enabled Units"
    Font = "Font"
    Set the color of the bars for debuffs = "Set the color of the bars for debuffs"
    Print timeleft and ability on right click = "Print timeleft and ability on right click"
    Traps = "Traps"
    Buffs = "Buffs"
    Change bar size depending on duration if its less that the max time setting = "Change bar size depending on duration if its less that the max time setting"
    Tweak the space between bars = "Tweak the space between bars"
    Enable Buffs = "Enable Buffs"
    Timers = "Timers"
    Set the color of the bars for buffs = "Set the color of the bars for buffs"
    Set the font used in the bars = "Set the font used in the bars"
    Reverse the bars (fill vs deplete) = "Reverse the bars (fill vs deplete)"
    Poison = "Poison"
    Bar Height = "Bar Height"
    Debuff Colors = "Debuff Colors"
    DOTs = "DOTs"
    Stuns = "Stuns"
    Alpha = "Alpha"
    Max time to change bar sizes for = "Max time to change bar sizes for"
    <Spell Name in games locale> = "<Spell Name in games locale>"
    Spacing = "Spacing"
    Abilities to track regardless of the caster = "Abilities to track regardless of the caster"
    Texture = "Texture"
    Show icons on buffs and debuffs = "Show icons on buffs and debuffs"
    Add a timer that is always shown = "Add a timer that is always shown"
    Bar Settings = "Bar Settings"
    AllInOne = "AllInOne"
    Set color for poisons = "Set color for poisons"
    Set the bar text = "Set the bar text"
    pet = "pet"
    Units = "Units"
    Toggle Cast Bar lock = "Toggle Cast Bar lock"
    %s, Drag to move = "%s, Drag to move"
    Reverse up/down sorting = "Reverse up/down sorting"
    Remove a custom timer = "Remove a custom timer"
    Remove an AlwaysShown timer = "Remove an AlwaysShown timer"
    Poisons = "Poisons"
    Buff Color = "Buff Color"
    Show = "Show"
    Set the font size for the bars = "Set the font size for the bars"
    Misc = "Misc"
    General = "General"

  • _ForgeUser266777 added the tags New Defect May 6, 2012

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